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    Life has hit a wall and I am thinking of relocating - where to though?

    What is that technique you are using? A special software?
  2. Q

    new to this forum

    Welcome here Willam :)
  3. Q

    Can you make comparisons with / through horary charts?

    The question my friend asked my if I could see if a share would outperform two other ones in future. How would I go about that in regards of choosing significators? Would I chose L1 for my friend, Ruler of the 5th house for the coin in question (quesited) and then how do I go about choosing the...
  4. Q

    new to this forum

    Thank you so much - that is so kind and hepful! Much appreciated! 🌞
  5. Q

    investment question

    The question is "will I (my friend, the quesistor) = Saturn in Domicile =+ be able to buy this coin/investment (house 5 ruler Mercury, peregrine and combust, for a price better than xxx by end of November. (his original question was actually "will xxx fall under xy price by end of November...
  6. Q

    My method: “Ankara” Horary

    Hi Dr Farr, I am fairly new to Horary astrology, only start learning it presently because it has helped me massively with buying things like house or car in the past. That is why I want to learn it and friend asked me a question regarding an investment. I asked him not to determine his...
  7. Q

    new to this forum

    Hi, I just joined this forum and am so glad I found it. So far I was interested and reading a lot about natal astrology and find it so helpful, but now I would like to get stuck into horary, which I attempted before but gave up on it as I found it too confusing. I am glad I found this forum and...