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  1. P

    Different ancient cultures, same beliefs

    Yeah...possible for those who were coexisting, but what about those who existed in different periods of time and their successors didn't had the same beliefs? How a belief can be shared with others cultures around the world if it didn't survived in its location of origin?
  2. P

    Different ancient cultures, same beliefs

    Because those "myths" are from the same allegorical story, which hide a profound truth that humans doesn't want to see. "Deities" always been everything but "spiritual entities" and that's why I always said that humans believes in illusions. Freedom of thought, obviously.
  3. P

    Charts without retrograde planets

    Profile pages have fixed IDs, usually. It would be complicated with changeable ones.
  4. P

    Charts without retrograde planets

    Oh...probably this forum generates the ID itself, based on some data, for a brief time when you search something. It remains cached for a while and then reset; that would explain why it happens.
  5. P

    Charts without retrograde planets

    The ID it's 8453217, not 8453127. Even so, thanks.
  6. P

    Charts without retrograde planets

    In fact, I didn't understood who's that Farr. Old member?
  7. P

    Just wanted to say that I appreciate your interest; always making curious questions or saying...

    Just wanted to say that I appreciate your interest; always making curious questions or saying things related to the topic. Humans should be more curious; I appreciate when someone is such.
  8. P

    Charts without retrograde planets

    I rarely consider it with other planets, but with the moon it can be useful and the phase is very important too. My moon is a third/last quarter and thus it have the meaning of knowledge, change and abandoning that leads me to my fate during my life. Since my birth I've experienced all of them...
  9. P

    Charts without retrograde planets

    Because discussing and searching for answers are two different things; I discuss to find similar ideas or maybe expand my knowledge with things that I don't know. Yet, I know myself very well and when I don't know something is outside my own existence.
  10. P

    Charts without retrograde planets

    I asked why he's wary about such things, not what an high latitude moon can brings. Evidently you didn't check twice before replying to my question. I'm not interested to look for answers from others when I can find them by myself. I prefer being autonomous than always count on others for my...
  11. P

    Charts without retrograde planets

    I wasn't referring to this forum but my whole experience, outside of internet too. My moon is 5°13 N, but why he's wary? Anyway, I'm not interested in such. I don't need others to understand myself; it would be interesting if someone can understand my nature but that's only from an "alliance"...
  12. P

    Charts without retrograde planets

    There's no reason to post it; I never met a single individual who was able to understand even a small part. I don't want to lose my time, trying it over and over just to get the same exact result, it's pointless. I mentioned it because of the topic, not because I expect someone to do such.
  13. P

    Charts without retrograde planets

    Yeah...but it symbolizes different things than what many associates with such aspect. My chart is not that easy to understand, actually I never met anyone who can do such correctly and I don't expect it for various reasons.
  14. P

    Charts without retrograde planets didn't understood but that's actually because I didn't explain that my Sun is on my descendant and thus I refer to both when I talk about my ascendant. My fault, it's just that it's normal to me to consider it that way. Actually, when I was born here it was a very specific time and...
  15. P

    Charts without retrograde planets

    My whole chart have rare patterns or positions; a grand cross, a bundle disposition, no retrogrades, ascendant and descendant literally opposites (Virgo/Pisces), north node and south node in the same signs of ascendant and descendant, north node same house as ascendant, various influencing...
  16. P

    Different ancient cultures, same beliefs

    Egypt, Inca, Aztec, Maya and other cultures shared many deities when they were unable to communicate with each other. Some of them built pyramids in a similar or identical way to each other and the events surrounding them always been considered "weird" when related to OOPArts (Out-of-place...
  17. P

    Charts without retrograde planets

    I kinda agree on this one, because I have no retrograde planets and I'm not only focused on what must be done but also extremely willingly to do it. Obviously, the fact that a majority of my chart is in the 6th house or connected to it makes it even more evident. For me it symbolizes focus, what...
  18. P

    favourite quotes?

    "Beauty fades. That is why it is beautiful."
  19. P

    Algol during 2022

    No, I can know your path yet I can't understand how you experienced it. Knowing the event itself is possible, what is impossible is knowing how you felt during it.
  20. P

    Doom & Gloom

    I'm actually better to explain through images than words, but even my Mercury makes it obvious: - Mercury 6H Aquarius, conjunct Sun and Jupiter, semi-sextile Neptune. It conjunct Pallas too, if you count it.