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  1. Athene

    Why am I so popular with the opposite sex?

    Your luminaries (Sun/Moon) are both in watery signs - meaning by energy type you are basically feminine, emotional and receptive. Your Venus is domicile in Libra - the epitome sign of beauty, grace, balance, good manners, tact, compromise, and making no stressful aspects whatsoever, in...
  2. Athene

    This person puts me at ease and makes me comfortable. Why?

    First, the person's Venus conjunct your Mars - you are 'sparkling' in his/her presence, your defalut sheer self feel's very valued, quite enjoyable typ-o-attention Second, look at your Moon and his/her Piscean stellium load - you feel much nurture and emo support coming through this person ...
  3. Athene

    Out-of-sign combustion technicalia

    Thank you for your reply Dr. Farr. I was able to find some interesting leads on the topic after posting this thread. The first and most interesting to me dwells upon the relevance of "from the-earth-plane-standpoint/to-the-naked-eye/factual visibility" of the celestial body within the sun...
  4. Athene

    Out-of-sign combustion technicalia

    Hi to all, i'm having a bit of struggle here as to how to correctly weight the out-of-sign combustion case. I am wondering what are the general experiences and the outcomes people having with the charts having this kind of scenario .... For example, with the Sun at 27°Aries, and Venus at...
  5. Athene

    Eclipsed SR Ascendant

    Well i know solar returns arent all that popular, but, did really nobody here had a case of SR AC occultation, am i the only one ? :andy: :sad: ~
  6. Athene

    Eclipsed SR Ascendant

    Hi guys, i am having this year so many of exact cj/opp coming from the the starting and ending points of the retrogrades, SR included, that my chart, and life is beginning to look like a flipper to me :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :pinched: But now that i checked the incoming solar eclipse angainst...
  7. Athene

    When the AC/DC rulers are conjunct

    I wasnt trying to imply that's there something wrong with that, please dont take it that way ! I myself am fex very abstract in my approach and dont like to rush conclusions .. we are talking with and listening to the stars and other heavenly bodies here .... it's really no small matter...
  8. Athene

    When the AC/DC rulers are conjunct

    Ok @Moog thank you for the techincal details i'm researching the basis as of it now :wink: ~ Now generally, i noticed that you jyotish folks have a tendency to extend all on the technical side (assuming?) your informations are transpearent to everybody .. which in the case of us who arent...
  9. Athene

    When the AC/DC rulers are conjunct

    Oh sorry, i misundestood the question ! :pinched: I think i answered it in my pre post, yes ? But let's wait for @Moog to double-check it :wink: ~
  10. Athene

    When the AC/DC rulers are conjunct

    I bet that's viewed as a high score in the 'marriage sector', so they like it, ofc they do :biggrin: Thank you for the info :wink: ~
  11. Athene

    When the AC/DC rulers are conjunct

    I cant really answer that for you .... there are many schools and branches of astrology favoring one system over another and we students choose respectively acording to our insight and/or liking .. Fex, i myself have from starters followed the modern rulerships .. bout i could tell you, lately i...
  12. Athene

    When the AC/DC rulers are conjunct

    Whatever you dont know, you google yes ? Wikipedia (if nothing else) is alway on duty :biggrin:
  13. Athene

    When the AC/DC rulers are conjunct

    OMG you've nailed it completely !! :w00t: :lol: :lol: Every bit of your given analysis makes sense to me *nod nod* :love: I suppose there are other perspectives from which we could take a shot at this configuration, but from the AC/DC perspective 1st/7th - we and our partners - i think...
  14. Athene

    The Twelfth House

    Oh man, i'm so fed up with all this (here and beyond here obv) 12th h bickering .. :sleeping: When engaging in discussions, it's only natural they'll heat up at one point or other, that's a proof there is some real energy infused in them and we're really working thoward an answer here...
  15. Athene

    When the AC/DC rulers are conjunct

    Having a highly porous personality ? Being easely modifyed in ones ways of expression by others ? A personality that 'doesnt exist outside' the 'we' frame ? Living for social interaction ? I am looking at those shots of mine, and being a Libra rising Ve/Ma in Pisces, cant but wonder am i...
  16. Athene

    Venus conjunct Mars and Attractiveness

    Oh sweet :sideways: ! I too have :venus::conjunct::mars:in :pisces: 5h, :neptune:3d, where are they found in your lover's chart ? I did have my own walk on the talk you are providing here .... By all means, we do crave the kinds of extra-corporeal perfection you're describing here, and we fear...
  17. Athene

    Pluto in the 12th

    Thank you @Dr.Farr. Yes i believe it does deserve some careful consideration. As if not missing a hit, the charts around which this Pluto position gravitates usually have a high risk factor attached to the quesited, so i'm trying to tune my antenna's here and see in what i'm missing. So, the...
  18. Athene

    Am i cut for an illustrator ?

    I have a hunch about this Saturn in the 11th :wink: As the 5th shows the general potential of our creativity, the 11th would show the general reception of it, the type of groups it attracts and the kind of support the 5h content recives .... In the case of the quesited, the general public, the...
  19. Athene

    Am i cut for an illustrator ?

    :biggrin: :biggrin: Yeah, anyway .. you're an angel :innocent: :love::love: ~
  20. Athene

    Am i cut for an illustrator ?

    Thank you @BitterMoon, but i dont have the confidence the thread would get much or any attention .. :sideways: ~