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  1. creativei

    Can anyone analyze my kundali for free

    What you wanna know?
  2. creativei

    When will I get a new job?

    You may get job after January or before March. Current sub period is problematic since asc 10th Lord retro profession life will have ups n downs not stable career. Moon yogakaraga for your lagna is debiliated but by virtue of being in 9th it wont spoil but it wont pour as well. Whenever rahu...
  3. creativei

    Coincidence or Destiny? Jupiter and Bhagavat Gita

    Everything is predestined nothing happens without reaeon. You havent given your horoscope if given i would have said reason. Either dasa Lord or sub period lord should have connection with 5th or 9th house for reading sacred Scriptures and all 2nd house should be good. Also in d20 Jupiter...
  4. creativei

    How to find out which person is the right match?

    Select moon in uttara ashada guy. Avoid danishta . Danishta nakshatra natives lacks marital happiness they are not well disposed to their spouse will have frequent clashes quarrels in marital life. But they are blessed with finance n material comforts.
  5. creativei

    Too much delay in marriage

    It happens in 2025 both 7th Lord n house is afflicted so you have to experience some bitterness in marital aspects career finance material comforts are good you get well accomplished spouse with all comforts may be hes in bussiness or govt side. Current jupitr dasa is not good already you...
  6. creativei

    Relationship- Divorce

    Wise person's speaks less only 🥳
  7. creativei

    Life change in Ketu mahadasha

    Ketu in 3 6 11 does good besides this Wherevr he sits gives trouble only no remedy for it its all based on your prevoius birth karma. Rahu spoils the native by giving all whereas ketu teaches life lesson by snatching all making person nothing its all for life wisdom n karma clearance. So...
  8. creativei

    Relationship- Divorce

    Give birth detail's of you'rs n your wife and say which year you filed divorce. If you have kids give their details too as it important to check status of parents in their charts. I dont know how Senior astrologr giving predictions without birth data, for calculations n timing of events...
  9. creativei

    Hiii I love someone and want to marry him in future and I want to know whether I will marry him or not

    To my knowledge it seems works some planetary combinations are favorable for it also current mahadasa should give love n marriage as it connected with 5th n 7th house good for love related matters. But you may have opposition from parents esp mom but in the end they may accept if all goes...
  10. creativei

    Obstacles in both career and relationships

    Date of birth, time, place of birth.
  11. creativei

    Obstacles in both career and relationships

    Showing mere screenshot of chart is not enough for accurate prediction's n life events we need to check all for that birth details is mandatory. This is not self help forum to give lengthy motivational speech. for each chart we invest huge time n using our knowledge so give proper details if...
  12. creativei

    Reunion inquiry

    I ssid non submisive because rahu in 1st mars in 6th generally mesha lagna natives dont care anyone they are rough n tough for you it's worst both rahu Mars saturm adds fuel to it. No i don't think he come again once ketu gives blow tats it msybe you get new guy but not again with this...
  13. creativei

    Reunion inquiry

    Your professional life is good but you're unlucky interms of love and relationships venus in 8th also hes 2ndn 7th Lord too, ketu in 7th not good it gives repeated bitterness in relationship wherever ketu sits he gives life lesson by seperation and bitter experience. In beginning everythibg...
  14. creativei

    Job Abroad

    So far you had rahu dasa rahu is all about forgein allien different culture also that rahu is with 12th Lord so it gave forgein residence n forgrin job rahu period gona end in 2024 now you are in rahu-mars always mars period in rahu dasa will be trouble some since 4th is homeland it took...
  15. creativei

    Foreign settlement

    Oversease residents is not possible your 12th lord is weak. But you may go once or twice professionally in later part of life even your office is near to your home, just walkable distance. You may live in another district or state after marriage. Jupiter Mars in 8th Wil give mixed...
  16. creativei

    Vedic health ques: Chart of someone who has Lung cancer.

    Well whatever you said is present in his chart you enough said about 6th house and mars it's true diseases are indicated by sign of 6th house n Lord of 6th house poisted Scorpio aets 6th should give private parts but ketu conjunction gave cancer n blood related troubles also he may have...
  17. creativei

    Vedic health ques: Chart of someone who has Lung cancer.

    Give birth details in written,..
  18. creativei

    Please help me on my future.🙏

    You are currently running Venus /mercury period venus as major lord owns 7th n 12th house n mercury owns 8th n 11th geneeally 8th house sub period r bad it givss many setbacks n disgrace gives mental worries even major dasa Lord too in Mercury star in which whole venus dasa you get 8th...
  19. creativei

    I annoy people

    Ketu in asc gives those problems avoid those and move on. Or fight with courage..