You are probably right :)
I take long breaks away from astrology so I def can't call myself an expert but the astrology I do know know is from personal experience.
Having said that,
one's appearance depends on genes firstly and if the stars do affect us those genes may be influenced by rising...
Regarding the Jan. 26 The World article “Greece - Ellada agrees to name change for Macedonia”:
During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln refused to publicly utter the words “the Confederate States of America.” He felt it would legitimize the Southern rebellion.
Unfortunately, the government of...
That video is not available in the country I live in but anyhow, I found it here
Beautiful music and lyrics
You are a very sensitive soul Sagcap. Can I see your chart?
Oops, just noticed that you wrote "You, me and SagCap" ...
I remember your chart Blazeyy, we do share a few astro similarities.
So, editing my response :
No wonder I like you and sag :smile:
What happened? Were you attacked? Try to keep safe :rightful:
Yes. A friend on here made me realize a while ago that it all leads down to that mars. My cancer sun is ruled by moon so it is disposited by my scorpio moon which in turn - since scorpio is ruled by mars - is disposited by aries...
sigh!! Why do I feel that this type of relationship would be so ideal for me? :love:
I don't think the fact the moon was VOC will have any impact on your relationship.
You have been together for 30 years. That's all that matters.
Congratulations on the marriage. :joyful:
I would rather you stick around. Would it be too much if I asked you to keep away from dangerous places?
Astrology wise I think it must be cardinal energy and that aries mars. I have a lot of energy which is pi**ing me off. I wish I weren't so restless :annoyed:
Speaks to my cancer sun
M a...
You're too young for that :smile:
On my end ... been busy with stuff that needed to be done now that I΄m not working plus a little volunteer work past 15 days e.g.
These must be your girls
Awww so sweet :smile:
Of course it does. I stalk myself too whenever I find the time.
My pisces descendant secretly wishes this was true. My Saturn MC squaring descendant knows it's not.
Jewel is sooo right.
Nahhh thanks I'm good :cool:
We are complete on our own, we don't need another person to ''complete'' us. We just need to look inward.
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