Outlook: you have made a good judgment. I'm a psychiatrist (neptune mC) and am trying to find my spot in the sun (with immense amount of hardship especially as an IMG).
Irish are good people in general, and better since the Church has lost some power.
I'll make a note of these eclipses.
FraterAC, your reading and timings are very accurate. July-Aug is the time line I'm considering to move (back) to Ireland. My Moon lines fall over it so I feel at home there (astrocartography).
I will take your recommendations in my decision and hope things go well.
Thank you.
This is quite interesting because although my inner life feels chaotic, I have the energy & motivation to complete tasks that need to be done.
What is the 18 year cycle ?
I love (the structured) EU and tried moving to Netherlands but being a medic there are many hoops (exams/language) to even...
Thank you Outlook.
That is quite Insightful. It's something for me to reflect on.
I'm in the UK for now, so I think there may be plentiful opportunities, but 'just out of my grasp' for some reason.
You're professional enough and quite awesome. I don't fully understand the astrological themes but thank you for taking the time to explain.
It makes sense as there is an urge to take the spiritual teaching road but not at the cost/exchange of current career path.
I know Pluto/Uranus enforce...
Thank you so much for that breakdown.
I personally feel pluto and saturn transits are helpful but these are difficult.
Jupiter square Pluto transit makes you want to succeed and succeed big-time 3/23 (relocated to achieve it) considering relocation since 1/24 again.
There is energy to achieve...
I seem to run into a rough patch every few years and find myself here for answers. Thank you for the support.😊
Career progression (in the terms I want) hasn't worked out despite trying for over 2 years now.
Personal life is stuck too and fears for the future seem to be getting stronger-...
How interesting. Yes it is a serious question. Rightly indicated moon confusion with the sudden start & jumps. No romance yet but can watch for signs. Will the transits last a few months ?
Thank you.
I can vouch that saturn in 7th is disaster for relationships- single coming near the end of 30s. I take all relationships seriously even friendships & end up being used. There is no "popularity" either contrary to an above comment. It has been said that this placement allows one to work in large...
This is the first time I used horary or usually stick to natal charts so your responses are very interesting.
Almohsin- Sorry I don't know how to change timing- the time of the question was possibly half an hour later than when I thought of asking.
Tsmall- It was through a professional...
How do you know if there are multiple transits occurring (esp long term) that the decision you are taking is based on which one? E.g I have Jupiter trine Jupiter till February 2022 while also a background pluto sq pluto and Neptune sq Neptune... if I make a bold decision to change my life yet in...
There is the Node passing through 7th house- usually there is a urge for marriage.Node passing into the 8th would indicate pregnancy perhaps, possibly in 1.5years.
Those with a Leo MC often find fulfillment it careers, that in one way or another, put them in front of an audience and allow them to display their creative talents.
Performing Arts
Advertising, marketing, and sales
Motivational speaker
Personal fitness trainer
Organization leader...
I don't know the history of either subjects but they are definitely well studied and ancient. Is there a direct connect between the 2? In my knowledge there isn't because Numerology works with numbers for people and events. I personally don't find the depth in it as there is in astrology but as...
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