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  1. freedomlover

    Gemini losing mind!

    ONE more thing- LOL! I forgot the North Node. North Node is your resolution, also. It is in Libra in the 5th house, close to cusp of 6th. It is disposited by Venus in Aries in an intercepted 12th house. That position sure screams "ALONE" to me! Again, since 5th house is involved...
  2. freedomlover

    Gemini losing mind!

    Oh, and as to transits, something MAY come to resolution during the Uranus retrograde and upcoming Jupiter and Neptune retrogrades. Uranus will station direct smack on your natal Sun on Dec. 5, 2010. Jupiter will retrograde back to 23' Pisces in the next few months, and so will make two more...
  3. freedomlover

    Gemini losing mind!

    Hello TriciaJoelle, I signed into the forum to respond to a private message, and happened to notice your thread, which grabbed my attention. I'll make a few comments, as some things jumped out at me when I glanced at your chart. As I'm still very ill, I'll have to resist my usual Mercury in...
  4. freedomlover

    Ascendant vs Mid-heaven

    quoting astrologer50 "Thank you" was the very first thing I wrote. Here it is again, in case you missed it the first time. Hopefully the copy and paste work and the links you posted will be helpful to the thread-starter, as well. Saturnian also has ruler of the MC in the Ascendant/1st house...
  5. freedomlover

    Ascendant vs Mid-heaven

    Thank you for the input and links, Astrologer50. However, I do want to point out that you mis-read what I wrote. I did NOT say that Venus was CONJUNCT my ascendant. I wrote ( and I quote) Secondly, I did NOT say that my Mars was "smack" on my ascendant in my natal chart. I said it was in my...
  6. freedomlover

    Ascendant vs Mid-heaven

    To Kannon, or anyone else who wants to answer: So, how would the ruler of the MC in the Ascendant play out? Venus in Capricorn rules my MC, and is in my Ascendant/1st house. Also for Bob Zemco or anyone else that wants to answer: Interestingly enough, the ruler of my 4th house, Mars in...
  7. freedomlover

    Lunar eclipse in Cap on 26th June

    ISO, Yes, the Moon's Nodes are in Capricorn/Cancer. Transiting Sun is in Cancer. Transiting Sun conjuncts transiting South Node at 11'56" Cancer at 8:12pm EST on Saturday, July 3, 2010. FL
  8. freedomlover

    Lunar eclipse in Cap on 26th June

    I found this message on Stephanie Azaria's website ( The Cosmic Path), and thought the rest of you might find it interesting:
  9. freedomlover

    Why so many Virgos!

    I don't know if you are talking to me or not, but my Juno is at 14' Aquarius in the second, tightly conjunct Pallas at 12' Aquarius. My chart is in link at bottom of my posts.
  10. freedomlover

    Why so many Virgos!

    I was going to make a thread about this for some time now, but haven't felt up to it. I have the same thing going on - has for a couple of years now. I attract Virgos like flies, mostly male Virgos. Oh, and they are all born in the first 2 weeks in September. I'm even finding male...
  11. freedomlover

    Where is my Nutritional Supplement?

    Thank you, Goca, for the reading! You were 100% correct. I found the supplement a few days later. I kept it on top of the refrigerator, and had looked where I normally keep it before, as well as checking to see if it had fallen off to the side. Others looked, too - no one could find it. I took...
  12. freedomlover

    Need Fellow Astrologer's Help!

    Thanks, Michael.
  13. freedomlover

    Need Fellow Astrologer's Help!

    I'm of the belief that even novices can sometimes have something important to contribute - you never know who will notice something someone else didn't. I won't take what you have to say as the gospel, but I will consider it in the big picture, if you should choose to have a go at it. I'm also...
  14. freedomlover

    Need Fellow Astrologer's Help!

    Regarding this phrase, after I turned off the computer last night, I thought that maybe that wasn't totally clear. I meant by this that if anyone shows me that they still would like to help by pm-ing me, that I would then send you the info. I thought it might have been a little vague, and one...
  15. freedomlover

    Need Fellow Astrologer's Help!

    To: Astrologer50 and Waybread Thank you both for your offers to be of help. But perhaps you missed this line in my initial post: (That's why I posted this in General Chat, since I knew it didn't fit the criteria to be a thread in the forum proper.) If either of you would still like to help...
  16. freedomlover

    Pandora in First house?

    I would chalk this up to Lilith in Scorpio smack on your Ascendant, with Pluto keeping close company.
  17. freedomlover

    Need Fellow Astrologer's Help!

    I very much need to know what my transits and progressions are showing, as to change in health. I'm open to both Western and Vedic interpretations. In addition, I have a medical horary question that I asked today that I need help with. If anyone is willing to give me their interpretation to...
  18. freedomlover

    Where is my Nutritional Supplement?

    Things keep disappearing around here. The latest is my bottle of MSM, a nutritional supplement that I need to take every day. I've kept it in the same place for months. I've asked the others in the house if they moved it, and they told me "no". My take on the chart: I am Mars at 3' Virgo...
  19. freedomlover

    Pain threshold or tolerance

    My mother was told by her doctors that she had one of the highest pain threshold they'd ever seen. She had a Virgo Ascendant, with Ascendant ruler, Mercury in Virgo conjunct Neptune in Virgo in the 1st house. I've lived with pain that most people would be on a constant diet of Vicodin for. The...
  20. freedomlover

    Happy Birthday Templeton!

    Happy Birthday, Templeton! I hope you hit the ratty jackpot at the garbage dump! :w00t: