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  1. girlinthelobby

    Will I get my own apartment by March 1?

    Hi! My last lease ended Dec 1st and I’ve started the dreaded apartment hunt again this month. I’ve been staying with friends in the meantime, and every apartment I’ve seen so far has been awful. I’m viewing an apartment on Thursday that I love so far, not sure if I’ll get it but I really want...
  2. girlinthelobby

    Will we ever talk again?

  3. girlinthelobby

    Will we ever talk again?

    when does mars go direct? I would say… a friend I have very flirty conversations with and just kissed again three days ago lol.
  4. girlinthelobby

    Will we ever talk again?

    Hiiii, so this is about my cancer friend from the last post.. Yes, that situation was complicated and I don't 1000% agree with what they did, but they never responded to my last texts to them and I'd still like to have them around to possibly produce music for me one day. They didn't unfollow me...
  5. girlinthelobby

    Will I see them?

    okay… so I just saw them.. i went to their house with my best friend, i dragged her along thinking oh I don’t want to be without her, and this person’s been disrespectful with my time in the past so I’ll bring my bestie to lean on in case anything goes sour. we get there, we’re bantering, then...
  6. girlinthelobby

    Will I see them?

    hi! I haven’t been as active on here as usual, but i wanted a reading on this chart because I really don’t know what’ll happen here. I’m on a vacation trip with my best friend right now and I’m wondering if I’ll see my little crush / hookup situation guy while I’m here. I’m only here 3/4 more...
  7. girlinthelobby

    Will I get the money?

    same time as the initial chart w wrong year, is that right?
  8. girlinthelobby

    Will I get the money?

  9. girlinthelobby

    Will I get the money?

    omg haha let me redo that
  10. girlinthelobby

    Will I get the money?

    Hi. Really random post here.. I've been bored playing around with dating apps recently and a guy promised me a large amount of money just to add me on snapchat whenever they next came in to the city (today). I figured weirdos from these apps have paid me more for less, why not? I don't feel like...
  11. girlinthelobby

    Will we go out in January?

    interesting! lots of different angles in this thread, I'm excited to report back on what ends up ultimately happening. obviously I feel very optimistic about it but could end up changing my mind !
  12. girlinthelobby

    Will we go out in January?

    Hi! I started talking to an Aquarius this week who is sooo my type. We like the same things, they’re so hot, but they live across the country. You guessed it, in the city i have traveled to twice in the last two months and always seem to have a bad time in. I am planning another trip there for...
  13. girlinthelobby

    Will I have success and fame next year?

    I think both, since in my career success is so fleeting. you can be successful in the past then never work again or go do something else. I guess I’d consider finding work in any field successful
  14. girlinthelobby

    Will I get a nosejob this year?

    no, next year :)
  15. girlinthelobby

    Will I have success and fame next year?

    Hi! I asked this last year, and I’m gonna post again. Please let me know if there’s a better way to see this in a chart, using natal chart or a different type of astrology as a whole. I’m often referred to by my friends as ‘the most famous person we know’ lol. To me it’s just funny. I work hard...
  16. girlinthelobby

    Will I get a nosejob this year?

    Update! I did NOT get the nosejob this year, but weirdly enough I did smash my face and almost broke my nose a couple months ago.. I am now actively taking the steps to undergo surgery because my doctors said I can’t wait with my deviated septum & rhinitis anymore, I will continue getting sick...
  17. girlinthelobby

    Will I have success & fame next year?

    Update here. Though this was not my BREAK OUT year, I still found success. I joined a network TV show, filmed a movie in another state that I’m very proud of, said movie came out in theatres, went on contract, was on a famous album cover broadcast on billboards across the US and in Times Square...
  18. girlinthelobby

    Should I go on this trip?

    I just got back a day ago. I was supposed to spend three days there and it ended up only being 24 hours. There were some fun times but for the most part, it was absolutely chaotic and unfortunate thing on unfortunate thing kept happening. It was certainly an adventure. I was extremely sleep...
  19. girlinthelobby

    Should I go on this trip?

    update! it’s booked, i’m goiiiiing 👀
  20. girlinthelobby

    Should I go on this trip?

    acquaintance, someone vaguely trying to pursue me. he’s not pushy at all, and now that I know he is ‘normal’ by my friends standards and just some rich guy it’s less daunting. i’ve definitely been offered things like this before, but i’ve never actually entertained it.