Just wanted to post an update! I did meet up with this guy last week when we were both visiting our families in our hometown. We spent the better part of 3 days together, and we got along beautifully!! I am also very happy to report that the sexual attraction is very much still there. We seem to...
Good to know! That aspect can definitely be significant, and based on several other promising aspects in the chart I would be really surprised if you didn't end up in a relationship with this person. There are challenges, of course, mainly with the Moons (tense aspects from your moon and several...
My first concern is since you just met this man, are you 100% sure of his birth time (down to minute?). If not, then that aspect won't mean anything because it will change.
If that IS his exact time of birth, then Vertex and NN conjunctions can mean a significant relationship. The Vertex...
Without seeing either of your birth charts only a very general answer can be given.... it's possible he may feel better after the Retrograde if you give him some space. I know as a Leo Rising and knowing other Leo Risings, this Retrograde has been a tough period and it's always tough for Geminis...
HA!! I was tempted to use Pluto in that way but wasn't sure if that was correct!
Thank you all for your responses. I really hope you're right, because the emotional and mental chemistry has been so great. It feels wonderful to connect to someone like this again after such a long period of...
Thank you so much for pointing that out astrology02! I hadn't even thought of NN/Mars aspect yet but you are right, very significant even with a wider orb.
waybread-- I agree! I have been burned by long-distance relationships before, so I am naturally wary and trying to keep my feet on the...
I was just reading this on Cafe Astrology:
The ruler of my 8th is Saturn, and the ruler of his is Jupiter. There are lots of strong aspects involving both these planets in the synastry. Hopefully this is a good sign :love:
And also this on the same page:
My Eros falls at 20 Leo, which is...
I know, I know! I'm one of the biggest proponents of NOT asking questions about sex in astrology because the questions could be considered trivial. But please hear me out...
I reconnected with an old boyfriend of mine via email about a month ago. We dated when we were really young, I was 17, he...
Thanks for the clarification. I personally would approach it by assigning you as Mercury, there in his first house showing your interest in him. He is Jupiter, and he is (like Mercury) in detriment but he is conjunct the 10th house cusp, giving him accidental dignity. Mercury and Jupiter are in...
Also, if this is about the same man you've asked several questions about this month already, I would suggest that the chart is probably not valid and that you should step away from horary for a few weeks. Asking about the same person/situation over and over again only leads to more muddied and...
Horary questions aren't supposed to be asked by taking yourself out of the equation, otherwise it is considered spying and not a valid question.
You have to place yourself in the chart. You are Mercury, he is Jupiter. Now what do you see?
You were right rafaella! I heard from him again and things are going well, although slowly because we've both been so busy that finding time to get together is difficult. It seems to be progressing forward, though! Thanks so much.
Hi Tootsie! I wanted to reply but couldn't see a chart and was waiting for you to reload it. I appreciate that you took the time to evaluate your own chart because so few do here, so I wanted to help. If you could, save a screenshot of it and upload it. The instructions are a sticky in this forum.
Thank you so much rafaella! I'm so glad you responded, I always trust your delineations.
I DO feel very vulnerable. My best friend told me the other day "you know how I know you really like this one? You call him by his real name." I normally come up with funny nicknames for my dates and...
I was giving some thought as to what the Detriment status could mean.... he is a contractor and has not been able to work since he broke his leg, and since it happened outside of work he cannot get workers comp. It's kind of a bad situation for him, but thankfully it is almost healed and he can...
Hi everyone! It's been a while. I've been trying to wean myself off so many horaries and learn to trust my instincts more (it's working for the most part, yay!).
However, I went out with this guy this week, and had a really nice time. Only... I said something at the end of the date in jest and...
The Moon is Void of Course, and that can usually be interpreted to mean that nothing will come of your question (i.e. he won't leave). However, he is in the 8th house, and is clearly worried about something.
The real problem with the chart is that the South Node is in the 1st house, meaning...
Planets in detriment just means that they aren't in their optimal frame of mind at the time being, or they could be engaging in something bad for them. Your significator is in detriment, too. Jupiter is retrograde, so there is a return to something.
From a traditional perspective, Moon is void...
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