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  1. Kerrie

    Pregnancy transits, Progressions, Solar Returns.

    I had a trine aspect between the first and 2nd pregnancy but no oppprtunities to get pregnant then.
  2. Kerrie

    Pregnancy transits, Progressions, Solar Returns.

    For me transits from jupiter to mars who is my ascendant ruler showed conception. First a sextile for the first pregnancy, then a opposition for the 2nd pregnancy.
  3. Kerrie

    Any Help will be Kindly Appreciated

    I think he has expressed in his 2nd post that he is feeling more pluto aspecting his mercury/moon rather than neptune. His words... "made me obsessive and gave me strong powers of deep observation"... Neptune hasnt past the degress of his moon or sun yet.... that will be felt more in the...
  4. Kerrie

    Any Help will be Kindly Appreciated

    Hi just confirming for you that transitting saturn isnt going to conjunct your sun its going to sextile, which is rather a friendly aspect so I wouldnt be stressed about this. I also wouldnt fear the transitting pluto as your natal sun has a trine aspect involving pluto/uranus.... so yes you...
  5. Kerrie

    Ice cream flavours & desserts!

    Im a Moon in Taurus and not a fan of ice cream :-( but i love desserts and cakes and sweets and evertthing else, so strange huh!!!
  6. Kerrie

    Which transits make you more attractive?

    Sorry need to correct my previous post. After looking I wasnt going through the Progressed Venus conjunct Natal Mars in my heyday, it seems that I had transitting Jupiter through the 5th house for most of it :-) Progressed venus conjunct natal mars (1.30 orb after) - it gave me a long term...
  7. Kerrie

    Which transits make you more attractive?

    An old thread but just wondering today why all my luck had dried up in the looks/compliment department, lol. When I had progressed Venus conjunct natal Mars I was an absolute stunner in the looks department, now some 10 years later... I hear crickets, hehehe. At the moment progressed Venus...
  8. Kerrie

    Are we a good match for eachother?

    Oops sorry I forgot to add :-) I will go back and edit my post.
  9. Kerrie

    Narrowing down my time of Birth

    I think transits are the best! :wink: You should start reading up... and a good way is to work out the transits I have already mentioned. What dates do you have for your legal ceremony and the church blessing. Lets see if it shows up on these dates. Do you have times too?
  10. Kerrie

    Are we a good match for eachother?

    If I would choose a perfect mate I would look for the following. - Sun/Sun aspects and Sun/Moon and Moon/Moon, the conjunction, sextile or trine. I would rather not have oppositions or squares with these planets. - Moon/Mars aspects, I would love this, Im thinking a conjunction is best, lol...
  11. Kerrie

    Narrowing down my time of Birth

    I think you also have a typo... i assume you where born the 11th and not the 1st of October :-)
  12. Kerrie

    Narrowing down my time of Birth

    What I would be doing is working with the degree of your moon sign, trying to work out what it is, then working on your asc to become exact after that. A good example would be that you may have felt rather emotional in the last few days??? Transit Mars conjunct Moon. I know I go rather loopy...
  13. Kerrie

    Please read

    Hi Marge For some reason when I entered your details into astro I got a different asc to you. I cant see where the difference comes from so I will upload it for you. Some key points to look for in finding out when love will come is transits to 7th cusp/7th house ruler and any planets in the...
  14. Kerrie

    Babys Gender

    Thanks CapAquaPis for the name, I like it, I was thinking of Jupiter... as Jupiter was the transit that brought conception, but dont think my boyfriend would be keen on any of those names. Im actually stuck for a name and hoping that one will just come to me :-) someday soon...
  15. Kerrie

    Should I hire someone I'm astrologically incompatible with?

    When I was hiring "way back when" I did go through applicants and choose compatible sun signs for me. I got a girl thats birthday was on the 2 March and mine was on the 3 March, well a few months later as transiting uranus crossed our Sun, she was driving during our lunch break and we happened...
  16. Kerrie

    What element do you click with best?

    Thats interesting I wonder what in your chart brings in the opposite for you?
  17. Kerrie

    Attracting men with Neptune in 7th house.. coincidence?

    I think anjelik is talking about men that she meets have their Neptune in the 7th house or am I confused?
  18. Kerrie

    Attracting men with Neptune in 7th house.. coincidence?

    Neptune in the 7th, people are attacted to Pisceans as Neptune is the ruler of Pisces, or people with Neptune qualities. As you are a Piscean it makes sense that they are attracted to you, its in their chart. I have Uranus in the 7th so I am attracted to different/independent types, not so...
  19. Kerrie

    Why is Saturn beating me up so hard? I think I'm learning my lessons...

    I do believe I am in the same boxing match :happy:. You are born very close to my partners birthday/year, although Im not sure of his time so cant comment of the angles and a day off my birthday. Although why I posted is that I have been thinking that Saturn is being a pain to me all year...