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  1. kimbermoon

    Saturn and Lilith in 8th house

    Lets begin your analysis: Lilith in the 8th h represents a significant energy in life that often tends to be hidden within the psyche. There can be inherited patterns that lay dormant here that require your attention in order to conquer any fears or phobias that prevent you from acknowledging...
  2. kimbermoon

    Would someone like to read my chart?

    Hello Milly: So first I would address the placement of Lilith in your 1st House, which has to do with your sense of Identity, as reflected by your early childhood experiences. Lilith represents the archetype of the ‘wild woman’ who is often challenged by patriarchy’s views towards the female...
  3. kimbermoon

    Upcoming solar return. Are things going to change?

    With the Sun returning to its birth position in its yearly cycle around the chart, it serves to reactivate any natal aspects involved; for you this points to a significant aspect called the Grand Cross, involving Uranus/ Mars and Saturn in contrast to the Sun/Moon from Leo: this ties together...
  4. kimbermoon

    Tell me about my personality! Law school?! What are the most challenging parts in my life?

    Your Aquarian nature is enhanced with the Sun/Mars conjunct under its influence, however the Moon and Pluto are in adverse aspects to that conjunction: With the Scorpio Moon squaring the aspect, your desire for individuality and independence may be overshadowed by the intense emotional nature...
  5. kimbermoon

    help with interpreting my moon

    I am happy to offer you some input and glad you found it helpful. So with all that aquarius energy dominating your chart, the suggestion is that ‘change’ is one of your personal keywords, with most of the energy surging through your 3rd H of the mind. As ruler of that house, Uranus is about to...
  6. kimbermoon

    help with interpreting my moon

    As to your Moon in Leo this hints that you may be given to seeking the centre of attention especially in social situations. You can use your emotions to your own advantage by playing roles and using humour to impress others. At the same time, you can also demonstrate honour, dignity and respect...
  7. kimbermoon

    what do you guys think of my chart ?

    In consideration of Saturn, we need to consider the aspects it holds, as well as its house position and sign. In Cancer, there can be karmic implications within the family that need to be worked out, which can interfere with the ability to make harmonious marital partnerships. Note that Saturn...
  8. kimbermoon

    Can I get a general reading?

    With natal Saturn @18 degrees Pisces, the Saturn Return will not come into effect until mid May 2024. In determining the natal influence in the chart, we pay special attention to the rulership of the planet , as well as the aspects involved. Typically Saturn in Pisces represents spiritual...
  9. kimbermoon

    Why do i love being alone so much?

    Whenever a transit is happening over a natal planet, we need to look at the aspects of that planet that are originally set, waiting to be activated by factors that determine whether the transiting planet is uplifting or causing tension. A strong indicator of ‘change’ in one’s life is the...
  10. kimbermoon

    Why do i love being alone so much?

    I can personally understand your statement of finding a lot of happiness in being alone. You should not be influenced by others who say there is something wrong in that, as long as you are continuing to learn and grow towards a more spiritual understanding. In coming to a greater understanding...
  11. kimbermoon

    Do You Have A Grand Trine?

    Indeed I have a grand trine, further amplified by also being involved in a Yod configuration, which is intersected by an cardinal opposition between Mars and Jupiter/Sun. Would love to hear your thoughts, as this configuration still confounds me as to its true meaning. Birth Data: June...
  12. kimbermoon

    Read my chart?

    Indeed, there are numerous indicators that you are receptive to psychic input: The conjunction of Uranus/Neptune in your first house is an indicator of being part of a specialised generation known as the Indigos. Indigo Children - Who Are They? (4 Types Of Indigos And Their Mission)...
  13. kimbermoon

    What is my chart/Saturn return trying to teach me?

    Saturn has been retro since June, and is now ready to turn ‘direct’ again on November 1, where it will adversely affect your Moon, and further emphasize the t-square . The retrograde period allows us time to reconsider and evaluate: to look inward in determining our ‘current state of being’. At...
  14. kimbermoon

    Will my relationships always be difficult?

    I am glad to hear that therapy is helping with some of your internalized issues, for that can be helpful in offsetting the imbalance leftover from the past. In doing the necessary work : - Is there any indication of what having a North Node in the 7th house would promise me in terms of...
  15. kimbermoon

    Will my relationships always be difficult?

    Given the overt polarity between the energies in the chart, finding an appropriate balance in life can be quite daunting. As such, relationships are apt to bring definite challenging for you as a means of bringing you back to center within yourself. In turn the focus of the chart is emphasized...
  16. kimbermoon

    My first Saturn return!

    Regarding the Saturn return : “Whenever Saturn and Lilith are combined there is a drive for inner clarity, but there will also be obstacles. There is an obsession and struggle to bring our shadow self into the light of conscious awareness.”...
  17. kimbermoon

    A Strange Day

    Perhaps I can provide some perspective, as I have had a similar drama play out with my own sister [younger]. We were very different personalities and could seldom find some common ground, which was consistent during our teen years. While my mother was still alive, until 1985, we tried to...
  18. kimbermoon

    Please read my chart, thank you

    We must always consider the polarity involved with the Nodes, showing the contrast and variation between where we are coming from, and where we are set to be going in this lifetime. The Sun identifies primary hints about your highest purposes in life. The Moon shows your emotional orientation...
  19. kimbermoon

    DEMOCRATS WORRIED that Joe BIDEN TOO FEEBLE lacks mental alertness to TAKE ON TRUMP

    00Ps mispelled annihilation bad