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Astrologers' Community

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  1. esibesi

    If I become an astrologer, would that make me happy and successful?

    Hello again! I recently asked about my dream job, and I appreciate all the feedback I received. It seems my question wasn't formulated in the best way. Thank you for your answers! I have another question along the same lines: If I become an astrologer, would that make me happy and successful...
  2. esibesi

    what is my dream job?

    oh, I see. thank you. I appreciate it. I'll reformulate my question accordingly.
  3. esibesi

    what is my dream job?

    I asked horary what my dream job is. I studied politics and international relations. then I worked in advertising. and then we started our own company with my husband. but since we had our daughter, 3 years ago, I gradually stopped working. since then I've been taking astrology lessons, natal...