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  1. B

    Is my horoscope good for stock market trading ?

    I guess 2nd lord and 11th lord Jupiter in my chart is placed in 8th house which as per Vedic astrology is sign on Ups and downs in finance, there may be chances of sudden gain and sudden lose. But I really dont know how this is interpreted in western astrology ?
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    Is my horoscope good for stock market trading ?

    Many thanks for this wonderful analysis, As I understood independent business or trading is not good for me due to lots of planets in 8th house-Which is also a house of lose ?
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    Is my horoscope good for stock market trading ?

    Hi, I have attached a new chart now, Please can you check ? Best Regards
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    Is my horoscope good for stock market trading ?

    Hi, Please could anyone tell me if my horoscope is good for stock trading or investment ?
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    IMportance of 8th house?

    You are absolutely right. I have Sun,Jup,Pluto and Saturn and mercury as per western astrology. in 8th house. I could say 8th house is a difficult house in terms of relationship and finance and even profession or career. 8th house gives inclination or interest in occult and sex too but that does...
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    Could you please let me know your father's place of birth ? I could see Ada is written ? Is this place of birth ? Is his birth time accurate ?
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    Debilitated in Rasi Chart, exalted in Navamsa

    If you see the birth chart of Mr.Naveen Patnaik, the chief minister of orissa, India from last 15 years ( from 3 times), He became chief minister during the beginning of mercury Dasha and he remained as chief minister during the entire Dasha period. Mercury is debilitated in the Navamsha. Though...
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    Will the price of my crypto coins increase to $1 ?

    Will the price of my crypto coins increase to $1 ? I am confused what to consider, L1 : me : Querent L2 : Coins Pls help
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    Is my birthtime in the birth certificate correct ?

    Hi, I would really appreciate if you help me with this. I could not post it in the horary forum as there's no relevant question category related to it. Here are the charts.
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    Is the birth time in my birth certificate is correct ?

    Is the birth time in my birth certificate is correct ?
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    Please guide me on my career pls ?

    Hi, Here is the link having my chart
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    Please guide on career, I am stuck up in career

    Thanks for your valuable inputs.
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    Please guide on career, I am stuck up in career

    Hi, I am not satisfied in my job which I will call average or below average in terms of income and Job satisfaction. Please suggest which career suits me ? A job or a business ? which would be better ? which kind of job or business will give good income as per horoscope ? Also is there any...
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    i won!

    Hi Kristina, Is there any Uranus jupiter aspect ( close orb) on that day when you played ? Also check if your there is any Uranus jupiter conjunction in 5th,8th or 11 th.
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    STDS And Astrology

    Jack Mackenroth, a celebrity has been with HIV since many many years, I did not get his birth details from astrotheme. May be his birth details may reveal some facts. I think affliction to 8th house as well as 6th and scorpio. This a global issue and sadly putting lives in stake.
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    Mars & Pluto in (7th|8th House) is also shows some kind of physical abuse or harassment by...

    Mars & Pluto in (7th|8th House) is also shows some kind of physical abuse or harassment by partners ( 7th-public) or at office place, 8th (deserted place). Is there anything happened in your past ?
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    Pls help me with vocational advise ?

    Hi, I have attached my chart here. I am very confused taking my career. I have been working from last 7-8 years but I am not getting success. 2ndly from last 3 and half year I have been working in a telecom giant but not getting promoted to the next role as well as moneywise there is no growth...
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    Is the child in her is mine ?

    Hi, I read few horary books on VOC moon and found 1. Lily told only consider the chart when moon is in cancer, Taurus,Sagittarius and Pisces right else voc moon gives "no" for the question answered. suppose if someone asked " will I get a salary hike" No "Will I be recovered from debt" No...
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    Is the child in her is mine ?

    Hi Gocca, The baby is still to be born. She had recently conceived. so my question was about the future only.
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    Is the child in her is mine ?

    Gocca, Moon is voc, when moon is voc the question may not hold good what do you think ?