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  1. theV

    Should I stay or leave?

    Can someone make a chart for the corresponding question because my phone is acting strange?
  2. theV

    Should I stay or leave?

    I have been working in Russia for almost a year now, but due to covid19, I have been stuck and there are no ways to getting back to my country. My visa is expiring soon and I need to know whether I should renew my contract or leave the country?
  3. theV

    Will she send me the letter of invitation?

    Please some insights
  4. theV

    Will she send me the letter of invitation?

    Passage from william lilly books
  5. theV

    Will she send me the letter of invitation?

    I am waiting for a foreign correspondance in order to submit my visa and go work abroad. I have signed my contrat but I've been waiting for almost one month for this letter to come in. Will I recieve or will she send it?
  6. theV

    I am starting to doubt my Leo Rising

    This would be my new birth chart
  7. theV

    I am starting to doubt my Leo Rising

    Which page can I find the epoch method mentioned in Lilly's book Christian astrology?
  8. theV

    I am starting to doubt my Leo Rising

    I agree with you. Technology made things easier but also made astrologer lazy. I was reading through Parashar and learning his methods. I had to revamp my mathematical skills to grasp the concepts. I also struggled with rectifying my chart because I am weak at math and English isn't my...
  9. theV

    I am starting to doubt my Leo Rising

    I agree with you. Technology made things easier but also made astrologer lazy. I was reading through Parashar and learning his methods. I had to revamp my mathematical skills to grasp the concepts. I also struggled with rectifying my chart because I am weak at math and English isn't my...
  10. theV

    I am starting to doubt my Leo Rising

    I have discovered in solar gold fire that there is an option for pre natal chart. What is your opinion about it? Is it accurate?
  11. theV

    I am starting to doubt my Leo Rising

    Yes, JupiterAsc. The chart below shows the Epoch ASC in the degree of the natal Moon which makes the Epoch Moon still in Cancer. Thus, making my ASC in CANCER AND NOT LEO!!!!! MEANING I WAS BORN ON 2:54 AND NOT 3:45!
  12. theV

    I am starting to doubt my Leo Rising

    The ASC and the Moon are 119 degree apart. 119 divide on 13 gives off 9 which means 9 days added to 273 it is 282. The day of conception would then be 23 NOV 1994. "Always remember that since the Moon at birth becomes AC or DC at Epoch and vice versa," We put the natal moon as the ASC of...
  13. theV

    I am starting to doubt my Leo Rising

    First image is the possible conception day when the moon was in 25 degree cancer. and the second possible concetion day makes the moon in 7 degree leo close to my actual ascendant. I put Sagittarius as the ascendant to both conception chart according to this article...
  14. theV

    I am starting to doubt my Leo Rising

    @ JupiterAsc Yes, I do understand the instruction. But I am not sure whether I calculated the degree well. I started from 6 degree leo and counted + 13 degree until I reached Sagittarius. But I ended up in 8 degree sagittarius starting from 6 degree leo. I don't know now if it is 9 days or 10 days
  15. theV

    I am starting to doubt my Leo Rising

    I am trying to rectify using my prenatal epoch. My moon is below the horizon and is increasing in light which means according to this Moon below the earth and increasing in light. Period of gestation is 273 days plus "x". "Count is to AC, because increasing and is 115 degrees. This...
  16. theV

    I am starting to doubt my Leo Rising

    I am trying to rectify using my prenatal epoch. My moon is below the horizon and is increasing in light which means according to this Moon below the earth and increasing in light. Period of gestation is 273 days plus "x". "Count is to AC, because increasing and is 115 degrees. This...
  17. theV

    I am starting to doubt my Leo Rising

    I am trying to use Lilly's way of rectifiying using the conception day, But I am confused what is my exact conception day is. I am following his method stated in this article:
  18. theV

    I am starting to doubt my Leo Rising

    First we need to locate the Moon in the unrectified chart, let us call it the ‘base chart’. Is it above or below the horizon? Next we need to calculate the distance from Moon to Ascendant (if the Moon is under the horizon) and from Moon to Descendant (if the Moon is above the horizon) After that...
  19. theV

    I am starting to doubt my Leo Rising
  20. theV

    I am starting to doubt my Leo Rising

    Recieving a contract from abroad in 24 of June at 14:00. The moon is in Pisces 23 and the Sun is in cancer 2 degree and the Ascendant was in Libra 17 degree which makes sense since I have pisces in the 9th, Cancer in the 12th which rules foreign affairs, and Libra in the fourth home. I think the...