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  1. RishiRahul

    Progressed North node sextile natal Mars.......

    Hello, Reached a nice 'bump' to my query! I hope and wish if the esteemed western astrologers help me to my query? Thanks, RishiRahul
  2. RishiRahul

    Help with Solar Return 2024

    ShannaUK, I was what you mentioned that you are living right now, a result of (or due to) 28 July 2024!? Please help me. RishiRahul
  3. RishiRahul

    Progressed North node sextile natal Mars.......

    Good morning, May I atttract opinions on Progressed North node sextile natal Mars in a birth chart which also means Progressed South node trine natal Mars Thanks for the inputs, RishiRahul
  4. RishiRahul

    Help with Solar Return 2024

    ShannUK, Annual charts can be very deep and searching if applied with knowledge. It clearly indicate strong possibility of residential change! You are absolutely on the right track in accordance with your wishes and step by step aims. A lot of thing will happen from the time I indicated in Oct...
  5. RishiRahul

    Help with Solar Return 2024

    ShannaUK, During your solar return chart from May 2024 to May 2025, the main planets are very strong, showing that its a year of great effort from your side, and by no means an unimportant year......... THATS 100%. The muntha in the 8th house puts you to a corner, but the lord, moon is the...
  6. RishiRahul

    Help with Solar Return 2024

    Yes, I would need your birthplace, ShannaUK. Since you say my mailbox is disabled, you can tell me here. Also, it will be nice to let me know how would I enable my mailbox? Thanks, RishiRahul
  7. RishiRahul

    Help with Solar Return 2024

    Hello ShannaUK, Using your birth details as 24 May 1986 @ 6.35 hrs in London, I constructed your solar return chart. But first please confirm your birthdata, to help me go ahead with your solar return chart? RishiRahul
  8. RishiRahul

    help! ketu dasha advice please

    Hello, Actually, I saw March/April to be her path (way) in 2024, so am still wondering why? though her dog passed away, and grandmothers ailing health happened in late may early june 2024. Thank you for confirming that the 'root' of the things happened in 2022. I await your reply, RishiRahul
  9. RishiRahul

    help! ketu dasha advice please

    Hello, It look like her Ketu dasa began from March 2024. At first pls confirm if the sharp changes happened in March or April 2024? And did her troubles start (or have its root) in 2022 in some way? RishiRahul
  10. RishiRahul

    What is the correct DOB 7th Dec or 6th Dec based on life events

    Dear Parme, Looks its certainly 6th. Dec [1962 at 00.05 hrs in Chandigarh, India]! Sorry for the trouble. RishiRahul
  11. RishiRahul

    What is the correct DOB 7th Dec or 6th Dec based on life events

    Hello Parme, I am also inclined to the 6th, but I need another confirmation to your query. She married in Aug 1989 as you say. Did 1991 bring a sharp change in her life? maybe she decided to look for a suitor, or found on or something like that? amd or Did 1999 bring a sharp turn in her...
  12. RishiRahul

    Speech delay - 5 year old

    Hello Subasha, What is your childs full name? I need this for predicting accurately. RishiRahul
  13. RishiRahul

    Is there a potential love interest for me currently—or am I meant to give up on this person?

    Hello Bloop, While transit Saturn in the 10th house applies pressure in your career, it applies pressure in your finances too being at the Arudha Lagna , and Arudha of your 2nd. house. Your moon is in Mithuna rasi (gemini); which is why you are undergoing changes in your life over the last...
  14. RishiRahul

    Regarding Marriage Life improvement

    Hello, Whether its 7.04 am or 7.30 am transit Saturn and transit Ketu begun affecting your house of marriage/relationships from 2019; for which there must have been some frustrating restriction and difficulty in such sphere! This MAY have been of rather crazy proportions. In either birth times...
  15. RishiRahul

    Is there a potential love interest for me currently—or am I meant to give up on this person?

    Let me be more specific. From 2023, that is after the first third of your venus subperiod in vimshottari dasa started, I a guessing strongly that you are begining to realise, due to whatever reason that you need to make it on your own in life, without much help from others. While the above is a...
  16. RishiRahul

    Is there a potential love interest for me currently—or am I meant to give up on this person?

    Thank you for responding!! That means a lot... Yes there's a lot of changes, but good to know that it's not "bad" overall as you say. Yes I'm being dragged in both directions-- my sensational attitude and my desire to achieve It seems that whenever I focus on one 100%, the other gets in the...
  17. RishiRahul

    Urgent!!! JOB ISSUE

    Hello Terraceoak3811, Astrologers aren't magicians or crystal gazers, but need to do a lot of mathematics (ganitha part of vedic astrology) including a lot of logic apply to the mathematics. For which its important to cororborate with the past. Also if the past doesn't match, there is no...
  18. RishiRahul

    Is there a potential love interest for me currently—or am I meant to give up on this person?

    Hello, I wonder if you removed the person in Dec 2022, as your mind was getting stressed towards being more practical about the fact that you needed to focus more on your individuality and career progress. It need not be a bad dasa, but you are just going through a lot of changes in life...
  19. RishiRahul

    Urgent!!! JOB ISSUE

    Hello Terraceoak, I didnt understand where I was partially true; as you mentioned both points mentioned above are correct, (1) regarding change of place timing, and (2) time of change of career environment? Also you mentioned earlier to someone that is (a)July 2023 is the last you can work...
  20. RishiRahul

    Urgent!!! JOB ISSUE

    Hello Terraceoak, Since mid 2021 there was a change in career environment, and possibly location too at the first half. Where you busy trying out jobs since then; more than one possibly; cannot confirm with the limited details. You are in Saturn subperiod of Venus Dasa since 2021, where saturn...