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  1. JupiterEyed

    When Will I Move?

    *gentle post bump* Any takers for thoughts or constructive criticism?
  2. JupiterEyed

    When will I get pregnant for the first time?

    Hi All, Was looking through my old posts and wanted to update this one. To the best of my knowledge I did NOT get pregnant. It's now 2020 and I'm still childless, which honestly I feel was for the best. I have, however, decided that I definitely do want children someday :) Thanks! *Jupiter
  3. JupiterEyed

    When Will I Move?

    Hi All, I REALLY want to move from where I am now. Have since the day I moved here (12/25/2012, 160 miles away from home) but I'm finally fed up with putting my life on hold for my partner, who has been dragging his feet about our future. Due to my desire and ability to move, I figured it was...
  4. JupiterEyed

    Pl=Sa Solar Arc Experience

    Hi guys. It's been an age since I've posted and I truly hope you're all doing as well as possible :happy: Just wanted to drop in and relay something I came across tonight. I haven't touched astrology too much in a few years. But tonight I found myself helping some Twitter friends do their...
  5. JupiterEyed

    Go Back To London Within 15 years?

    Hi Rafaella! Yes, I've been to London once before in 2010, but I do not consider it someplace familiar enough to override the fact that this was a (very stressful) transatlantic flight of seven hours. Perhaps if my career or personal life revolved around jet-setting back and forth between JFK...
  6. JupiterEyed

    Go Back To London Within 15 years?

    Two years ago, I cast a horary chart that was only titled “Go back to London? 15 years” in my database. There has actually been a development regarding a trip over, and I remembered that the chart existed after looking through my index the other day, so here we are…! A few...
  7. JupiterEyed

    Traditional Astrology Courses

    Greetings everyone! Though it's been about four years, I'm back and am finally ready to sink my teeth into traditional astrology. The only caveat is that I tend to drift off and lose focus if I'm not working within a structured frame (i.e., a workbook or a class/course of some kind). Do you...
  8. JupiterEyed

    Peregrine Planets and Onward

    Aaaaand a whopping four years later...! Hello! I just wanted to tell you that I've recently decided to take the plunge into traditional astrology and Ben Dykes' Traditional Astrology for Today: An Introduction is among my first books for the undertaking. Thanks for the recs dr farr and Anachiel!
  9. JupiterEyed

    I've been waiting for this moment for quite sometime now, are his feelings genuine???

    In the querent's defense, in earlier chart discussion they were prompted to ask again at a later date due to a VOC Moon and too early Ascendent.
  10. JupiterEyed

    Quesited Placement

    If a quesited person's significator keeps falling in the same house (through the course of sincerely distinct questions successfully answered by the charts), should this be regarded with suspicion or perhaps heeded as a hint? And if so, what could one look at next so as to prove/repudiate the...
  11. JupiterEyed

    marriage partner

    I hope I don't get penalized from not having anything astrological to say, but the love of my life came to me when I stopped worrying about finding someone and even almost gave up looking :-) Unbeknownst to me, he had almost resigned himself as well! Things can come strangely easy to us when we...
  12. JupiterEyed

    If you could edit your natal chart

    Freewill/ there are those who think that life is nothing left to chance a host of holy horrors to direct our aimless dance a planet of playthings we dance on the strings of powers we cannot perceive the stars aren't aligned or the Gods are malign blame is better to give than receive...
  13. JupiterEyed

    If you could edit your natal chart

    And it is very interesting that it seems that transit tends to make you very body-centered, or body-concerned. I have had various circumstances crop up in the last year and a half that have forced me to pay more attention to what my body is telling me... hydration and proper calorie intake being...
  14. JupiterEyed

    If you could edit your natal chart

    What were you on steroids for, if you don't mind my asking? My ENT doctor discovered that I had a deviated septum and a chronic case of sinusitis because of an awful flu I had the previous December. As I said, she put me on steroids to get the nasal and sinus inflammation under control, as the...
  15. JupiterEyed

    Magic 8 ball technique

    And that makes a second correct Magic 8 Ball prediction for me! I heard back tonight: the second time-frame I specified was "by next Friday." There was reason to believe it would be a while longer before I heard anything (it had been, comparatively, a while already), so this was rather unexpected.
  16. JupiterEyed

    If you could edit your natal chart

    Funny you mention that. Saturn is transiting my first and I've lost almost 20lbs in the last 8 months... stress, anxiety, topsy-turvy stomach, emotions, not enough money, etc. Granted, I previously gained-and-maintained 13lbs when I took steroids for nasal inflammation, but now I have turned...
  17. JupiterEyed

    Contact Tomorrow?

    As I had updated in the Magic 8 Ball technique forum, contact did not occur yesterday.
  18. JupiterEyed

    Magic 8 ball technique

    I recently posted a chart that yielded a "no." Regardless of the chart being in Regio/Whole Sign, I had asked if I would hear from someone (yesterday): 9th/their 3rd ruled by Mars, or 11th/their 5th ruled by Saturn, both of which indicate a "no" answer. After confirmation of the "no," I asked...
  19. JupiterEyed

    Contact Tomorrow?

    Will they contact me tomorrow? Considerations: - Hour-ruler agreement: Mars ruling the hour with Pisces on ascendant; same triplicity. - Early ascendant probably denotes the situation is still developing and there may be factors unawares that may render question null Me: Jupiter/Moon Them...
  20. JupiterEyed

    What do I look for????

    Real quick- I would also like to add that my best friend also experienced a life-changing move (and other family factors) correlated with SA Uranus conjuncting her IC. Because we were not friends at this point and had been out of contact for a year, I cannot remember the exact date of her move...