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  1. infest

    Lack of Air in celestial bodies 💨

    well you have NN and 7h in libra as well as PoF in aquarius, so it can make sense you can be attracted to airy people? air is related to communication and also commands I assocaite it with order. Air is related to the mind and the mental plane which is shared with other people. words are swords...
  2. infest

    Help!! What is the significance of each degree?

    also what a coincidence we are born on the same date we have venus in the same degrees, as well as sun and my uranus in your mercury degree and neptune in the 1st house you also look like me
  3. infest

    Venus in Aries

    well it makes sense if you are a woman. im not sure if i should bring this discourse here since its too much in other places and gets old to me, but I do wonder what if I'm doing it wrong because I am a man. maybe I need to wait the women to approach me and do the thing first, instead of putting...
  4. infest

    Elements that are absent in the chart

    Fixed water also means something else. still waters run deep and waters that aren't running may be more likely to become toxic. Example is people dying from brain eating amoeba from diving in abandoned pools. if you keep water in a bottle for prolonged period bacteria can also develop in it
  5. infest

    Venus in Aries

    I have venus in aries too. Venus in aries like other aries placements i am concerned may feel vindicated but not realize when they are hurting others. it's not nice to hurt others, act as if nothing happenned or you did nothing wrong, then overreact when someone hurts you. Similarly venus...
  6. infest

    Taurus Sun/Aries Mercury violent tendencies?

    @lillith97 some things to note some people, no matter how much you beat, will not quit being aggressive. some people are sensitive and perceptive and if you beat them, you may inspire them to be cruel or self sabotage some guy who had triple conjunction of pluto moon and mars in scorpio. saw...
  7. infest

    Taurus Sun/Aries Mercury violent tendencies?

    77yo guy mars opposite neptune. doesnt like distracted cloudy people? the craziest guy has pluto conjunct moon in scorpio. this maybe means his emotins are very hurt internally so this can show as desire for revenge. idk what the ICU guy did to him. your mom also has moon opposite pluto mars...
  8. infest

    (very dark warning) Mars pluto hard aspects and severe abuse/pedophilia

    because your signature is epoche, I felt like this was necessary. sex trafficking victim with pluto square venus in her chart.
  9. infest

    Venus square the nodes, skipped steps, how it manifests, and what is the solutions

    this creates issues because if my feminine energy is not tended to properly, how would women expect me to tend properly to them? I have even had reams or visions or awareness of my anima suffering. Similarly this is very easily expressing toxic masculinity as well. Men expect me to act one way...
  10. infest

    Venus square the nodes, skipped steps, how it manifests, and what is the solutions

    I have venus in aries 3rd house squaring cap SN 1h and cancer NN 7h 3rd house is siblings, local people, cousins, communication, local travel capricorn 1st house personal needs and background influence regarding status authority hardness grit vs 7h cancer balancing others needs, being sensitive...
  11. infest

    Fun with Numbers: Zodiac Created by Fibonacci

    I know a leo with sag ascendant his enneagram is 8 Mine is 6w5. I don't know what it means astrology wise though.
  12. infest

    Leo being disrespectful (and fire signs in general)

    ive seen it both with the signs, and the literal animal irl even lions who grew up with someone from kittens, can use too much strength and force, or try to assert dominance and be disrespectful. then the guy smacks them on the snout and threatens another smack or does 2 and threatens 3rd. In...
  13. infest

    significance of the mirroring of the signs rulers

    yeah i mean why is the order from luminary to saturn mirrored. virgo and gemini are not adjacent for example, but their ruler is both mercury, and both are mirrored in order from a luminary to saturn. libra and taurus mirrored ruler in order is venus etc. is there a word for this mirroring, and...
  14. infest

    significance of the mirroring of the signs rulers

    @JUPITERASC the first two images seem to illustrate the question, and the 2nd image notes the flanking. the flanking is mirrored right. what is the meaning of that? @waybread no i dont know what antiscia is. and its not what I meant but I am curious about it too. i felt like i kind of...
  15. infest

    significance of the mirroring of the signs rulers

    aquarius pisces aries taurus gemini cancer - leo virgo libra scorpio saggittarius capricorn saturn jupiter mars venus mercury moon - sun mercury venus mars jupiter saturn does anyone know of the significance regarding the mirroring of the signs ruler seuence of the zodiac?and each half's...
  16. infest

    Mother whose moon is squaring the child's

    does anyone have knowledge about such stuff? and waht's the variability?
  17. infest

    (very dark warning) Mars pluto hard aspects and severe abuse/pedophilia

    i have mars saturn hard aspect, and I haven't exploded to the extent mars pluto hard aspects mentioned above despite in situations where i've been treated worse. i have hurt people but usually not with the same amount of excessive undeserved force as the mars pluto aspects, that i am aware of.
  18. infest

    (very dark warning) Mars pluto hard aspects and severe abuse/pedophilia

    This aspect figures in some mass shooter charts, and in several extreme pedophiles who committed attrociteis against their victims. some of them are known to have experienced severe abuse by authority or parental figures, or severe trauma of some form but i know 2 guys in my life. one is a...
  19. infest

    book on house rulers throughout the houses?

    Some more info on them i've found on the site atrofix but then it got restricted about how many articles you can view per month was it, and maybe is not all the info anyway. Do you know any books about house rulers throughout the houses, because I don't recall finding any.
  20. infest

    Baby Boomers = Pluto in Leo ??

    leo is cute playful and charming. cats earned to imitate baby cries with their meows. ppl associate babies and kids with being bossy.. the sun is warm and life giving but its warmer to those its close to, tho it can also be vicious and burn. core is the root of courage. core is heart and leo and...