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  1. Lapis

    Happy 21st Birthday, Arian Maverick

    Happy birthday you and very well done! Big hugs and I hope you have a very magical year.
  2. Lapis

    :aries: Happy, happy, very happy birthday my dear friend! I remember meeting you here when you...

    :aries: Happy, happy, very happy birthday my dear friend! I remember meeting you here when you were what, fifteen or sixteen? Wow, go have a drink and plenty of fun. Big Hugs, Lapis
  3. Lapis

    are the new energies changing the rules of astrology?

    Re: Are the New Energies changing the rules of astrology? Hi Flea, long time no talk. Great question and direction as usual, but I suspect it won't be heard by many here but keep trying. It is consciousness that's changing, evolving, and naturally that will alter our perspectives about...
  4. Lapis

    The Lemurian Connection

    Your honesty is wonderful and refreshing EJ53. Thank you for it. Stair steps. It's all about ongoing stair steps of further awakening and expanding consciousness at each step. We're all doing it and will be for a long time to come. :wink:
  5. Lapis

    Chiron as the Ruler of Virgo

    Pallas-trine-Mars, "...but I wouldn't take someone preaching Nibiru very seriously, sorry if there's any hurt feelings about Scientology but that's what it is." Clow has nothing to do with Scientology (and neither do I) so what was your point in saying that...besides the obvious? You...
  6. Lapis

    Pluto Transits

    My Sun is 1 Capricorn. Yesterday was the Summer Solstice so there's all that Sun/Sun/Pluto oppostion/conjunction stuff goin' on for me (and maybe you too). Transiting Pluto is currently 2 Capricorn Rx so here comes my second (Rx) hit. Point is...Pluto is sitting on my face at the moment and...
  7. Lapis

    Chiron as the Ruler of Virgo

    Ever since I first heard of Chiron, it's always made sense to me that it is the (evolved) ruler of Virgo. The other thing that did it for me with this topic is looking at this, as Clow points out too in her book, the Virgo/Pisces and Chiron/Neptune combination or polarity. Sorry but there's no...
  8. Lapis

    The Barbara Hand Clow New Moon Report

    C1, In a nutshell...we're energetically, vibrationally, ascending/evolving or going up to a frequency that is fast enough that we'll be able to see and hear and interact with some of the ETs that have always existed within this other level or higher dimension (5D). We're ascending/evolving...
  9. Lapis

    The Barbara Hand Clow New Moon Report

    C1, Hi you! Long, long time no-see. It's great running into you again here. I too have sensed what you hinted at about the Internet. Anyhoo...just wanted to say hi. :smile:
  10. Lapis

    The Barbara Hand Clow New Moon Report

    waybread, I didn't know members couldn't quote other astrological material here in this way as we always could before. And NO, Barbara Hand Clow's monthly New Moon reports and also her quarterly or seasonal Solstice/Equinox reports, are something she gives away to all of us freely. None of...
  11. Lapis

    The Barbara Hand Clow New Moon Report

    R4VEN, I'm glad you connected with it here. I don't know what to tell you about that weird Mercury rx time portal strangeness! I know Clow doesn't archive her past months reports so I don't get why you're not seeing the current one. (because of this I quote Clow's monthly and seasonal reports...
  12. Lapis

    Jupiter Chiron Neptune conj 23rd May

    Flea, Thank you for adding a link to my site and a kind word. Hugs. B. H. Clow put up her Gemini New Moon report which talks more about the current "Triple Conjunction". I added it to the thread in Astrology In The Aquarian Age for any interested in what she has to say. Thanks again. :)
  13. Lapis

    The Barbara Hand Clow New Moon Report

    Because they just keep getting more interesting and potent, here's the Gemini New Moon report by Barbara Hand Clow. It's a doozy!
  14. Lapis

    Past lives and future lives

    alternativebeliefs, I think it best if you and I just don't even talk to each other. :) Thank you and Happy Trails.
  15. Lapis

    Past lives and future lives

    The point I was trying to make is to look at this reincarnation business not in a strickly linear way like this - ......Past......Present......Future...... - but to allow for the possibility that things just might exist in much more wonderful and complex non-linear multidimensional ways. I...
  16. Lapis

    Jupiter Chiron Neptune conj 23rd May

    Hi 4leafclovah, great to see you again too. I try to cruz through here every now and again to see what everyone is up to. :)
  17. Lapis

    Past lives and future lives

    That's correct. Now go ahead and hate me for remembering more than what's currently allowed and considered acceptable. :D Why don't you believe in spiritual evolution/growth? You don't believe that we're not only capable of, but are designed to evolve and expand beyond the past Ages spiritual...
  18. Lapis

    Jupiter Chiron Neptune conj 23rd May

    My pleasure sageofaquarius. :) Barbara Hand Clow is where I first go to get the highest astrological Light and she's always dead-on correct. Hi Flea :D nice seeing you again. Amazing and potent times for all huh?
  19. Lapis

    Past lives and future lives

    That is a very common belief AB, and one that's totally coming from a strickly linear consciousness and perspective. As the great beings we really are...we're much more complex, flexible, creative and multidimensional than just linear past/present/future. Think more spherical or quantum in...
  20. Lapis

    Mayan wisdom

    This article by Carl J. Calleman is from his website It's about the current (May 9-11 2009) Mid-point celebration in the Mayan Day Six cycle. It's very interesting imo and worth the time reading.