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  1. *Morph*

    Hermetic Lots

    The Nature of the Planet affects the Lot. Can the Lord of the Lot see the Lot. What is the condition, and how does the Place affect the Lord of the Lot?
  2. *Morph*

    Hermetic Lots

    This Astrology Podcast is followed up (for you that have Brennans course) with a Part 2 with Nick Diggan-Best. Even better than this one.
  3. *Morph*

    Lost USB drive

    I bothered to take interest in this question, flipped through my Sahl b. Bishr and his answer was It is buried near water. You may not get it back. I hope that is remotely helpful. Good Luck!
  4. *Morph*

    Jean-Baptiste Morin

    I recall when I studied Almuten/Victors he had a twisted version of Bonatti/Sahl/Ibn Ezra supposing the Lord of the Nativity. I have not read it myself, and was kind of taught to pass by it, but if you find any pearls of wisdom, drop them in this post
  5. *Morph*

    Pls read my chart :-)

    Alright man, I need not enter great debate. However I will state that I am well studied. The differential here is the classic "How is a topic defined?" Is it by sign or division. As I am well practiced, I am going to tell you that the Topics of the Houses are defined by the 30 degree divisions...
  6. *Morph*

    Living in a community and group of friends.
  7. *Morph*

    Pls read my chart :-)

    Lord of the midheaven, not the 10th place.
  8. *Morph*

    Pls read my chart :-)

    /the 10th sign from Sagittarius is Virgo, the Lord of which is in Gemini - yes, I obviously read charts way better than you.
  9. *Morph*

    Living in a community and group of friends.

    I do not use divisions for topics - I see that you are using house cusps, instead of signs. Is your ASC in Taurus? Is Pisces 11 signs from Taurus? Where is your Mars? Is Cancer 3 signs from Taurus? Does Saturn oppose Cancer?
  10. *Morph*

    Living in a community and group of friends.

    Yeah sure. So the water trine holds your 3,7,11. As I mentioned, the Lords of 3&11 tell you a granting of or denial of friends. Lord 11 is in 1 - friends come to you - but it has Mars in 11 - separation. Lord 3 is in 5 - you delight in Friends, but it has Saturn opposing 3 - Denial. The Lot...
  11. *Morph*

    Finding meaning and my soul

    Tough chart/tough question. You work for yourself - that is your destiny. Lords 1,2&3 are in the 2nd from their dignities - this is self-help, entrepreneurship, or working with ones own hands. The Lord of the MC is in fall in 12 - so - some foreign element - institution or illness, jail. Or...
  12. *Morph*

    Living in a community and group of friends.

    Friends are seen from 11 & 3, the position of their Lords, and the Lot of Friends. A Moon - Mercury Lot, and it's Lord. No
  13. *Morph*

    Natal Birth Chart reading

    you will marry an older lady. It will be your only Marriage. Lot for a Male - Saturn to Venus. Lord of Lot Saturn, opposing exactly ASC ruler in Fixed signs. One marriage.
  14. *Morph*

    Pls read my chart :-)

    Relationships - Mutable Angles - double or dual. Lord 7 in 7 - She is in your hometown. Two of them. Vocation - Mutable Angles - double or dual. Lord 10 in 7 - Honor tied to Others. You are known through someone else. Spirituality - the setting Sun. Faithless is the word I would use, but it is...
  15. *Morph*

    Natal Saturn - under the beams, the Lot of Fathers, and the alternate calculation.

    Hey All, I would like to start collecting Natal charts that have Saturn under the beams. That is, within 15 degrees of the Sun, at birth. The reason is this; In the Hellenistic Tradition, there is a clause for this ONE specific Lot. The Lot of the Father. In a Diurnal birth, we would mark the...
  16. *Morph*

    Great Dane: 6th vs 12th house

    Do not forget the four-footed signs. Do any hold 6 or 12? Aries, Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius.
  17. *Morph*

    Can a business deal be made during mercury retrograde?

    Mercury has not yet retrograded. Your deal will go forward. If you had made this deal while mercury retrograded - it would have to be renegotiated at a later date
  18. *Morph*

    Moon Conjunct Saturn as a Cancer Rising?

    oh - And ASC lord in 2nd - entrepreneur!
  19. *Morph*

    Moon Conjunct Saturn as a Cancer Rising?

    After reviewing this thread again, and refreshing my mind on your chart - I would like to obtain your birth data - you have eminence factors. Which for the rest of the astrologers is; Jupiter in Fortune 11 Angular Venus The ASC ruler rising in the first hour after birth The primary Triplicity...