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  1. C

    Mars-Pluto: A potentially dangerous aspect in someone's natal chart

    Interesting post on the Mars/Pluto aspect. When I saw this in my son's chart, it terrified me at first the 4th house 4 degress apart and the south node right on Pluto (and this is all in Scorpio). It still scares me but I think the effect of this on him is extreme endurance. He...
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    Mars Progressing over Pisces Ascendant

    Trying to find a way to upload my chart...but can't find the link so I'm trying this:
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    Mars Progressing over Pisces Ascendant

    Hello all! It's been so long that I have been back on the forum. I guess one reason is that I don't get much feedback...but I'm back! Could be that I'm not here enough but that's ok...I understand. I plan to be back more often with my own insights. Right now I have Mars progressing within a...
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    Pluto Transits

    Hi Geminimoon... I can see what you mean about the “big Saturn opposition. ” It was Uranus. No wonder you went through all that ****. You have Saturn and Pluto conj in the 10th so Uranus didn’t just oppose Saturn…but Pluto as well. At first sight of your chart, I would say with...
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    Pluto Transits

    So what happened when T Saturn opposed your natal Chiron? What danger? As far as the big Pluto transit, I think you will more than notice it. Unless you're not going to actually have one. Where is Pluto in your chart right now? (sign and house) well
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    What do you make of the Jupiter Return?

    What I would do is examine your last couple of Jupiter return charts (a chart cast for the moment Jupiter returns to its natal place). It could be that the same sign has been on the rise both times and that could definitely be happening…events/urges/desires repeating themselves. I know this...
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    Planetary Returns and Retrogrades

    Hello all, I really need your advice! For those that like to study planetary return charts, which chart do you hold the most of value if there is more than one return due to retrograde motion?? the first hit, the retrograde or the last hit. I have cast charts for all three and it makes it...
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    2nd Saturn Return

    "Restructure and find a firm footing"...that pretty much describes the second Saturn Return I am going through now as well. I do hope to land on a firm footing but I haven't landed yet. It's on the horizon though. A note on your Pluto crossing over your asc. I saw this coming several years...
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    Pluto Transits

    I am experiencing a Pluto transit as well, though different from yours so I've been doing a lot of research and read a lot of the "what happened to me" posts during Pluto transits. I can't say that there was any positives WHILE it was happening but only after it was over was the value seen...
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    Saturn transiting Scorpio

    “Fate” is actually determinism. Found this definition on the net and if you google determinism it’s the first that comes up. “The determinist approach proposes that all behavior is caused by preceding factors and is thus predictable. The causal laws of determinism form the basis of...
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    Saturn transiting Scorpio

    I hear something to this effect a lot…that the transits really don’t cause anything but only how we react to the transit. The more I study my own transits the more I disagree. I find that my reaction is a lot of the time triggered by what happens. I believe free will might have something to...
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    Intrepid Astrology Software

    Has anyone tried this software? I bought it a few months ago and I am having a hard time with it. It doesn't seem to be very user friendly but maybe that's just me.
  13. C

    Pluto Transits

    Hi Arena Thank you for your post. No you're not intruding and I'm glad to help with your research. Actually, you gave me a good lesson here and I discovered some things on my own about the death of my parents. Sorry it took a while but it took me awhile to get this. Here are some stats I...
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    Pluto Transits

    I kind of got into this thread somehow, I guess because I posted something about my Pluto transit. Actually in my case Pluto is in the 10th getting getting ready to oppose my 4th house moon and well I’m scared. When Pluto crossed my MC, I lost my mom. And just last year this time, lost my...
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    All insights greatly appreicated

    Hi Rahu Thank you for this insight on my south node. I do have a strong intellect, an intense thirst for knowledge and yes, I am most definitely a truth seeker. Communication is a major factor in my career. And I do believe thought forms are the center of reality. They are the first to...
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    All insights greatly appreicated

    After all my years of studying astrology I am at a high, dark wall. The biggest one, I believe, is transiting Pluto opposing my natal moon. But there is so much more, as always in a chart. I've attached a triwheel with the birth in the center, the progression as of today as well as the...
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    Saturn Help!

    Kmoon it is interesting that you mention the “fear of death” as being an issue in w/ Saturn in the 8th. I do have this fear and it's probably my greatest fear, but then I thought it was everyone’s greatest fear…a human reaction to life. Now that I think about it, there are people who flirt...
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    Saturn Help!

    Thanks GMoon and KMoon for your insights! You both hit on some important things for me to ponder. I have to tell you, right after I made this post, I had a dream that night. I got some information "somehow" from Saturn letting me know not to stress so much, and that given where I am in my...
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    Saturn Help!

    As I write this transiting Saturn is squaring my natal Jupiter, soon to oppose my natal sun and then square my natal Pluto (a year long bout) and then at the end of the year I will be confronted with my Saturn Return. And while my Saturn Return is happening, transiting Pluto will be opposing my...
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    Saturn opposite sun, worst transit???

    Hi GMoon...I just learned today from another mutual friend that my friend of 30 years who crossed me off his list has prostrate cancer and that he is distancing himself from almost everyone, not just me. Talk about a loss! If I was dying, I don't believe I could shut out the people who love...