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  1. obsidianmineral

    Aries in natal charts

    A few months ago, I posted an analysis of the sign of Leo on this forum based on everything I've thought about the sign, the descriptions I've seen and books I've read about astrology. I honestly fell in love with the sign and it inspired me to keep on writing about the zodiac signs. I decided...
  2. obsidianmineral


    I like having a modern approach with natal astrology. For a traditional interpretation, what JUPITERASC said is right. But personally, I like to think of it from a psychological perspective. Planets don't act maliciously (they just are), and, for the sake of drawing insights and help from natal...
  3. obsidianmineral

    The desperation to weaken Leo in modern astrology.

    In the same way that it's dumb to try to depict signs through keywords and in the style of horoscope columns, it's dumb to try to paint some signs as "stronger" or "weaker" than others. Leo isn't the best sign nor the worst sign. It's just an archetype like any other and can be manifested in a...
  4. obsidianmineral

    Leo in natal charts

    Mmm, well in my opinion (and I may be biased by my Aquarius placements), regardless of astrological signs, individual strength and effectiveness depend on how one channels and implements energy in life. Astrological signs are abstract archetypes, and any perceived strength is influenced by an...
  5. obsidianmineral

    Leo in natal charts

    The central theme of Leo is integration, creativity and self-expression. More so than the Sun on its own, Leo represents drawing strength from within using the divine spark that makes us want to be alive, and to do what we truly want in a passionate, colorful, creative and expressive way. The...
  6. obsidianmineral

    What does she feels about me?

    I honestly am no expert in horary, but I'll make an educated guess Your signifiers, Jupiter and Moon, are in the signs of Venus, which represent your female coworker by natural signification. Meaning you're really interested in her, maybe not so much in terms of actual chemistry and long-term...
  7. obsidianmineral

    Is it true that Nodes are karmic and there are certain lessons we need to learn?

    Yeah, what I meant to say is that by having the North Node in the first, the native isn’t properly paying attention on 1st-house matters or channeling energies correctly, either out of lack of experience, interest or fear, when in reality exploring that area will precisely integrate the psyche...
  8. obsidianmineral

    Is it true that Nodes are karmic and there are certain lessons we need to learn?

    If I were to make an interpretation just based off that, I’d say that both the Sun and Moon have a tendency in the individual to focus elsewhere and not in the outward personality. One doesn’t care too much nor put enough conscious energy into the image one gives, the role you take on in social...
  9. obsidianmineral

    Is it true that Nodes are karmic and there are certain lessons we need to learn?

    Depends on the source you're looking at. Vedic astrologers, of course, regarded both as kinda malefic. Traditional western astrologers usually give very brief descriptions saying NN = good and SN = bad, but I think it's deeper than that. Since they're the intersection of the Sun and Moon, they...
  10. obsidianmineral

    Is she suitable for me?

    Mercury is in the fall of Jupiter (her) - she's bad for you You're in the 7th, you're caught up by her and interested in her, but this is ultimately bad for you. Whatever comes from this may not be good. There will be damage, but maybe not as terrible as it may seem. Jupiter is in the...
  11. obsidianmineral

    Should I talk to this Gemini man?

    The Sun receives Venus through triplicity. He finds you considerably attractive as a man/woman. He’s open to any advances from you and will like it a lot (Sun is in the rulership of Saturn), but it’s in the detriment of the Moon and the Moon in the fall of the Sun. Applying square between the...
  12. obsidianmineral

    Is he in love with me too

    I'd say he's attracted to you and there is some affection but nothing major. There are some receptions but no major aspects. Meaning there won't be any result from this. Circumstances won't allow. Both of your significators are retrograde, with both near their station - there is lack of clear...
  13. obsidianmineral

    Will I be executed or arrested in the future?

    I'd say you're in a bad spot, and you've done bad. Saturn is in the 10th, Sun is besieged by malefics, Moon is in detriment (anguish and despair) in the 6th house, but there are no major difficult aspects between significators and malefics. Moon is also void of course. I'd say nothing major will...
  14. obsidianmineral

    Did he ever love me? Will we have some kind of contact again in the future?

    In his book, John Frawley advises to represent the querent with the Moon, Lord of 1st and Venus (if it's a woman) or the Sun if it's a man. Judging by your chart, and by the method used in horary astrology to determine reception, only Jupiter (his head or actions) receives the Moon by...
  15. obsidianmineral

    Is she interested in me? Will something happen between us?

    Thanks waybread. I can send you my natal chart through direct messages. You’re right about the risk thing. Relationships are like that. I just don’t feel like she’d make a good choice as a partner, she’s the typical pretty girl that strings guys along, that pulls the wool over their eyes. I...
  16. obsidianmineral

    Is she interested in me? Will something happen between us?

    Thanks a lot for the interpretation. Yeah, that might be the case. Is she being represented by the Sun here? While I’m the Moon? There is an applying trine between these two and the Moon will make a bunch of aspects before leaving the sign. I guess that means that while nothing romantic will...
  17. obsidianmineral


    I'm not very good at reading horary but I can see that something did happen to her, probably mentally or internally. Her ruler Saturn just changed signs from Aquarius rulership to being peregrine in Pisces. Furthermore, Venus (represents the woman in question) also changed from Scorpio to...
  18. obsidianmineral

    Is she interested in me? Will something happen between us?

    Thanks a lot, waybread. Generally speaking, I think the relationship between her and all of us as friends has recently gotten better. She used to hang out a lot with a friend of hers but since he got a girlfriend a couple weeks ago she's been spending more time with me and my best friend. She...
  19. obsidianmineral

    The signs of the zodiac are the least important factor in a natal chart

    That is true. I don't know if I'd say squares are more difficult than oppositions. I'd say they are more dynamic and force you more to take action. They push you through conflict but also some of the tools to overcome their difficulties.
  20. obsidianmineral

    The signs of the zodiac are the least important factor in a natal chart

    I agree with waybread honestly. You could just be cherry-picking examples here. Natal charts don't tell you everything. Any amount of decent experience in analyzing and interpreting natal charts and comparing them to the individual will show you that there are simply charts that look good but...