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  1. carnna

    Skin problems

    I normally don't use placidius houses, but here goes my quick and humble attempt: ( I do use 5deg cups offset rule AND check whole sign chart to verify dignifications and the like). considerations: Nocturnal chart, Planetary day SUN, Planetary Hour Venus; THE SUN & VENUS are rulers of the chart...
  2. carnna

    Mercury in Dignity and Debility

    well, if you all want to exalt mercury AGAIN (cause if you notice only one exaltation & one fall per planet or luminary), use it. Don't see how any can have more than one exalted status, but then most modern astrologers don't know how to use it in delineating or interpret it anyhow. I'll...
  3. carnna

    Improper Applications of Astrology

    that, of course, is assuming the astrologer "knew" person b's intentions. Could have just been a consulting on who is in the right positions, etc. Of course, a competent astrologer always erects a "horary" chart for any consultation! for many reasons, the above "i.e." intentions of the querent...
  4. carnna

    Mercury in Dignity and Debility

    well, if they want to exalt mercury in aquarius can't see how it can be stoped (~grin). I'm curious to how an aquarian mercury behaves in such exalted state though. interesting. Does this somehow diminish virgo's exaltation of mercury? And how do they justify it? Meaning, why have they decided...
  5. carnna

    Modern or Traditional Influences?

    I don't use the outer planets anymore. It's been at least 4 years since I have and here is why: 1. take to long to observe 1st hand. Heck, I could be dead before my 1st uranus return @ 83.75 yrs and certainly before the 2 others (163.74 yrs & 245.33 yrs cycles)! 2. They're newcomers to the...
  6. carnna

    prenatal influences on future chart

    in the old ways, what is called "medievel astrology" in these times, used: saturn ruled 1st month, Jupiter 2nd, sun 3rd, mars 4th, venus 5th, mercury 6th, saturn 7th, jupiter 8th, sun 9th and mars 10th (should the pregnancy last the full 10 months). The prenatal SAN (full moon or New moon...
  7. carnna

    Mercury in Dignity and Debility

    Thought I'd interject here, just so you realize that: Mercury is exalted in virgo (as well as in rulership), fall in pisces. mercury is rather unique in the planets as: he can be she, is like quicksilver and is hard to catch, takes on like a chameleon, cunning & clever, naturally of a hot &...
  8. carnna

    Jupiter in Dignity and Debility

    .....and the reason I seem to know alot about this is because: I have venus, sun, jupiter (cadent) in fall Mars in detriment Mercury cadent & peregrine (no dignity nor debility at all, which makes him totally dependent on his dispositor - sorta like being in exile in another countries embassy...
  9. carnna

    Jupiter in Dignity and Debility

    perhaps if you think dualism it will help. Jupiter is big, expansive, diurnal, masculine, hot & moist, active, generous, etc. (able to act & receive or alternating between the two while in it's dignity of honor, sag & pisces while exalted in cancer). Fiery sag is warm & moist, masculine...
  10. carnna

    An Introduction to Planetary Dignity and Debility

    notice also that there are no exaltations in leo, aquarius, gemini, sagittarius & scorpio; therefore no fall's (with exception of moon in scorpio being opposite taurus moon exaltation). (also, some say n.node exalted in gemini & s.node in sag).
  11. carnna

    An Introduction to Planetary Dignity and Debility

    The rule(s) for fall & detriment are: sign opposite rulership is detriment sign opposite exaltation is fall. simple.