In a natal, Pluto conjunct, opposite, or square the Sun-Moon midpoint can indicate someone with controlling/abusive/bad family life. In my experience, individuals who have this also have low self-esteem caused by their home life. You have Pluto opposite your Sun-Moon midpoint.
Mars conjunct South Node shows your mother finds your dad charming/was smitten with him. Venus conjunct to Neptune further shows your mother has an idealized view of him.
Moon conjunct Mercury conjunct Venus is very loving, and shows lots of affection between them.
Hard aspects to Saturn in...
Dejanira exactly conjunct the NN does suggest themes of victimhood throughout your life. You should post your full chart tho for a better idea of how it's manifesting. I also suggest looking at where Nessus and Orcus are also placed.
With the Sun/Moon square, how long do you think it will be until it happens? I noticed there are 8 units between them. Do you know of how someone determines hour, days, weeks?
Five months. A fifth house placement makes sense to me bc it's new and romanticy. If you want to talk non-astrology, I think the discussion needs to move to PMs because forum rules.
I'm going to avoid moving in with them this early on, especially with that South Node's appearance, but I think taking the moving out option even with close friends is going to result in a lot of sadness for my mom and would be a major change for our household. If it makes you feel at ease...
Is the 7th house the one for Mothers traditionally or 10th? An astrologer sent me a PM about this chart and used the 10th for analysis about my mom. Was that incorrect?
Thanks for the confirmation that I'm interpreting those aspects right. It's disheartening to see evidence that it most likely won't work out, but her acceptance is not very important/a deal breaker for me. It would be nice, but I'm okay with not having it. She's only ever really approved of me...
I will consider moving out from my Mom's as one of my next options. Thank you for pointing out those aspects. I almost missed my significantor's conjunction to the SN.
They're not friends with benefits. I consider them 7th house. I was wondering if the Sun square showed friend involvement because we have close, longterm family friends concerned with the situation. And we understand my mom's perspective and her concerns. This is a very unorthodox situation...
Thanks waybread. I didn't notice the bit about looking at a separate house for mom. Moon and Venus make no aspect, but doesn't the Moon aspect with the Sun, ruler of house of friends, next? Any chance a solution could be found in an interaction between friends and my mom? Or does it need to be a...
Recently, I got involved in a polyamorous relationship with a previously committed couple. We've been dating for over a month now and have been very happy, but my mother recently found out about the relationship and has been livid. My girlfriend and boyfriend have expressed an interest in...
This officially occurred! I started dating a classmate on Dec. 2nd. I wasn't initially attracted to him (he's a lot older and is actually a highschool teacher himself), but I adore him a lot.
Here is the composite you asked for for more information on this situation. I do know that the husband and wife do not intend for their daughter to come with them when they move however, which I think caused the daughter's distress as she does not want them to.
i will update u if you're...
Thank u rahu. It must just be the sexual tensions I'm picking up from our interactions. She hasn't actually come on to me. She was just really nice to me while I've stayed over a couple times, and hugged me before I left the other morning, which was unusual for her because she's very...
I spent part of the holiday with the family of a married couple I'm interested in. I got to meet their daughters, and we get along really well. However, I'm concerned one of the daughters may have a crush on me. (We are almost the same age.)
Here are some of the things I noticed right away...
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