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  1. The Drunken Master

    Saturn conjunct Neptune

    somebody help me ? please !!
  2. The Drunken Master

    Saturn conjunct Neptune

    Hello everyone ! I want to ask you about this transit Saturn conjunct Neptune...How will it affect me ? Thanks ! <--- natal <--- progressed
  3. The Drunken Master

    Career transits ?

    Hello, everyone ! I want to ask you about future transits, about my work. I have been in a difficult situation for a year now and I have been in a place while I want to develop. I recently had a great chance of this happening, and my salary would be but I am not a person who is tightening...
  4. The Drunken Master


    Hello, everyone ! I would like to ask you whether you can tell me something more specific about my career as it is currently in a standstill. Today and yesterday I was interviewed, and I have some hopes since they are related to development in my field. The question is that these "hopes"...
  5. The Drunken Master

    Help about my career...

    Hello everyone ! I want to ask you,about my career plans in this time.I started working in a restaurant with the potential to develop,because I want to be engaged in the future in this sphere.the problem is that I'm surrounded by absolute idiots that constantly poison me.they do not stop...
  6. The Drunken Master

    Help about my career...

    Hello everyone ! I want to ask you,about my career plans in this time.I started working in a restaurant with the potential to develop,because I want to be engaged in the future in this sphere.the problem is that I'm surrounded by absolute idiots that constantly poison me.they do not stop...
  7. The Drunken Master

    Help about my career...

    Hello everyone ! I want to ask you,about my career plans in this time.I started working in a restaurant with the potential to develop,because I want to be engaged in the future in this sphere.the problem is that I'm surrounded by absolute idiots that constantly poison me.they do not stop...
  8. The Drunken Master

    help about career

    I want to ask how I can understand the outcome of my current situation in the career. I started on 19.03.2018 (mercury rx)at noon. The idea was that I would be developing and I was pressed by the financial difficulties. The problem is that there is a scary many intrigue, bad people who envy ...
  9. The Drunken Master

    Help me...

    Tommorow I have another job interview but im not ok with that place...i dont like it...but I dont have a choice. I have a Mercury square Neptune transit right now.Its not Ok for a contract...right ?
  10. The Drunken Master

    Help me... <-- proggresed <-- natal Hello, everyone ! I want to ask you something about my career. tomorrow at 14:00 am I have an interview for a job I think is very important to me. My question is whether my transits are right now as a step forward in my...
  11. The Drunken Master

    Help me... <-- proggresed <-- natal Hello, everyone ! I want to ask you something about my career. tomorrow at 14:00 am I have an interview for a job I think is very important to me. My question is whether my transits are right now as a step forward in my...
  12. The Drunken Master

    Jupiter in Scorpio ? What about my love life ?

    Hello everyone...I just ask u,about the "Jupiter in Scorpio" thinks,and what to expect in next 12-24 months... Jupiter conjunct in my Pluto in 7th House ? Whats this ? Nice or bad ? 10x a lot...
  13. The Drunken Master

    Birthday horoscope :)

    Tell me something more for this transit and future transits...10x
  14. The Drunken Master

    Birthday horoscope :)

    Today is my birthday, can you make me an astro prognosis about what awaits me for a calendar year? Educations,travels,love,work...:) Thanks a lot ! image uploader
  15. The Drunken Master

    Workin' problems ?

    10x a lot !
  16. The Drunken Master

    Workin' problems ?

    1/ You owe me nearly 1000 euro (pass wages from summer),and nobody help me,about that... 2/ I want to develop in Restaurant bussines... 3/ Yes...Its unbearable.My Boss is such a IDIOT ! he knows nothing of restaurant bussines...Nothing ! 4/ Tell me about transits: Jupiter square MC and Pluto...
  17. The Drunken Master

    Workin' problems ?

    Hello everyone...From a long time,i wanted to ask on problems at my work (i am manager of restaurant).I feel like canned,surrounded by idiots...I feel constantly angry.Мy questions is "should I stay in this work place ?","that soon things will get better ?"I want to develop in this area...Is...
  18. The Drunken Master


    Here it is... Me She (I dont know time of birth) I realized that she is engaged... I had some hopes that we can get together again because I had some dreams about it, but obviously I was a fool
  19. The Drunken Master


    Sunday morning I received information about my ex-girlfriend...That information was a terrible for me and that snapped hope on our future.I love this girl... I think was a Mars... Mars conjunct Mars in Virgo (in V House) in 10 degrees... (01.01.2017) Can you give me information about future...
  20. The Drunken Master

    fog about 5th house and 10th house

    I hope to fulfill his promise