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  1. suimui10

    Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!

    Thanks. I asked about that man I just met online and whether he's a guy I think I know. Nice card in response! Leaving: The Sun!
  2. suimui10

    Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!

    Hmm, I am not sure how it bodes with my question but I'll take it. The High Priestess is about hidden knowledge and possible surprises. Let's hope it's all good. Leaving behind the Sun
  3. suimui10

    Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!

    Wow, nice, I'll take 4 of wands. Leaving behind the Sun.
  4. suimui10

    Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!

    I'm taking them! Thanks, Anachiel. :) Leaving behind the Ten of Swords.
  5. suimui10

    Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!

    Oh wow. I love the Wheel Of Fortune esp. since its turn is overdue in my case. Thank you, Didi! :D Leaving the Sun for the next person. :)
  6. suimui10

    Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!

    Taking the Ace of Swords for my question. Thanks. Leaving the Ten of Wands.
  7. suimui10

    Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!

    Beautiful card for me, dearest Anachiel, thank you very much. Before I clicked on the link to come to this page, I had my question in mind. Imagine to see you are the last person who drew a card here, thank you! And your card is really truly 100% apt for me. Leaving the Sun!
  8. suimui10

    Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!

    Oh, I like the King but Swords, oh my. I asked about a guy and his intentions towards me. Swords aren't kind, but he's so sweet. I think he likes me. Leaving: the Hermit
  9. suimui10

    Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!

    I'll take the victorious 4 of wands, Jerry, and thanks very much for the encouragement. Leaving the 8 of Swords.
  10. suimui10

    not exactly a beginner but I need your eyeball pls

    Kimbermoon, I appreciate your message. Being in the middle of a crisis makes me quite vulnerable to other people's energies. Despite this fact, I'm open and have requested help. I would never doubt about someone's earnest request for help without having a reason or hard evidence that the person...
  11. suimui10

    should I give up now??

    Please talk to your doctor about stopping the SSRIs; there are a million other alternatives and only your doctor can help you on this. Especially tell your doctor about the "bipolar" side-effects. Don't worry about astrology. Once you are back up physically, you can think about continuing your...
  12. suimui10

    not exactly a beginner but I need your eyeball pls

    Thank for your response. Kimbermoon. I would encourage you to share what you see about what needs to be done. Generalizing about people's reactions is not right. You can express your opinions, but you can't force people to accept them as is; they are only your opinions after all. People will...
  13. suimui10

    Libra men...

    Yes, the energies are too alike (though not identical) to mix. But I agree that a mature Libra would suit a mature Pisces very much. The key is to be and to find that person.
  14. suimui10

    not exactly a beginner but I need your eyeball pls

    LOL, you sound like a Pisces. I wanted to SHARE with you, Jerry, the answer to your question. But you do not wish to receive this intimacy. It's fine by me. I like you all the same. :D I enjoy your posts; you have stirred the conversation to interesting routes more than once and corrected...
  15. suimui10

    not exactly a beginner but I need your eyeball pls

    Ok, Jerry, I respect your wish to not be contacted. I can't *not* tell you that I feel we miss out on something by not communicating directly. I completely trust you have very good reasons. It's just sad. :sick:
  16. suimui10

    not exactly a beginner but I need your eyeball pls

    I guess I have read too many of these articles. The effect of Pluto on my natal Uranus is defined by the details of my chart and so it sounds more concrete. I cannot battle with the entire universe for freedom (Uranus); I just want to tackle the square as it specifically manifests in my life...
  17. suimui10

    My URANUS transit

    About your Uranus opposition, as it was said above it won't occur for a couple of yrs yet. But when it comes, it will activate both your 4th house where natal Uranus sits and your Aqua-ruled 8th house of sex, death and other people's money. You natal Mars is in the 8th and it will possibly also...
  18. suimui10

    My URANUS transit

    Chang, Do you remember when T Pluto square'd your N Pluto at 28 Virgo? My N Pluto is also at 28 Virgo (although different house) so I wonder how you felt it. This must have occurred about 4yrs ago. Do you remember anything happened 4yrs ago?
  19. suimui10

    not exactly a beginner but I need your eyeball pls

    Jerry -- I cannot PM you; you have switched off the option. So if you'd like me to get in touch, please PM me with an email or something.
  20. suimui10

    not exactly a beginner but I need your eyeball pls

    Hi Jerry! I had PM'ed you; have you seen that PM? :) Let me PM you again regarding my birth (thanks for asking!). Please help me with the primary directions if possible. It sounds so interesting! Sui