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    Court Case from my wife// Help with accurate prediction

    This is horary board not natal. You need to meditate upon the issue that you want to inquire and ask the question and post the chart here. Use following -- You can use free sites like to cast a chart and post it here...
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    Court Case from my wife// Help with accurate prediction

    Suman, Check your private message, I have sent you a message with contact details of Kolkata/India people who can help you. Now why would you want to reconcile with a woman has falsely accused you and has put you in such a terrible phase of your life. She is an abuser and any reconciliation...
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    Will she wait?

    need place of question.
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    Court Case from my wife// Help with accurate prediction

    *** Non-Astro suggestion *** Suman, you need to concrete help and guidance. If this is related with 498a or anything similar it can ruin your life and that of your parents. Contact SIFF or Confidare or other Men's Rights organisations in India, they have the expertise to help men in your...
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    Will I marry the girl I love?

    A wise thought indeed. Do keep us posted. Best wishes brother.
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    Will I marry the girl I love?

    Why not? The more men she is having sex in parallel with the more psycho-sexual power she can exert over them. And then who knows she can find a better suitor with more socio-economic power or promise of such power. Yes, as far as my limited knowledge is concerned this is glaringly evident...
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    Will I marry the girl I love?

    I am sorry brother. You need to protect yourself from this woman, who clearly is not worthy of your time, trust and love. Better safe and a bit disappointed in the short run than sorry and devastated in the long run. There is a good chance that she is giving the other guy some sob story...
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    Will I marry the girl I love?

    Whatever she is hiding from you, it is serious, retrograde signifactor (her) indicates that there is significant trouble involved in the question and from her side (since it's her signifactor). An affair will be indicated by aspect between her (jupiter) and ruler of 5th house from 7th. Lord of...
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    Is it over between us?

    Thanks for the update Kathrine, From the horary chart you posted I do not see anything happening between him and another woman (5th house from 7th), as there is no aspect between the two rulers. From a semi-astrological perspective, simply bringing up these issues with respect and care might...
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    Will I marry the girl I love?

    L1 (you) are Mercury in 3rd house. L7 (she) is Jupiter in the 11th house. Moon will be general co-signifactor. Mercury is in the cadent house and is peregrine so not in a very good state. Jupiter is in the sign of its exaltation (cancer) although retrograde, hence there is definitely...
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    Practice marriage horary question

    The answer is - yes, they did marry.
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    12th house in composite

    Thanks for explaining it Dr Farr. I quite agree that if we are using whole signs house system that is the way to go. Also your interpretation seems to be quite spot on. Our feelings were intense and communication quite patchy, although mercury in Gemini is domicile hence should offset some...
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    12th house in composite

    That's quite an interesting take Dr Farr, thanks. If I do a composite chart of our charts in whole sign house system on, I still get Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus in the 12th house. Not sure why. If we follow your system, how would you interpret the composite chart. That is a...
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    12th house in composite

    I have planet laden 12th house in composite with a woman. We both had feelings for each other but we never took the decisive plunge. I understand that the composite is akin to a child and must be seen as a separate entity compared to the individuals. Composite is also not quite relevant unless...
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    Is it over between us?

    /*While reading this please keep in mind that I am a beginner student of horary.*/ You are Sun (L1), he is Saturn (L7). Moon as general signifactor of question or your co-signifactor. Sun is separating from Saturn by an arc of 18 minutes (after a tight conjunct). Now if we go by Lilly it is...
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    What would be the result?

    Dear Dr. Farr if we do consider the 3rd triplicity lord of the sign on the 4th house and its state, and it being moon let's say that instead of being VOC it is peregrine. How would the Ankara method consider it or how do you think pre-Ibn Ezra authors suggest it to be considered. thanks.
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    Will it get resolved ?Will we get back together?

    Sharp analysis tsmall !!! cheers.
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    Is he cheating on me?

    no aspect between 5th house ruler from the 7th house (jupiter) and the 7th house ruler (mars). no he is not cheating.
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    Will it get resolved ?Will we get back together?

    if you consider this as a valid point to be considered, then with Sun as the general signifactor of men, moon as your primary signifactor and now jupiter as 2nd signifactor, we have 3 out of 7 planets/luminaries assigned to you? and what if you have 2 or 3 planets in the first house? i'll...
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    Will it get resolved ?Will we get back together?

    ====== While reading this please keep in that I am a beginner student of horary. Before believing or acting upon anything written following please discuss with experienced astrologers. ==> Okay, chart is radical (even with Bonnatti's hour ruler point). You are moon (L1), she is saturn (L7)...