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  1. E

    Transits involved in chance meeting?

    Osamenor, here is something for your research. Background: my 11th is ruled by mercury, uranus in the 11th exactly opposes mercury. The Feb new moon was exactly on my 7th cusp. Today I went to visit a close friend who I haven't seen in several years who is in a hospital near me. As I locked...
  2. E

    Transits involved in chance meeting?

    When they unexpectedly vanished, did you try to contact them? Or maybe didn't have their info to do so?
  3. E

    Transits involved in chance meeting?

    Probably it is a middle ground between frisiangal and fraterAC. While nothing happens by chance, at the same time we have to sort out what is relevant to us and what not, otherwise we will be overloaded and overburdened with details that only consume energy we should be using for other more...
  4. E

    Is this chart still good?

  5. E

    Full Moon 24°06' Leo - 12th Feb

    This might be insightful for those of you concerned about the entry of venus in Aries.
  6. E

    Full Moon 24°06' Leo - 12th Feb

    Thanks for the detailed analysis. You might want to correct this one bit, mercury squares Uranus. Don't let Osamenor know, she's already nervous about flying!!
  7. E

    Full Moon 24°06' Leo - 12th Feb

    Since the DC crash hundreds of flights have gone in and out of the same airport with no incidents, and the helicopters flights in the area have been suspended. Relax!
  8. E

    Is this chart still good?

    In fact you've changed a basic factor about the trip, you can certainly do a new horary. The original horary was referring to the trip made at a specific time and date, which has all changed now.
  9. E

    Complex Situation, Please provide insight and help me out!

    It's been almost a year since the OP posted here, they may not still be following the thread.
  10. E

    What will happen. Pluto squares both our Mars

    space cadet, the two of you have a lot going on between you. The mars opposition sits right on your Moon's Nodes, and square his natal venus. Pluto will conjunct his venus while it squares the mars opposition, and your Nodes. Both of you have uranus near your north node and the mars...
  11. E

    Greta Garbo, the mysterious “Swedish sphinx”, and her need for loneliness (and a HUGE 12th house!)

    Actually her chart is a very good example of how difficult aspects work to our advantage. She had a very stressed chart if we look into it, but she was very successful with her career, successful financially, and she remained an international icon even after so many years. It's the easy charts...
  12. E

    WORD FOR THE DAY – word that sums up the moment – NO INVENTED WORDS

    I think the cold is getting to you!
  13. E

    WORD FOR THE DAY – word that sums up the moment – NO INVENTED WORDS

    Today is the Feast of Candelora. If it isn't rainy or windy, it means the winter is over. If on the other hand, you have rain and wind, you still have a bit to go through.
  14. E

    WORD FOR THE DAY – word that sums up the moment – NO INVENTED WORDS

    OMG! Where are you, in the refrigerator?
  15. E

    Greta Garbo, the mysterious “Swedish sphinx”, and her need for loneliness (and a HUGE 12th house!)

    "According to a 1955 piece in Life Magazine, Garbo explained that she'd said: "I want to be let alone", not "I want to be alone""