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  1. P

    What Day of the Week Were You Born?

    I was born on a Friday! :D
  2. P

    Yet Another Help! Chart Who Wants To be Understood!

    Personal planets include Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus...but is Mars counted in the mix, just wondering? P.S. I love your avatar! It's cute. ;) Where'd you find it?
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    Yet Another Help! Chart Who Wants To be Understood!

    Re: Please Help a Chart Who Just Wants To be Understood! Hi, GeminianCancer, I loved your analysis of my chart! I want to say more latera and elaborate on some of your descriptions, but not now, as I have to go in a few more minutes. However, I *just* want to say that my girlfriend and I...
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    Hereditarity in the birth chart?

    Hey Belgianmoonguy, my little sister was born on March 15, 1987, but barely, as she was born at 11:45 PM. I had a good friend who was a Scorpio Moon in high school. Our relationship was close, but sometimes tense. However, he was very loyal, and when he sets his heart on something, there was...
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    Hereditarity in the birth chart?

    Hey, I like this thread. It's interesting to see what familial patterns repeat themselves. There's definitely a strong mutable influence in my family. My mom is a Virgo Sun-Sag Moon, my dad is a Gemini Sun ( and two planets there) and Virgo Moon. My sister is a Pisces Sun and my brother is a...
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    Moon/Pluto Aspects

    I have an Aquarius Moon in my 9th house square my Pluto in Scorpio in the 6th. The orb is about 5 degrees applying so it's not too exact. From my experience with this, I actually lack the emotional intensity that seems to be commonplace in descriptions of this placement. :? I have a...
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    Ascendant and its ruler's sign placement

    Yup, it sounds like me, all right, especially about the progressive and extreme part. Even in my family, I'm considered odd. ;) BTW, I love Hayao Miyazaki's movies! Howl's Moving Castle and Spirited Away are one of my favorite movies. My little sister actually had a crush on Aku. :p
  8. P

    Does your descendant describe your partner

    I have an air predominance, closely equaled by fire. My only earth and water placements are the most distant outer planets! :eek: Most of my close, platonic friends are also air/fire strong. Even my family members and I share some key personal planets, such as my Sister's Venus in Aquarius...
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    Yet Another Help! Chart Who Wants To be Understood!

    Thanks, Tim and GeminianCancer for replying to my posts. :) I agree with you, Tim, I thought at first that my Jupiter and Mars were in a square aspect because most descriptions of this aspect fit me quite well. But I've heard other arguments from the other side, so I was at a bit of a...
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    Yet Another Help! Chart Who Wants To be Understood!

    Re: Please Help a Chart Who Just Wants To be Understood! Hey, thanks! For awhile, I thought no one saw my posts and it was doomed to have no replies. :p I love four-footed animals of all types, and combined my first name to form this one. I have two cats, but now that I'm in college, I don't...
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    Yet Another Help! Chart Who Wants To be Understood!

    Please Help a Chart Who Just Wants To be Understood! Hey all, I'm pretty new to this forum (being here for a total of one day :D). Thanks to some helpful people, I know that my dispositers are Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto. But as a beginner, I still have some problems understanding some things...
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    I don't know how I missed that Uranus could further be disposed by Jupiter and vice versa. That's the result from having an all-nighter session the other day. :p I think I'm beginning to understand dispositing better though. Thanks, Arian and Tim for clarifying my process!
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    I hope I get this right. Someone stop me if I do something wrong! 1) Write out the each Planet, the sign it is in, and the ruler of the sign: Sun in Aquarius (ruled by Uranus) Moon in Aquarius (ruled by Uranus) Mercury in Aquarius (ruled by Uranus) Venus in Aquarius (ruled by Uranus) Mars...
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    The lovely lady venus

    Most of this rings true as a Venus in Aquarius person (and four other planets in Aquarius :p). I'm a pretty unconventional person, and my relationships can also be erratic. I usually make friends with other girls I've dated first, and then our relationship progresses from there, not the other...