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  1. paneagle7

    Lottery winners!

    LOTTERY WINNER METHOD Paneagle is ASTROLOGER THE ONE GALACTICIAN AND SOLAR ASTROLOGY I have found the LOTTERY METHOD using at least 6 Exact Point methods and the SOLARIS MODEL. This method works and can predict very accurately the ranges and the exact points for Lottery Choice. We need...
  2. paneagle7

    REGULUS, the Regal

    REGULUS is known as the Bright STAR OF the LION, and THE LITTLE KING REGULUS IN MY CHART IS RISING (12TH House conj ASCENDENT IN Virgo 1 degree) and TRINE MERCURY AND CHIRON) I was (most probably) PETER III of PRUSSIA who was killed in 1762 by a MILITARY police admirer of his wife who became...
  3. paneagle7


    Reincarnation ; I respect and their other 'creations' of beliefs and gods, or otherwise, even science as a 'way of life' but to be true, what is real is real. That's it. If one person suspects a past life, it is both likely and probable that not only do they have a past life, they have had...
  4. paneagle7


    Re: Past Lives HERE IS THE SOLARIS METHOD FOR PAST LIVES PANEAGLE is the One Galactician, Solar Astrology (Solarean methods) see blog for solar astrology and solsigns or paneagle. Concept is your birth chart is a holographic map/picture of past lives. Generally, each house is a past life...
  5. paneagle7

    Boston Marathon Bombing

    On the day Lincoln was assassinated, April 15th, 1865: etc... your probably like me - too much. keep to the high points. The fact is we must see america over zealous, jihadists, governments, et...
  6. paneagle7

    Boston Marathon Bombing

    USING THE 2:50PM event chart - this major event in a lifetime becomes the initial birth chart of all future events - like a nativity born of a new life - in this case the birth of a terrorist. all events in life for those involved follow this "activation" event. Draw conclusion of where and...
  7. paneagle7

    Boston Marathon Bombing

    chezneya history in early 1993 from WIKIPEDIA - The independence years of 1991-94 for the "Chechen Republic of Ichkeria" were marked by growing tension with Russia, a declining economy (due both to a Russian economic blockade and due to Dudayev's poor economic policies- described as such even...
  8. paneagle7

    could i win the lottery?

    Jim this week mercury in aries is currently same as your natal mercury in aries - last evening the short list of numbers for a florida 5 game had 3 of 5 and a 4th was included. I found all five clearly in the "Numbera" You have found your short cut, but you have to be smart (how to do it...
  9. paneagle7

    Boston Marathon Bombing

    - socialistic anti-american and choas, religous extremism (neptune pisces 7th setting - The bomb chart is 2:50pm shows Mercury in 8th house chart ruler - 2 bombers, students and neptune 7th - religious (moslems) - ruler of 8th and 1st house (arian scorpion qualities) - mercury is 23 degrees...
  10. paneagle7

    USA charts - the ultimate debate

    sun square USA mercury and pluto from aries to cap and cancer - every year around this time. moon was near conj 9/11 moon this time of 4.15 boston in gemini 26/28 degrees.
  11. paneagle7

    could i win the lottery?

    ARIES MERCURY , ruler of chart in 11th house - "I need this now" demand. Yes you have sun opposite jupiter with moon as a strong potential. venus mars with saturn is also possible although capital investment and attitude could affect you - neptune pluto conj in 8th house is challenging and...
  12. paneagle7

    Do I have any chance of winning the lottery?

    Anyone has a favorable aspect somewhere which means you could win the lottery. You have lots of favorable aspects. to teach you to read the chart, check your 5th house, and planets in 2nd or 8th or 11th house, and rulers of 5th house aspects such as if virgo rising, capricorn is 5th and saturn...
  13. paneagle7

    Lottery winners!

    quick notes: BEST TIMES TO PLAY play when jupiter sun or venus is rising on or the midheaven of the place where you play on that day. play when the moon makes positive aspects or transits, or is in your sun moon or rising sign (or sol sign, the 60th harmonic sun or moon) play when sun moon...
  14. paneagle7

    Lottery winners!

    QUOTE BY ONE IN THIS THREAD "I was once told before that with me having Jupiter in Gemini natally (transit Jupiter conjuncting natal now) that it is in its detriment and when there is detriment there is no power from the planet, therefore Jupiter won't do much or anything for me in my life."...
  15. paneagle7

    Lottery winners!

    WINNING JUPITER Players (and good life livers) may use the 60th harmonic to find active signs in the day week and moment of time - Jupiter is very good - to find a more active local jupiter..- today jupiter is 6gem29 - the 60th harmonic is 29 aries. so anyone with a 29 aries position or 29...
  16. paneagle7

    Read this chart for the lottery

    Re: Lottery winners! Your chart shows a good chance to win, jupiter and venus in 8th house - in the "other peoples" money house. it is also the sign of a legacy or will paid to you some time in your lifetime. It shows you probably had some wealth, or at least a woman you know did in a past...
  17. paneagle7

    Lottery winners!

    Here is my note and experience on ASTROLOGY used for LOTTERY AND GAMING. [deleted advertisement - Moderator] This METHOD is the SOLAR ASTROLOGY - It uses the three degree of the planet positions, and a special and exacting methods. I practice with ROULETTE online, and have a very special set...
  18. paneagle7

    Your Favourite Films!

    favorite films are included in the AMAZON listmania under spiritual movies or best spiritual list. among them; its a wonderful life, field of dreams, the emerald forest, black stallion, days of heaven, made in heaven, lost horizon, and lord of the rings, star wars, and pride and...
  19. paneagle7

    Why do we forget our past lives?

    Yes. The therapist proved it was hypnosis, and filmed the moments. I felt actually like I was there, in the body, while also experiencing the 'sights'. I was taken to the place between lifetimes, where I felt rewarded or forlorn depending on accomplishment or lack, and that similarly justified...
  20. paneagle7

    Why do we forget our past lives?

    Cassandra, you would suspect your were Hitler, if you had been. You may indeed have been among family members you know now, in different guises. But often it is quite similar to relation we have now. Grandparents are a likely crossover, for example. Some Souls realize this family bond or...