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  1. Omnisphericus

    Delineating Natal Chart

    Go ahead, translate :)
  2. Omnisphericus

    Resources for Studying Traditional Astrology

    Hi All, I have received a lot of private messages in the last couple of months, and since I do not have time to spend on answering them all, nor to reply on separate posts under my threads on this forum, I decided to open a new thread and reply to all because most of the questions were of the...
  3. Omnisphericus

    Rank of Fame

    Just a short reply cause I don't have the time to go all over again through your points, or rather say miss-points. I am sick of so called modern astrology Ptolemaic adorers who think that everything begins and ends with Ptolemy, while in the same time haven't read anything further from him...
  4. Omnisphericus

    Rank of Fame

    Moderator removed [/FONT] Why did you stop quoting? Let me continue with the quote. But in the case of those who do not know [the moment of conception], which happens for the most part, it is fitting to follow the beginning for the moment [of birth], and it is necessary to attend to this, as...
  5. Omnisphericus

    Rank of Fame

    Re: Ptolemy's 6 Levels of Ranks Give me a reference, page and quote from Ptolemy, so we can discuss that further on. Gosh, what about it? OK what about it? Why do you ask? How is this relevant to the discussion? And? You speak about the Ages of Man. Ok what about the Ages of Man? Me too.. It...
  6. Omnisphericus

    Will we move abroad this year (2013?)

    I have a habit to erect a chart for the moment I understood the question. This is one way of doing horary questions. If someone else has different approach, and want to judge the chart you erected, then that's fine too. :)
  7. Omnisphericus

    Will we move abroad this year (2013?)

    The chart is radical, since Jupiter is Lord of Hour and of the Ascendant. The method I will be using here is that of Guido Bonatti. Ascendant [Sag], its Lord [Jupiter] and Moon are your significators. 9th house [Leo] and its Lord [Sun] signify Long Journeys and Pilgrimage. Bonatti says: "If...
  8. Omnisphericus

    Will we move abroad this year (2013?)

    I have made a chart for my place and time I understood the question. I will give my judgments later.
  9. Omnisphericus

    Studying abroad in the Fall

    What is the question? I can't see a question here, just statement.
  10. Omnisphericus

    How to make predictions

    I have examples but don't have time to post them :) I hope I will find more time in near future to participate more on this forum.
  11. Omnisphericus

    Will my husband get the job?

    Well yes, it is a separation [not only that Mars separates from 10th house ruler, but Moon too], and Mars - his significator is cadent and the ruler of his 10th is in 6th derivative (still cadent). Bad judgment on my part, I shouldn't have gone for the mutual reception only in order to give a...
  12. Omnisphericus


    He probably refers on Decennials?
  13. Omnisphericus

    Will my husband get the job?

    It is really hard for me to recall the chart, can you post it again please?
  14. Omnisphericus

    Will my husband get the job?

    I can't look in the chart at this moment but I think the reason can be in this:
  15. Omnisphericus


    Well, everyone with their own.. It seems out that eclecticism is quite popular in 20 and 21st century. But the question is, why do you want to mix them both? Why you don't stick with one? And the last question is, if those techniques worked for more then 20 centuries, why to replace them with a...
  16. Omnisphericus


    Hi, without looking at your chart it is hard to tell what one can expect from the Moon period.. In my opinion, there is no way reconciling both approaches, modern and traditional. Eventually you would need to pick just one and follow the thread.
  17. Omnisphericus

    Please help me understand how receptions work

    In the chapter "Friendship and Enmity [of the planets]" Al Qabisi says: Abu Ma'shar - "Libri Mysterium":
  18. Omnisphericus

    Please help me understand how receptions work

    Moon in Scorpio applying toward Mars in Capricorn is what is called "Pushing of Nature" or "Gift of Nature". Moon is pushing its own Nature, that is it is committing its own nature of what Moon represents, to it. This is Classical Reception. Moon is giving her self to the Host - Mars, and...
  19. Omnisphericus

    Please help me understand how receptions work

    Some very good responses here. I will cite the one I liked very much and then I will give my own. Underlines are mine. Al-Biruni: Deborah Houlding: [reminds me kind of Morin's rule that all bad or good for house or planet in house comes from the Ruler of that house]. Kaiousei no Senshi...
  20. Omnisphericus


    Some say to use Sun in male chart and Moon in female chart. Because, traditionally, Sun is significator [one of the significators] for husband, so in a male gay chart, these people suggest to use Sun instead of Moon as significator for wife. Play a bit with these things so you may find them...