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  1. danashock

    How to read love for animals in a chart?

    hmmm i noticed that cancers like to take care of animals too,probably because of their nurturing nature. i also think that if your moon is in an "animal sign" in a physical house (for example sag moon in the first house) you may really identify with animals on a very instinctive level as if u...
  2. danashock

    My sons chart (bucket type with moon handle in 12th) :(

    oh come on guys,give her a break!! I would totally feel the same way if i were in your place actually!! I do think that a child's chart echo's the parenting patterns,and the moon may actually jump a coupla generations and reflect very old patterns in the family,so the patterns in the moon (and...
  3. danashock

    Do these aspects indicate shyness or self-absorption?

    I was referring to the moon in the 11th house,the outer planets are trining it +pluto opposition. Personally,I really dont think that moon and the outer planets are that good together even in the more positive aspects such as the trines,and with a plutonic opposition in the picture,i really...
  4. danashock

    Do these aspects indicate shyness or self-absorption?

    when i read ur post i just KNEW that a taurus moon is involved! It is definitely the most introverted/ and shy-est sign and gets more private as a lunar placement. your moon is heavily aspected by tough outer planets and is in the 11th house,so i believe that your shy attitude may be linked with...
  5. danashock

    Skin and astrology....

    haha wow! I was just wondering about skin and astrology myself moments ago! I don't know alot about this area but i believe that saturn to the ascendant may give dry skin. I also would speculate that skin conditions may have to do with an affflicted libra in a physical house but as I told you...
  6. danashock

    hi thanks for the friend request =)

    hi thanks for the friend request =)
  7. danashock

    The fear of becoming a wandering vagabond..

    I can sense your fun and friendly vibe miles away =) and ofcourse girls would be jelous of your venusian grace. take it as a compliment and know that there are genuine ppl who r willing to befriend you for who you are. and with singing,dont be shy,leo rising! :) i am glad that you already sing...
  8. danashock

    Still Unable to predict :(

    yeah predictions can be tricky. when one starts their predictions are usually too general to make any significant meaning out of,but with time and practise (along with tuning in with your intuition/gut) you will get more and more spot on and specific predictions. My teacher believes (and I...
  9. danashock

    The fear of becoming a wandering vagabond..

    Hello! I feel that your sense of endless wandering is heavily triggered by saturn and uranus in sag the 4th house. With such placements I bet you already moved homes a coupla times or even to a different country. This placement (along with the sun and nnode in the 9th house) means that you are...
  10. danashock

    Someone please read my chart..

    people here are more used to reading charts from because its more clear and easier to read,why dont u go there n draw the chart again? i'd love to take a look!
  11. danashock

    Rising Signs and Physical Characteristics

    haha dude, you even speak like a scorpio!! scorpio/virgo is a very interesting mix indeed.and having such powerful planets in your 1st house sure gives u a very powerful and noticable presence. I bet u even act like an aries with a full 1st house. On a different note,I am a gemini rising with...
  12. danashock

    The 27 Club?

    well the first thing that occured to me when i heard bout this 27 club is that these individuals were probably too overwhelmed to take their saturn return which was on the verge of beginning.
  13. danashock

    Indicators of Musical Talent in a Natal Chart

    I have yet to check your chart. But artistic talent has many indicators,the most important ones are having lots of trines,or even a grand trine. (particularly in water if you ask me). Another indicator is the midheaven. If it was ruled by an artistic sign with planets like venus and jupiter...
  14. danashock


    I will definitely have to say scorpio rising and/or pluto aspecting the ascendant. This makes people project their dirt on the person with these placements. and yes i think you are right,mars/pluto can is directly related to the issue but i feel that mars/pluto is bullying on steroids usually,as...
  15. danashock

    Familial links in Astrology

    Hello Moog, What I meant is spiritually advanced houses which are the 8th,9th,11th and 12th houses. I have excluded the 7th and 10th houses because they are social and not transedental. The journey begins with letting go and eliminating the unnecessary in the 8th,climaxes in the 9th,and...
  16. danashock

    Familial links in Astrology

    it is no coincidince definitely. Families often possess similar charts especially in lunar aspects and sometimes house dominance. I know a family that has very comfortable moons and advanced houses. Their mother is a really great person. I also know of a girl who has moon in leo,her mother is...
  17. danashock

    Astrological Hallmarks of an Astrologer

    Well, aquarius/uranus rules astrology as it reveals higher knowledge. Sagittarius is a grand teacher with a knack for forseeing the future,iIbelieve the 9th house is a special indicator of spiritual advancement. My astrology teacher has most of her planets in leo 9th house (some leo degrees...
  18. danashock

    Uranus conjunct Neptune?

    this may sound a bit nuts,but i think these people born in this time are key individuals in building the dawn of the aquarian age. This conjunction represents the cusp of the piscean and aquarian age. The "gentle robot with a heart" archetype. Also this generation even though very advanced and...
  19. danashock


    i feel that life on earth may be more challenging than life on other planets and dimensions, but many of us choose to do it here because its a very rich and challenging experience, so it helps the soul to grow. Also some spirits may choose to incarnate in human form because they got used to...
  20. danashock

    Ascendant Sign Descriptions

    Yes in your case i believe the moon may have a strong effect on your appearance. The moon can also make you much younger than your real age. I've noticed the 1st house does affect the appearance, i am gemini rising but half of my 1st house is occupied with cancer,so i look like a softer gemini...