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  1. piercethevale

    Birth chart of Jesus?

    I don't post objections using 'modern" techniques, [as they like to call them, yet they are actually the most ancient, the truly "classical" because being valid they have existed since time began] in the "classical astrology only" sub forum If this forum is to continue to exist, or at least...
  2. piercethevale

    Birth chart of Jesus?

    May I again remind all that this particular thread, that I initiated, is placed in the "DEGREE SYMBOLS" sub-forum. I posted it in this particular sub-forum because the entire premise of my proof, that it is the actual natal birth chart of the Nazarene, is based upon use of the degree symbols...
  3. piercethevale

    Jesus' Birth Chart

    It's only from a belief in the validity, and a thorough understanding, of the Sabian Symbols does one come to realize that there can be no other time and date upon which the Nazarene was born than 5:23 P.M. 3 A.D., as the chart axis, the 12th House cusp, the Part of Fortune, the Part of...
  4. piercethevale

    Jesus' Birth Chart

    Well, I checked back to see if I had indeed addressed this misunderstanding of what Cayce said before in this very same thread. I got to post #58 which was by the moderator Wilson informing all that he moved off topic comments to a new thread. I don't have any posts prior to Wilson's...
  5. piercethevale

    Jesus' Birth Chart

    People hear and read what they want to hear and read. Most often, I have found, they don't want to hear your opinion, they want to hear your opinion agree with theirs. The above example of misunderstanding of that particular passage by Cayce comes up quite often. In fact I know that I have...
  6. piercethevale

    Birth chart of Jesus?

    S. Node was in the 8th House, unless you're using a different House system? Thanks for your interest and input.
  7. piercethevale

    Jesus' Birth Chart

    You just don't get it. He was employing an odd usage of syntax, Look at this part of the passage; "nor that same time which was in common usage even in that land, but what would NOW represent January sixth." What Cayce was saying is that it is not that same time [as that of the true birth...
  8. piercethevale

    Jesus' Birth Chart

    ----- Not this **** again? I've gone over this so many times, in so many posts that I can't even begin to recall as to how many, that... No, Edgar didn't say that. I suggest that you re-read that passage and then let it sink in, run it through your mind a number of times, as many as it takes...
  9. piercethevale

    Hello all!

    My immediate thought on the matter, when I first learned of the deletion of the delete option was that the new owners believe they own every single word that has ever been posted here at AW and that any loss of even the least is still a loss in equity.In the previous formatting system there was...
  10. piercethevale

    WORD FOR THE DAY – word that sums up the moment – NO INVENTED WORDS

    I thought that "baked" is what on gets from smoking cannabis? "Burned" is what you get when the cannabis you thought you had bought turns out to be oregano or hops, instead. But, perhaps, this is all due to regional differences in colloquial expressions and terms? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  11. piercethevale

    Hello all!

    Well, my becoming aware of the new ownership explains why I was suddenly awarded 83 points, points that I never knew existed, all in one day recently. Yet I find that everyone else here has 113 points. Gee, I might develop an inferiority complex, or have reason to believe that I'm being...
  12. piercethevale

    Hello all!

    ...and yet I cannot edit a post that I made Tuesday. It seems that there are some glaring inconsistencies about here.
  13. piercethevale

    WORD FOR THE DAY – word that sums up the moment – NO INVENTED WORDS

    Bummed A state of mind resulting from being officially or legally prevented from, or doing, something.
  14. piercethevale

    WORD FOR THE DAY – word that sums up the moment – NO INVENTED WORDS

    "Elbow Room", two words, but regarded as one, by some sources. Q.E.D.
  15. piercethevale

    Hello all!

    As for "HOBBY"... I mean, "really"? My hobby is quantum physics and I spend my evenings tinkering with a black hole that I created using ingredients found in just about any kitchen. I am a bit puzzled about my cat's intense curiosity with it and, strangely, a number of his toys have seemingly...
  16. piercethevale

    Hello all!

    I found that I can no longer edit old posts. That is problematic because I do have threads that were meant to be ongoing processes and those that are listings of known and unknown Astrological Parts being the most of concern. The internet overall has changed much in the last 15 years. It's...
  17. piercethevale

    Hello all!

    Astrodienst closed their forum? That's news to me. I was made very unwelcome there years ago and eventually banned... so good riddance is all I have further to say about that. I wasn't made to feel welcome at Skyscript either, for that matter. Too closed minded. I also didn't know that...
  18. piercethevale

    Trump won 2024 election - WHAT COMES NEXT?

    W What? I've been doing it just like this for the last 18 years that I have been a member here Waybread. You've never been supportive of my findings and have always exhibited some degree of animosity towards it when you didn't simply ignore it. Apparently you may now be feeling empowered...
  19. piercethevale

    The SUPPOSEDLY LONE GUNMAN Claim Is Convenient THEORY & A PLAUSIBLE Explanation

    They wasted no time killing the attempted assassin. As it is said, "Dead men tell no tales". The excuses stink, especially that bit about the "pitch of the roof". That is the least amount of pitch one might find on any roof that is pitched. It appeared to me that is a one half inch to one foot...
  20. piercethevale

    USA Pluto's Natal Return, July 16, 2024, Sidereal Precession Adjusted

    So, I missed the announcement o the vote by the electoral college. I take it that Trump was confirmed on the 18th of December? Well then, that adds up nicely as the True North Noe entered the 3rd deg. of Aries sometime on the 15th. The 3rd deg. of Aries is the location of Trumps Astrological...