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  1. Abhi kanwar

    Will i be able to find the right match for myself this year?

    Hi, I just wanted to know is there any new relationship on the charts for me this year? Will I be able to find the right match for me this year?I had done one horary reading in Feb this year in which someone told me it will happen around May -June this year, but I am still single. Can anybody...
  2. Abhi kanwar

    Is there any new relationship on the charts this year?

    Hi, I just wanted to know is there any new relationship on the charts for me this year? Will I be able to find the right match for me this year?I had done one horary reading in Feb this year in which someone told me it will happen around May -June this year, but I am still single. Can anybody...
  3. Abhi kanwar

    Criminal Behavior

    I agree👍
  4. Abhi kanwar

    Moon transit through houses

    Thank you 🙂. You're right. I had checked it, no need for an account.
  5. Abhi kanwar

    Moon transit through houses

    I see. Back then when I was using AS, it used to load very quick always, now I don't know what's wrong with the AS these days. Even the new registrations have been stopped for too long. I am not able to create an account over there.
  6. Abhi kanwar

    Moon transit through houses

    I used to do it on Astro-seek before. Since I have deleted my account on AS, I am not sure whether I cam access my transits anymore over there. It is a great tool though. I think Astro-charts can be another great tool as well.
  7. Abhi kanwar


    Thank you very much for taking your time and giving a detailed explanation about my question. :) I can very well relate and understand when you mentioned you had gone through a mental illness. Hope it's been cured now and you're back to normal again. However, this method of seeing vimshottari...
  8. Abhi kanwar


    "have you tried the method too?" Nope. I didn't try it, I never tried it but what you're telling seems interesting to me. I would like to give it a try and do the same. "I saw them all through and found great accordances/matches in my life to the sequences of the Sun Nakshatra-Ruler based on...
  9. Abhi kanwar


    Results of vimshottari dasha of Sun are generally related with the placement of Sun(house and sign placement), the aspect it is getting from other planets and then results of the nakshtra where natal Sun is placed in. There are different factors at play. I am going through moon vimshottari and...
  10. Abhi kanwar

    Saturn in Aquarius 7th house

    I have this placement. Through personal experience, I have learnt that this placement causes delays in relationships and marriage. Person can stay single for a long period of time. Saturn also teaches some lessons here.
  11. Abhi kanwar

    Hi everybody!

    Welcome to AW. Hope you will learn from this forum🙂
  12. Abhi kanwar

    Question about Jupiter transits

    You're welcome. Yes, that's right. If the conjunction is occurring in the 12th, then it's a matter of a bit worry as 6,8 and 12th houses aren't considered good in vedic astrology. Jupiter in 12th might expand some losses as 12th is the house of losses but since 12th house is the original house...
  13. Abhi kanwar

    Question about Jupiter transits

    When jupiter comes in conjunction with Mercury( your 2nd house ruler), most probably it is likely to bring you the benefits related to 2nd house as jupiter is conjunct 2nd house ruler,so based on vedic astrology, you can have some relief or benefit on the financial front. Jupiter is known for...
  14. Abhi kanwar

    Saturn in the 5th and children

    My friend has this placement. He struggles in love affairs, delays in love affairs, I think it also creates strained relationship with offspring/children if Saturn is not in good dignity. I have also seen with this placement, some women have faced issues in pregnancy.
  15. Abhi kanwar

    Ruler of the 12th house conjunct the ascendant

    You're welcome! People with Moon conjunct the Ascendant are quite shy as children, but in your case its Leo so I guess shyness won't be there even in the early years . First-house Moon-Ascendant people are more apt to get over that shyness, especially if they have found a constructive channel...
  16. Abhi kanwar

    Hi everyone!

    Welcome mercurian11, I hope you have a great time on AW forum. :)
  17. Abhi kanwar

    A planet for the brain in medical astrology

    This is an interesting topic. According to Vedic Astrology, the house given to the intellect or brain is the 5th house. In general Kaalpurush kundali, the basic anatomy of a vedic chart, 5th house is ruled by Leo(Sun). So, I agree with user Dima Gur when they mentioned sun might have an...
  18. Abhi kanwar

    Is there any new relationship on the charts?

    Update : Hi, I have made corrections and again posting a new horary chart for readings. Any help would be appreciated.
  19. Abhi kanwar

    Ruler of the 12th house conjunct the ascendant

    According to Vedic Astrology, you will be at some point in your life, settled in a foreign country or this placement shows foreign settlement.This basically shows a person whose life path is impacted by 12th house related things like Foreign Lands, Spirituality and Isolated Places. It means...