You are quite right. I'm working on changing my career at the moment. I had a teaching opportunity that didn't pan out but I would love to return to teaching (I'm a 9 house nut ;) ). Here's hoping!
And yes you're right about Neptune. We'll see where that goes. Your suggestion of keeping a...
Unfortunately, I lost my job last year and I haven't managed to get one since then. Jupiter in my 2nd should have helped but so far I don't see any money coming in. Lately I do have a lot more opportunities but still no money coming in. I have to say that as a Cap rising, T Pluto is currently...
So very nice when this happens! I'm also into energy work (Reiki specifically) and I understand the enthusiasm of meeting new people who talk to you about this staff like it's no news. :-) Definitely a "helper" or "guide" of sorts.
Thank you for the post, Neptune_Rising.
My 3rd and my 12th houses have Pisces and Sag on the cusps.
My natal Jup sits in my 9th house.
The trine with the natal Jup is almost exact (less than 50min away).
The 3rd house opposite my 9th where Jup sits (conj my MC) and where also Pluto and...
The Jup-Nept-Chiron conj hits my 2nd house and trines my natal Jup in Libra. It also squares my Moon and conjuncts my Sun-Moon midpoint.
My Vertex in about 16d Leo opposes the triple by a wide orb.
I recently noticed that I have all sorts of weird dreams (Nept) where I replay old "wounds"...
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