I'm excited :D could mean big things when it conjucts my natal mars which is on the same degree as my natal Venus ( starting in march I believe) could mean some hot and spicy things :P but my natal Venus is in its opposite ruling house, not really sure how to factor that in
my moon-mercury biquintile At 1 degree gives me a particular interest or aptitude to mythology and legend. I also find the struggles of different cultures interesting.
I could interpret that as quirky because I do tend to talk about silly things like mythology or dragons what have you and...
Hello Bryant, glad you found your way here, I'm new myself :P lots of information to be had here so needless to say of you're interested in learning this is a good resource for discussion.
Hey thanks for your input waybread
Glad to hear more positive about this...
I for the most part have frequent goals I set for myself how I want to appear and what I want to accomplish but when it gets down to it and become time to prove myself its almost like I sabotage it (especially if it has...
Actually yes! Ever since the first I've been very emotional and like you said especially from the arts and media, craving some kind of emotion from that area of life which would usually never affect me in such a way. Not really an emotional person on most accounts so it does feel peculiar but I...
Hello friends :)
When I first became interested in my natal chart one of the first things that other said to me was that I had a difficult sun and Saturn aspect. I loolked into it and found the information to be accurate but not really encouraging to say the least, best of all it provides the...
No at all! You can start by being honest with the fact that there are things you do that attract needy and suffocating people.
But if you been to counseling and hypnosis I'm sure they told you this too...
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