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  1. amaranthinefall

    Mystery Chart - Test Your Skill - What Happened?

    Anyone? I thought this would be easy...
  2. amaranthinefall

    Syzygia and Primary Directions

    The Horoscope signifies the body and the Moon signifies the mind/soul, but the Moon can signify both body and mind/soul. However, the Moon is probably the correct significator. Hopefully someone with more experience will comment. I hope this helps. PS: Your English is understandable. No worries!
  3. amaranthinefall

    Mystery Chart - Test Your Skill - What Happened?

    -Native is not famous. -19 years old at time of event. -Time of birth unknown, rectified = Pisces rising. -Time of event unknown, rectified = Leo rising.
  4. amaranthinefall

    What does it mean to grow up?

    waybread: The political and economic climate probably has much to do with the trend you notice, along with the general postmodern nihilism and apathy. In addition it seems my generation is getting "parented" longer than in past. I agree completely that it is a choice. But I think as well many...
  5. amaranthinefall

    Your Favorite Astrology Sites

    For dead links, try the Internet Archive WayBack Machine.
  6. amaranthinefall

    What does it mean to grow up?

    Re: To grow up means to grow in. Blaze: same age, similar perspective. My theory is everyone's trying to fill a hole. With whatever they can. People our age and younger having kids seem to be the least mature. The ones working nonstop seem to value themselves the least. Those in school...
  7. amaranthinefall

    The origin of the Traditional concept of "Averson"

    What thread did this originate from? So do the mitigating factors strengthen "sight"/aspects that aren't in aversion, eg Gemini and Virgo? Or does "hearing", etc. remain separate? If so, how do the other sense relationships effect the signs/planest differently?
  8. amaranthinefall

    Reconciling Modern and Traditional Astrology---by Robert Hand

    katydid, I will listen to the podcast tomorrow, but I'm curious, how has become heretical?
  9. amaranthinefall

    Noel Tyl and Jung's 4 types

    Hmmm... I have 2 in q1, 3 in q2, 2 in q3, and 1 in q4... Consistently an NF with Myers-Briggs testing, for what it's worth...
  10. amaranthinefall

    Composite/Synastry between Empath and Narcissit

    Geez, you're both young. Also, I've heard big things about Colombians... That is all I have to add at this point. Cheers!
  11. amaranthinefall

    a challenging chart

    Nietzsche was a special man. A rereading of some of his work actually brought me back towards religion, if you can believe that. (:
  12. amaranthinefall

    a challenging chart

    Oops, typo! I'm sure you can find a lot by searching the forum for "Saturn seventh house". I can't spoonfeed you. (: One thing I will say that is troubling, is that Sagittarius' ruler, Jupiter, is averted from it, in Taurus. Saturn may be helped slightly by aspect with the Moon and Mars. Venus...
  13. amaranthinefall

    Composite/Synastry between Empath and Narcissit

    Don't be embarassed! What would be embarassing is if you didn't think about these things at all and just blindly followed your passions. Give yourself some credit! Restlessness with life and doubts about your relationships... Perhaps this would be a good time to stay single and identify what...
  14. amaranthinefall

    a challenging chart

    At first glance, this looks to be a very fortuitous chart! Saturn in Sagittarius in the Seventh is the only thing that stands out to me as possibly challenging. Is their anything in particular you'd like to know?
  15. amaranthinefall

    Composite/Synastry between Empath and Narcissit

    I don't need astrology for this. (: I would suggest focusing on your current boyfriend out of fairness to you both. What happens if you leave this man for the other, but it doesn't work out? Would he be in a rush to take you back? I'd guess no, and then you'd be alone. :( The grass always seems...
  16. amaranthinefall

    Venus/Pluto natal aspects

    I have Venus square Pluto... It seems relevant that narcissism stems from a deep self-loathing...
  17. amaranthinefall

    Pluto in an Angular House

    Now what if I told you I have Mars and Venus in Aquarius, and Mercury in Taurus... (:
  18. amaranthinefall

    Pluto in an Angular House

    Thank you both! I have Moon in Leo conjunct the Midheaven. (:
  19. amaranthinefall

    Pluto in an Angular House

    I'm not quite up to speed on the significations of Pluto, would anyone care to give a general summary? I have Pluto in Scorpio in the First House within 5 degrees of the Ascendant.
  20. amaranthinefall

    Strength of Planetary Joys

    Also, Saturn as agriculture ([with Venus]Persephone/Demeter?), the ground, caves, the grave (barren womb become tomb?), etc. etc. ... am I grasping at straws or?