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  1. L

    Anyone here a truther/woke person?

    This was too synchronicitic not to share. Most recent recording of Crrow777 Radio, discussing the difference between belief, knowledge, and wisdom. The fundamental principles of truth. The pursuit and attainment of such. Ironically enough, they also discuss the desensitization of our society in...
  2. L

    Anyone here a truther/woke person?

    Thank you for the clarification, it really helped put your words into context that could be better understood. This is a perfect example where demanding evidence for such claims is appropriate. Where the need to deeply research a subject is warranted. Any "movement", community of...
  3. L

    Anyone here a truther/woke person?

    Out of curiosity, how is it that you find yourself on a site dedicated to astrology, and what could be perceived as "higher-minded" pursuits yet use such derogatory language such as "***" as a descriptive word to encompass the entirety of another human being? I would also like your...
  4. L

    Anyone here a truther/woke person?

    There is a difference between one who seeks the truth, and one who labels themselves as a "truther" (myraid of problems associated with such). As CP so poignantly expressed earlier. Your demand for "evidence to support such claims" is evident of this. Do you believe every 'truth' that exists...
  5. L

    Anyone here a truther/woke person?

    There is a difference between knowledge and wisdom, Yony. You can have read all the books in the world. Have all the facts, data, and information. Listened to all the scholars, gurus, and commentators. Be part of every club, group, and society. Surround yourself with absolute brilliance. Yet...
  6. L

    When is WW3?

    Do you believe that the analysis of a single natal chart of one individual would be enough to verify whether or not "WW3" was to unfold within that specific period of time? Personally, I believe there an infinite number of factors to consider. One single chart would not suffice. Would like...
  7. L

    Do you have to join the illuminati/the elite to be rich?

    Clearly, there is no degree of merit in your proposal . It is quite evident you are not questing for any type of actual truth. Sorry, I'm not in the business of stroking egos while spoon feeding you lies.
  8. L

    Do you have to join the illuminati/the elite to be rich?

    The "Illuminati" was a term that was engineered to target the community of individuals that are actual legitimate truth seekers and their related works, research, findings, discoveries, activism, etc. It was purposely designed and deployed into modern culture to curve, distort, and manipulate...
  9. L

    Read My Chart

    Re: Why do 90% of people only wanna know about love and relationships? Because matters of the heart are an integral part of the human experience. Some would argue, one of the most powerful forces / fundamental energies that exist. Also, having interest in one aspect of life has the potential...
  10. L

    Do you have to join the illuminati/the elite to be rich?

    I truly question why I'm even entertaining this thread with a response, as I highly doubt it has any degree of actual merit. If the OP would like a detailed response into such inquiry, he/she needs to expand upon their definition as to what they understand the "Illuminati" to be, what...
  11. L

    does he still pay her?

    I'm having difficulty understanding your question. Are you asking if your husband just had contact with his ex in the form of a favour? Interesting. AI is definitely something to marvel at.
  12. L

    Please help me to read my 2019s solar return chart!!

    What is your personal assessment of the overlays within this construct? How would you interpret the cosmos in relation to these overlays?
  13. L

    Playlist of the Week(music)

    Mic Righteous: Gone Do Not Ever Contact Me Again.
  14. L

    Please help me to read my 2019s solar return chart!!

    Fascinating, not only did your response appear within seconds of my post, but it also has content that I omitted prior to submission. The original text of my submitted response: Your response with content I had removed prior to submission: Interesting, who are you really CT? What exactly...
  15. L

    Please help me to read my 2019s solar return chart!!

    Interesting. Do you believe that the prevalence of darkness can be reduced to a single degree, a star, planetary body? Series of such? I often times question our exact relationship to the cosmos, if the current state of our planet is in fact a direct reflection of the "heavens". How the...
  16. L

    Please help me to read my 2019s solar return chart!!

    Don't be. Yes, you may if you feel it necessary. You can also allow your experiences to serve as an opportunity to step into your divinity. They can help deepen your understanding of yourself & the world you live in.
  17. L

    Please help me to read my 2019s solar return chart!!

    I'm sorry, it doesn't matter how hard things can get .... When there are ulterior motives present (reference above) you need to be cautious when engaging with that person.
  18. L

    Please help me to read my 2019s solar return chart!!

    If you feel this exists, then I suggest you also break every hex, curse, and spell that may have been done. Every "magical" act / ritual performed. Every contract / covenant. Anything associated with your name, birth, astrological data, DNA, lineage, ancestral roots, etc. Any works done on...
  19. L

    Please help me to read my 2019s solar return chart!!

    I advise you cut every cord (energetic/physical/emotional/mental/spiritual/etheric) with your ex & every single person associated with him/her. To expand, cut on every timeline and dimension. Shut every access point, portal, and gateway. When it is done. It is done.
  20. L

    Please help me to read my 2019s solar return chart!!

    As far as "revenge" goes even though your second statement voids any legitimate claims for such by the mere definition, you ask these "people" to provide the records, data sets, analytics, hard concrete evidence, eye-witness testimonies, and any other pertinent information as an explanation for...