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  1. C

    Hellenistic delineations

    Re: Hellenistic deliniations You guys should just say "right" and "left" instead of "dexter" and "sinister". It makes it a lot easier. Here is a diagram I made for my course in order to help clarify the concept:
  2. C

    Hillary clinton - next USA president ?

    Well, there is an 8 PM time going around actually that has been cited in a lot of sources. I think that the 8 PM time is endorsed by astrodatabank for example. I just happen to think that it is really 8 AM based on my sources.
  3. C

    Hillary clinton - next USA president ?

    I spoke to someone at a conference recently that had some inside information and they told me that it was actually the Scorpio rising chart. This makes more sense to me from a Hellenistic and traditional perspective because the Scorpio rising chart is the strongest and most eminent possibility...
  4. C

    So, what's the Aquarian Age?

    Totally. Are you talking about the Nakshatras?
  5. C

    So, what's the Aquarian Age?

    The follow up paper that I'm working on in my spare time between classes is to take the phenomena of precession and apply it in a more specific manner in the way that Jung and Hand started to. Basically I'm looking at the vernal point for when it aligns with specific fixed stars due to...
  6. C

    So, what's the Aquarian Age?

    If studying the development of the tradition academically and trying to make objective assessments of specific techniques such as precession makes me a critic, then yeah, I guess I am. That doesn't say anything about my position as a practicing astrologer though, except perhaps that I'm more...
  7. C

    So, what's the Aquarian Age?

    Meh. Who said anything is possible? I'd rather be realistic than hold onto overly idealistic millenarian fantasies of everyone in the world getting together to hold hands and sing kumbaya.
  8. C

    So, what's the Aquarian Age?

    What do I think? I think that its not going to be anything like what many astrologers have been saying it will be like. I think that Aquarius is a fixed air sign that is ruled by Saturn. I think that it will be much like the last several thousand years for humanity- a mixed bag.
  9. C

    So, what's the Aquarian Age?

    I wrote a paper on the Age of Aquarius for school recently. You can read it here: