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  1. G

    Moon phase question

    PARTILE means an aspect that is exact, with both planets in the same number if your Moon is one degree shy of the next phase it is also one degree shy of a partile aspect to Sun. Intensification.
  2. G

    Neptune's a b*tch

    The funny thing about planets is they have two sides, a bright side and a dark side. Can't have one without the other.
  3. G

    Neptune's a b*tch

    Neptune brings bad things and good things. Neptune is the only angular planet in my chart (conj. IC 3° in 4th), and has been a predominant figure in my life.
  4. G

    Why I always have health problem?

    It is a midpoint formation which can be translated as Sun (=) "is at the midpoint of" (AR) " the vernal equinox" [0° Aries] and SAturn.
  5. G

    Moon phase question

    I put it into the following phase. Remember the cusp of each phase is also a partile 8th aspect...sensitive point, critical juncture.
  6. G

    What is your Elemental +/- # Rating?

    What you looking at is the oldd division into: Masculine. Feminine Positive. Negative Yang. Yin Generative. Formative Active. Passive With a 5-3 split, you are sort of average. Nothing outstanding here. And it's often helpful to look at what stands out...
  7. G

    Why I always have health problem?

    My gosh, how could I have been so obtuse? Of course it's SU=AR/SA. Bingo! You are absolutely right!
  8. G

    What is your Elemental +/- # Rating?

    You are apparently a very negative person. Try smiling. But to call you negative...sounds so negative. Let's call you Yin instead. If +4-4 is "balanced", and +7-1 is whacko, then a +5-3 split is within the normal range. What are you trying to find out with these numbers?
  9. G

    Neptune's a b*tch

    Very nice narrative.
  10. G

    Why your ascendant is probably wrong!

    Well,, thank my lucky stars, my Ascendant is correct and I won't have to change it.
  11. G


    So it is up to you JUP. You can found and coordinate the astrology study group known as The JUPITER PROJECT. The first theme investigated: "Understanding Planetary Dignities". You have that special gift for bringing authority to the fore at the appropriate moment. It would be a useful thing...
  12. G

    What proof is there that pisces is co-ruled by jupiter?

    No proof needed. Astrology has no validity of itself. It requires human beings to bring it into being. Astrology is a system of thought created within man's mind. This is seen in the many forms and methods in astrology. So...If, in my preferred system, I say Jupiter rules Pisces, it does...
  13. G


    I prefer the word "exile" to debility. Of course we could revert to that good old term "descension". But really understanding how this "debility" shows up in real people's lives is more important than the word we use to describe the condition.
  14. G

    Why I always have health problem?

    Let's look at Mars. The chart pattern is a Bowl. Mars occupies the position of leading, or cutting, planet. This planet shows how, with what sort of energy, we go out to meet life. This planet leads us into life's experiences. It's nature permeates our being. It is First among Equals...
  15. G

    Sun in Essential Detriment in Tropical Aquarius

    Let's try to see how dignity works out. Mohammad Ali was a fighter, a warrior. But his Mars is in Detriment in Taurus. And his Sun is "weak" by house, standing in the 6th. All three planets in the 10th of fame and glory (ditto Sun) are retrograde. So how did this guy get to be champion of...
  16. G

    Sun in Essential Detriment in Tropical Aquarius

    They are called "Essential" dignities. Things essential are not conditional. The debilities are also essential. Essential dignities are those related to the signs: domicile, exaltation, triplicity, term and face. They represent inherent, immutable qualities. A planet in its domicile has...
  17. G

    Lana Del Rey

    Re Anna Marie...astrodatabank gives a birth time of 0315 with a C rating.
  18. G

    Why I always have health problem?

    What are the primary effects of retrogradation?
  19. G

    Why I always have health problem?

    Mars is in high focus; his influence penetrates the whole chart. He stands squarely on the 6th cusp. He is retrograde, strengthened by being in Scorpio. He is square Neptune and Uranus, opposes Saturn. Saturn is in partile square Neptune...a Fixed T-square focused in Aquarius 8th. Neptune...
  20. G

    Hired help/contractors 6th house?

    6th house.