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  1. ptolomy

    Elephants painting Elephants

    Hi Elephant lovers This short video purports to show how elephants paint these paintings,There is always an Elephant trainer standing beside the Elephant pulling its ear gently to give instructions.Each Elephant paints exactly the same picture every day.This still doesn't undermine the...
  2. ptolomy

    Elephants painting Elephants

    For many years scientists have assumed that for a being to be intelligent,It has to resemble a human,Therefore chimpanzees were on the right part of the genetic tree,But try and get a chimpanzee to paint and not only does it have great difficulty concentrating for more than 4 seconds but it cant...
  3. ptolomy

    Voyagers move into Interstellar space

    Besides the discovery of new planets, I wonder if they will be used as medium of communication with extra-terrestrial life (if there is any out there). Would certainly be a breath taking moment to know that we are indeed not the only civilization in the known universe. __________________ Venus...
  4. ptolomy

    Voyagers move into Interstellar space
  5. ptolomy

    Syria and the US -Jupiter in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn

    Hi all Sorry for my provocative talk,I have a natal Mars in Gem/10th.And sorry Cactus Man for taking your original thread off topic ,Lol i cant help myself looking for Syrian threads and wanting some action :) Anyway back on thread>>> Syria and the US -Jupiter in Cancer opposition Pluto in...
  6. ptolomy

    Syria and the US -Jupiter in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn

    Hi all There was a vote in the House of Commons last night on whether to intervene immediately in the attacks with illegal chemical weapons on the people of Syria, or wait for the UN's decision. I'm personally glad to say that our Conservative British government was defeated by a narrow...
  7. ptolomy

    Invention - When did we Stop?

    I think if i was to build a Maglev Vacuum train,I would make most of the track out of plastic conduit raised high off the ground so that it reduced interference on farmers fields and industrial zones etc by not taking up much ground footprint except for the pylons that hold the track up in the...
  8. ptolomy

    Invention - When did we Stop?

    The beginning of it all i think : The Atmospheric Railway,Some of them ran for up to a year,But ultimately the materials were inadequate for example leather being used for air tight seals which was coated in tallow to keep it supple,Unfortunately...
  9. ptolomy

    Invention - When did we Stop?

    Hi byjove I think you will find this article will explain a lot of the pros and cons of travelling at 4,000 mph in a vacuum. recommend reading the "Comments" If i was to design it i would have 2 tunnels beside each...
  10. ptolomy

    Neptune-Uranus-Pluto 2026

    Thanks for your informed input poyi,Therese i think if you have an interest in Fukushima then you should find out the time that the major earthquakes happened,Landfall of the Tsunami's maybe,More importantly when the Tsunami's hit the reactors and any other areas of interest and the Tsunami...
  11. ptolomy

    Invention - When did we Stop?

    Billionaire and Pay Pal founder Elon Musk unveils plans for Hyperloop transport link between Los Angeles and SanFranCisco :
  12. ptolomy

    Invention - When did we Stop?

    Dear Bob Zemco Have you not learnt how to control your ego yet?It appears to me that you are a bot because this part of you is running you unconsciously,But your oblivious of this fact and consequently you are unconsciously imposing your negativity on others,When in fact this is your...
  13. ptolomy

    Neptune-Uranus-Pluto 2026

    Hi Therese Sorry ive taken so long to reply,Hospitals,illness and life in general have intervened,As i previously said you need to apply the configuration to something to obtain its significance.In your case it needs to be to do with something your interested in.And the method used is dependent...
  14. ptolomy

    Neptune-Uranus-Pluto 2026

    Hi Therese Aspects like that don't happen very frequently,Especially between the 3 outer planets as it takes hundreds of years for them to recycle the zodiac,But the significance is much more important.It has to be applied to something.And as your in the mundane section of this site it needs to...
  15. ptolomy

    Invention - When did we Stop?

    Theres a very good example on the BBC news presently how the government of one country is put under pressure by another countries need for more production and profits.Japan was asked today by our British Prime minister,David Cameron,How it would respond if Britain pulled out of the European...
  16. ptolomy

    Invention - When did we Stop?

    I think that there are many factors that reduce the development of new inventions that are almost insurmountable,The UK being traditionally a very inventive country is severely effected by one of them,The fact that as soon as someone here invents something new it is copied by other...
  17. ptolomy

    Invention - When did we Stop?

    Sorry i didnt reply earlier,Ive been in hospital almost a week. Yes JUPITERASC,As usual,the army gets the development of the new idea,It reminds me of a few more that are very apparent at the moment.The drone appears to be developing very fast,Not just the flying types.But ive been told that...
  18. ptolomy

    Invention - When did we Stop?

    Hi JUPITERASC:) This one certainly will take off,In fact it already has as Electric batteries have now reached a stage where they can power an electric bike for a considerable time.I think an average charge will easily do 40 to 50 miles per charge averaging 30mph,which makes electric bicycles...
  19. ptolomy

    Invention - When did we Stop?

    It appears that the 3D printing of gun parts in plastic has reached a significant stage due to New York city setting new regulations that makes it a crime for anyone other than a gun smith to do this,And they also need to apply for a licence to do so.This sets a new precedent in 3D printing...
  20. ptolomy

    Invention - When did we Stop?

    Ive just found an invention thats been invented before,I remember being taught about the vacuum train in history lessons at school being invented initially when the first trains were being invented in the UK a long time ago,It was originally called the 'Atmospheric train'But it never got...