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  1. C

    Concept of Karma

    Hi, ppl My concept of Karma is deeds, caring about nurses, abolishing too 2 politics, and, getting rid of horror movies.
  2. C

    Thank yous

    Hi, ppl I am a individualist, astro
  3. C

    Kamala Harris + Tim Walz

    Kam is V nice.
  4. C

    Are we even real?

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    Sorry, the war needs Ending. by Peace
  6. C

    Joe Biden has been voted the WORST PRESIDENT OF ALL TIME!

    Bidenn is diplomatic, and good.
  7. C

    Trump won 2024 election - WHAT COMES NEXT?

    Donald Tr is scorpionic, like a war. like Putain, like Hiitler. His mind is control. Like Goiring. 33 thats all
  8. C

    News/Updates by Carlos

    My family has been destroyed by principally ALL Satans. And I suffer a lot from it: No money, no job-life.
  9. C

    News/Updates by Carlos

    Hi, this is Carlos And i am eager to follow you. This is my birth data: July 22 (1983) at 3:30 pm in Hamburg (corrected) I want to bring you news of my life right now. My life has been very unsupported so far. Father/mother absent. Family broken. And now I suffer from demonics. (Heal Me) I...
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    Soul pain /My friends are bad

    Birth time: 3:45 pm Loc. Braunschweig Germany
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    Soul pain /My friends are bad

    My friends are all bad. They do not think rationally at all. I'm Cancer 1983 (22 July 1983) How can you heal them?
  12. C

    Empty 7th house. I’m 33yrs old and never been on a long term relationship.

    Possibly you should pursue active heroes. Sun and Lu Saturn in the 3rd house in Aquarius says you should pursue Strict thinkers. Sun in the 8th house means deep researchers.
  13. C

    News: My chart

    My chart: 22 07 1983 (no time) I am a very special ghost-person.
  14. C

    will I work in this profession ?

    Hello, Mars in Aquarius needs to be assertive only when things are logical, and also it means being courageous. In the 7th house Mars means seeking stable, intel partners.
  15. C

    My Charts with any info of my future at present?

    Hi With Mercury in the 9th house your location of life should be near or in the city, and your thinking needs to be spacious but concentrated on ideology. Venus in Cancer means your home life must be beautiful.
  16. C

    Having difficulty choosing a Career, can you help?

    Try something technical as a career, (Virgo MC)
  17. C

    Having difficulty choosing a Career, can you help?

    Sun in Cancers should be nurses, or care-takers. The 7th house is about public speaking.
  18. C

    Why can't i find the right partner? Can someone please help me

    Sun in Libras need a stable, intel partner. Psychology-wise they are tough.