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  1. ImNotThere9

    Will we get back together?

    Thanks. I'm miserable. But I'll survive.
  2. ImNotThere9

    Will we get back together?

    She is moving to another country next month. She does not want to be with me.
  3. ImNotThere9

    Will we get back together?

    Just back to confirm this prediction was false. It's an impossibility.
  4. ImNotThere9

    Will we get back together?

    Thank you for this! You've both been a great help. Yes indeed and I've already begun that work. Interesting that in the horary we're represented by the signs our respective suns are actually in - Pisces and Sagittarius.
  5. ImNotThere9

    Will we get back together?

    Thanks! Do you think the chart shows we'll renew our relationship, or just that we'll meet up again at some stage?
  6. ImNotThere9

    Will we get back together?

    This is a continuation of another thread to be found here, where you can find some background: I was advised to post here. Not sure if this matters to you, but I've asked myself this question many times, but I've only...
  7. ImNotThere9

    Help rediscovering direction

    What you say about the early home life and the psychological legacy of that is fairly close to the bone, I would say. Very accurate. But, in her defence, my mother is a strong woman who did the best with what she had, she was emotionally abused herself growing up and I don't think she ever got...
  8. ImNotThere9

    Help rediscovering direction

    Hi. To answer the first question, I joined the forum ten years ago, the username is a Bob Dylan song I liked at the time and still like. There were many interruptions financially, yes. And of course there were other reasons, many reasons she might have left, I'm not disputing that. She didn't...
  9. ImNotThere9

    Help rediscovering direction

    Thanks for the response. The anecdote mirrors some aspects of the situation, not all but yes. As for depression, yes, I've been taking SSRIs (essentially antidepressants) for nearly two years. I drink regularly enough too, especially since she left. I'm just struggling to see what's next for me...
  10. ImNotThere9

    Help rediscovering direction

    Thanks for responding. I'm having some trouble parsing the dense content in that first paragraph, forgive my ignorance. I gather that it's all very unfavourable. Is it right to say that finances (hers or the lack of mine) and occupation (mine or the lack of hers) was a strong factor in us...
  11. ImNotThere9

    Help rediscovering direction

    Any takers here appreciated!
  12. ImNotThere9

    Offering free readings because I'm bored.

    7:15pm (exact), March 9, 1994, London, England. I'm wondering what my direction is. Thanks in advance!
  13. ImNotThere9

    Help rediscovering direction

    The Synastry. I might also add that if I had the option of moving home and had the finances, I'd resume my education and do a PhD in creative writing, which I've taught before -- workshops. But this isn't possible right now. I'm scraping by.
  14. ImNotThere9

    Help rediscovering direction

    Thanks, friend. No, she certainly didn't leave without explanation; she didn't feel at home here, and we struggled to make new friends, and when I finally got work myself, I'm sure she felt isolated. She tried, I tried. We were great emotional supports to each other but in the end she needed to...
  15. ImNotThere9

    Help rediscovering direction

    Thank you, and sorry to be cagey with the details. It collapsed on November 11. She was gone by November 14. I live in Berlin. I was left with our apartment which I couldn't afford alone, so I had to clear it out myself and leave and find somewhere else to live, which I did, eventually, after a...
  16. ImNotThere9

    Help rediscovering direction

    Thanks for responding, Zora. I don't entirely grasp the implications of the transits you're describing, but I guess I'll dwell a bit on them. I'm feeling fairly stuck here and am unsure what to do, long-term, now that my original long-term plan has crumbled. I attach her chart anonymously, if...
  17. ImNotThere9

    Help rediscovering direction

    I need some help rediscovering a sense of direction after the collapse of my relationship. To keep it short, she and I had moved to a foreign country to make a life together, and back in November she abruptly left just four months in, and now I find myself alone in this country, working a job I...
  18. ImNotThere9

    Can you please help with this? Financial turmoil

    Thanks for taking the time to respond, Kshantaram, Aquarius, and Lin. INT
  19. ImNotThere9

    Can you please help with this? Financial turmoil

    Just following up: I've obtained a job in health insurance beginning early November, so your predictions were correct. (Confirmed Oct. 23). Kshantaram also indicated a position in health, so that was surprisingly accurate. It makes me wonder if the rest of his/her predictions will come to...
  20. ImNotThere9

    Can you please help with this? Financial turmoil

    Hi Kshantaram, Thanks for this thoughtful analysis. I suppose I'm adaptable as far as a job is concerned, and have mostly been applying for customer service roles of various kinds, those being the most commonly available. My vocation is in the arts. I'll have to reflect on all this, but I...