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  1. IRIS70

    Is my job on the line? URGENT

    Sorry, I forgot to express my wishes for a successful surgery for your husband and a speedy recovery. Maybe what you said above proves that he really likes you after all. Let us know what happens!
  2. IRIS70

    Will I get a career change in near future?

    I don't think you will change your job soon, you as Mercury being in a fixed sign, the same about the Moon. Things may change after you find and apply for the next post. Ask a Horary then.
  3. IRIS70

    Is my job on the line? URGENT

    Hi Volume, :) I was hoping to read some positive outcome from you. You are asking another question concerning the same issue, so in all probability the 1st chart offers your answer. I mean that you can post another chart when it deals with something completely different eg a relationship...
  4. IRIS70

    Should I fly across to to meet head office staff.

    You are the Moon and Mars, neither of which in a great shape. Saturn, the company receives Mars by Trilplicity. The Sun is in a bad shape in it's detriment, so he cannot really act on his own will. The Sun, the manager, is completely indifferent towards you. You meeting the manager would be you...
  5. IRIS70

    Is my son speaking the truth that he did not take the laptop?

    I don't think so. Your son is Mercury, which is strong by trilplicity, he can't have taken it. However, in fear, overpowered by someone else. I think the Sun is the culprit, whatever he represents. It is in detriment, with a past aspect to Jupiter, your laptop.
  6. IRIS70

    Mercury Retrograde – Myth or Reality? 🤔

    I got married for the 1st time with Mercury rx. It had turned rx 3 days before. What we know is that it is not wise signing documents of any kind during that period. As a result, my marriage only lasted a few months; about 3! He then left me for someone else he had met a few days before our...
  7. IRIS70

    Will Ryan and I be in a relationship? Confused about this chart/reading.

    Right, I missed that! Maybe nothing happens in the end!
  8. IRIS70

    Will Ryan and I be in a relationship? Confused about this chart/reading.

    Well, Jupiter appears to Love Mercury, so there are feelings from his part, but it is in 12th, so either keeping things as secret from you, or he has no idea that you like him too? Indeed, you are Mercury and the Moon, which do not receive Jupiter at all. However, you as a woman, Venus, think...
  9. IRIS70

    Can anyone please interpret why this synastry feels fated? That's about the Sun/Saturn conjunction. The second one is about the Saturn/Venus conjunction. I can see that Your Suns are Trine, so there is some compatibility on...
  10. IRIS70

    Am I Getting Fired?

    I have seen it work in other horaries concerning dismissals elsewhere.
  11. IRIS70

    Am I Getting Fired?

    She, the Moon trines the Part of Dismissal, which is at 8,59 Aries. This is what I can see, but I am not as experienced as others here.
  12. IRIS70

    This is not a coincidence. The worst attacks carried out in five different countries all had the same configuration of Mars and the lunar node.

    What you say is interesting, it makes some sense. However, notice that t Saturn is opposite t Mars and what I need to conclude at is that maybe Mars conj. NN/SN can trigger something, if there are other transits supporting a violent event as well, if Mars is maltreated that is, or in a harsh...
  13. IRIS70

    Does he love or hate me

    Frawley is an expert in Horary, I just mentioned what he says in his book.
  14. IRIS70

    Does he love or hate me

    I think that there are mutual feelings towards each other as shown by receptions between the Moon (you) and Mars, also Venus (you). However, the aspect between the 2 of you is an opposition, which brings together, only to split them (the 2 of you) apart afterwards (Frawley). You have opposing...
  15. IRIS70

    Is this trip good for me?

    Αccording to my view, you Mars is trine Venus, so the trip seems like fun, but Mars is rx. I wonder if you are thinking about it again, if you have second thoughts, that is. The Moon is at 2nd cusp and has just separated from a square to Venus. Are you reconsidering because of the cost? I think...
  16. IRIS70

    Are they dating?

    No, you are asking, you are the 1st house ruler, so Venus and the Moon. He is Mars and the Sun. I think that he has feelings for you, Mars loves the Moon, the Sun has the Moon as trilplicity ruler, so he is comfortable with you, but it is also in your Detriment, so probably he regrets that you...
  17. IRIS70

    Will his performance be successful?

    Agreed, this is what really matters. 9th February is close, she will have no power on him after that. What do you think of sun going to detriment soon? I am still learning horary. It doesn't seem to me a good sign.
  18. IRIS70

    Will his performance be successful?

    They are about the rehearsals, but also about anything. The last time she was pissed because he didn't mention her in his informal post on fb...she thought he was sidetrucking her, but it was a post to his friends. I think this gives you the idea. I told him to...
  19. IRIS70

    Will his performance be successful?

    Well a few more as a feedback. Currently he is stressed out because of the director who seems not to like him at all. She always makes nasty remarks , the director is supposed to make remarks, but she lacks the elegance to express her criticism without sounding as a personal attack and she...
  20. IRIS70

    Will I be able to get married?

    Yes, it is. It is your future possible husband's significator and this could mean that he is considering the prospect of marriage.