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  1. L

    Crazy synastry

    Hello everyone! Here's a chart of a guy, who was my college classmate, and is now really into me. I do like him too, but not as much as he's crazy about me. But when I look at the synastry chart it's completely red. And I find it so weird. There's no problem between us, no conflict. No...
  2. L

    Will we talk again?

    Thank you IleneK. But when I am doing the chart for : Is he interested in someone else? It's not a yes. There's no connection between him /venus and mercury, the ruler of his fifth.
  3. L

    Will we talk again?

    Thank you for the reply. Though Mars falls in his twelfth and venus also squares him (moon). Does it signify anything? Or is it the whole sign system that we follow in hoary? Though in that case Mars will not rule his 5th. Also wanted to know if you think we will not talk at all in future?
  4. L

    Will we talk again?

    Do you say that because of the distance between two planets: moon and Saturn?
  5. L

    Will we talk again?

    This is about an acquaintance I was Intersted in but he lost his temper on me and I stopped talking to him. He made little efforts to reconcile, which wasn't enough for me. I was wondering if we will talk again? If he would make real efforts to reconcile... Saturn that signifies me and Moon...
  6. L

    Will we go out?

    Thank you so much, IleneK! What do you make of the planets crowding my 4th house? Also, is Sat/signifying me square venus in my 5th reflecting a heartbreak? While the pluto in my 1st trine the venus in 5th? Or do we not consider the modern rulers of signs but traditional only in hoary? Also what...
  7. L

    Will we go out?

    This is for an acquaintance that I am interested in but pissed with right now. Can someone help me interpret the chart. Saturn signifying me and Moon signifying him are in connection. So, is the answer yes. Why is Mars in 7th opposing the moon though? And what would the moon signifying him, in...
  8. L

    Will we go out?

    This is for an acquaintance that I am interested in but pissed with right now. Can someone help me interpret the chart. Saturn signifying me and Moon signifying him are in connection. So, is the answer yes. Why is Mars in 7th opposing the moon though? And what would the moon signifying him, in...
  9. L

    Will we have a relationship?

    Thank you so much, IleneK! I had one query -- my confusion -- shouldn't he be looked through the 5th house? Because its more like an acquaintance that I am interested in and not someone I am in serious relationship with? My knowledge is rather rudimentary, so apologies for the question.. Also...
  10. L

    Will we have a relationship?

    Can someone help me analyze the hoary chart to answer this question about a guy, I am interested in but only acquaintances with.
  11. L

    Can someone help me predict this relationship

    Thanks a tonn, Scorpiomania! It has really helped me in clearing my mind....I was so confused about him. I had a very fated feeling about him. Especially with his Venus and north node on my DC and his Sun conjunct my Vertex. Thanks for helping me make the decision..
  12. L

    Can someone help me predict this relationship

    Thank you so much, Scorpiomaria! you are right, he's an eccentric and unsympathetic fellow. And I do not know him well enough. We were acquaintances actually, used to interact as a part of a badminton group. I used to be the one teasing him in fun and it was all fun. Until one day he suddenly...
  13. L

    Can someone help me predict this relationship

    Hi everyone! I am interested in finding out about my relationship with this particular person whose birthtime I do not know. There's a lot of mutual attraction and had great chemistry before an incident where he behaved badly and I do not speak to him any longer. I felt a great connection with...
  14. L

    Mother's health and lifespan

    Hello all, Attached herewith is the chart of a friend whose mother has been sickly throughout life. She has been minor thalassemia patient throughout, has survived cancer and suffers with cerebellum ataxia (reduced control on movement, speech, motions because of the shrinking of cerebellum area...
  15. L

    Baby on Board!

    Thank you so very much for the reply Katydid! You have brought so much clarity into the issue. I have looked at the transits and progressions at the time I began living with my inlaws . Though its also the same time I started staying with my husband after marriage, but I suppose as I had been...
  16. L

    Baby on Board!

    Hello Katydid! Thanks so much for your reply! I agree the transit saturn has been wrecking a havoc on home front for past one year. As you say, it will soon move on to my DC and things will improve. But can you say that means me getting to stay away from my inlaws necessarily? It could just be...
  17. L

    Baby on Board!

    Hello everyone! I really wish to know what's going on in my chart. I know its a time of life changing developments right now, however I have a situation I wish to find out more about astrologically. For the feedback, I just got married last year July 12. Now I am expecting a baby in six...
  18. L

    Do you see a death in my chart?

    My maternal grandma has been in ICU for past three days. She was suffering with cancer for past five years and was undergoing treatment. But for past three months her health has taken a turn for the worse. Now she critical, I am trying to find whether she will survive through and for how long...
  19. L

    Will my grandma live through the illness- please help!!!

    My grandma has been in the ICU ( emergency room) for two days now. She has been suffering with cancer for past five years and was taking treatment. For past three months her health has taken a turn for the worse and in past one month she really deteriorated. I wish to find out if she will...