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  1. Astroprabhakar

    How Will be my Saturn Rahu Period ?

    In Saturn-Rahu period there will be a financial crunch, issues in married life/relationships, issues related to income and health issues and lack of happiness due to stress.
  2. Astroprabhakar

    Need urgent reading please

    Remedies for the pacification of the said planets.
  3. Astroprabhakar

    Need urgent reading please

    There will be challenges in having kids as the promise for progeny is too weak. Remedies for Jupiter, Saturn and Moon needed.
  4. Astroprabhakar

    Need urgent reading please

    Place of birth?
  5. Astroprabhakar


    Marriage is possible in Oct/Nov-2025 and in June-2026.
  6. Astroprabhakar

    Will difficulties be overcome ever?

    Your chart shows a financial crunch, sudden events and the negatives related to the 8th and 2nd house, as they are disturbed. There is also a lot of stress and issues related to career/status. Although the current dasha is of Saturn-Mercury, it's Jupiter and Sun causing the issues and not the...
  7. Astroprabhakar

    Dainya Parivartan

    He will not be able to move back to his home country. Ask him to wear a casted silver kada(bangle) of 55 gms in right hand without joint, as a remedy for Mars.
  8. Astroprabhakar

    Dainya Parivartan

    The chart has a combination which gives permanent migration. There will be some hurdles in career because of inauspicious Mars. Remedies for Mars will help.
  9. Astroprabhakar

    Can changing location change chart aspects?

    The houses to check for are 3rd, 9th and 12th houses in a chart. 3rd house takes you away from your home, 9th house gives long travel and 12th house is residence in foreign land. Any mutual relation between these houses and lords indicates change of residence. The dasha will decide the timing of...
  10. Astroprabhakar

    Can changing location change chart aspects?

    Changing location won't change your birth chart and any placements and aspects. In fact you will change your location only when your chart has the conditions for a location change.
  11. Astroprabhakar

    Confusion depression

    Your chart has inauspicious Venus, Mars and Ketu. They become inauspicious by there placements in various divisional charts. A planet in any dasha will have effect on him by 5 ways- by self, by conjunction of planets, by house lord, by aspect and by it's nakshatra lord. If any of these are...
  12. Astroprabhakar

    Relationship in 2025

    There will be difficulties in relationship and getting married.
  13. Astroprabhakar

    Future partner prediction

    Marriage is possible after mid of 2026.
  14. Astroprabhakar

    Chart reading please

    There will be challenges in getting married. The promise for marriage is too weak in your chart and need remedies.
  15. Astroprabhakar

    Guidance for following questions

    You are welcome 🙏
  16. Astroprabhakar

    When will punishment come

    There is no problem in the chart except Rahu, so there are no issues till now. There is some cleverness/wickedness, luck is good, no financial issues, so there is no suffering. In Rahu Mahadasha there will be some issues in married life and some health issues.
  17. Astroprabhakar

    Guidance for following questions

    Gemstones show their effect in their dasha, not always. 2009 to 2011 was a period of Moon antardasha. There must have been some issues related to finances/losses in this period. There may be some benefic planets involved so you got good results, I have not analyzed the previous periods. If you...
  18. Astroprabhakar

    Guidance for following questions

    Pearl is associated with Moon, it will increase your issues instead of giving some relief as it is inauspicious in your chart. Ruby is not required. There is no mention of Kal Sarp Dosha in any classics, but still it works for some people because of the pacification of Navagraha's and rituals...
  19. Astroprabhakar

    Guidance for following questions

    Your chart has some combinations in D1 and D10 which are creating issues. 10th lord in 8th house, 11th lord in 8th house and in D1. 2nd lord in 8th in D10. All these combinations and inauspicious planets are creating all the issues. Your career should see a rise in 2027. Marriage is possible...
  20. Astroprabhakar

    Marriage or Dream Career?

    Marriage is possible in June-2025. There is a possibility that the spouse may be from a different community. Mercury will create some issues in getting married. Remedies for Mercury will help.