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  1. S

    Expected timeline on when my brother could get married

    My younger brother wants to get married but not getting any favorable response. He tried to date and also tried to get arranged but nothing positive is happening and he has started to feel disappointed in his life now. If you could please read his vedic chart and potentially tell us if he...
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    Life is falling apart

    Would you please elaborate ? Thanks
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    Will there be a reconciliation at personal front ?

    Hi, I think I misunderstood my relation with him. There is no reconciliation, you were right I was seeking a romantic one. But we do not talk at all and I don't think he likes me as a friend either. He only wants to acknowledge me as a person who works in the office in the same environment.
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    Life is falling apart

    I moved to the USA in 2013 and things were alright for me, I accepted what I was receiving. But then, In 2020 I had a job loss and I had to move back to my home. That was a very harsh time because It impacted my career, stable life and ambitions. I worked hard to emigrate and returned to the USA...
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    Life is falling apart

    Am I going back to my home country ? I just returned to the US in 2022 after facing a job loss during covid. Why would this universe put me back in the US just to kick me out again ? If I could, I would have changed my current employer but the immigration rules are tight, I don't have much...
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    Life is falling apart

    Everything which is important to me, is being taken away from me and I am unable to have any control over it. My mental health has now started to degrade. I am unable to see any way out. I am severely unhappy with my current job, I have now 10 years of work experience after completing graduate...
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    Will I get approved for visa queue if I file self-petition?

    Well, there's another update. And, this happened today. The director of our department informed me that they are going to hire an external lawyer for me (not using their in house immigration team anymore as they aren't supportive) and that lawyer firm has confirmed to file for my application by...
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    Will I get approved for visa queue if I file self-petition?

    Hi, as an update, I received an unfortunate news that the employer is no longer supporting my immigration application. My manager asked me to spend $20K and hire an attorney outside of the employer if I want to apply for immigration visa. So, now it's completely on me and new administration if...
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    Will there be a reconciliation at personal front ?

    Hi, An update here : There was a reconciliation on 14th January. Doesn't look like he has romantic interest in me, he wants to have friendly relation with me. We are in the same workplace, we also had to attend same meetings in the last 3 days and had to chat for multiple projects - so the...
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    Will there be a reconciliation at personal front ?

    He is going to have transit pluto opposite natal venus transit in a few weeks, we might find out what that intense secret is, if it's not another woman or women. He occasionally visits my office location and it was a rough week as both parties were avoiding each other as much as they can. I...
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    Will there be a reconciliation at personal front ?

    Interesting take on my question, thank you so much! I wanted to know more about Algol so I added it in the chart to see what it shows, out of curiosity. It appeared in 3rd house in Taurus. Yes, I was and somewhat am still in delusion that it was meant to bring good things in my life. My...
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    Will there be a reconciliation at personal front ?

    No, not really. I hesitate to become friends with those men who have made my heart bleed. I am impish in love and I could very well slip back in the black hole again from which I try to come out from when they were away. I would like to change my current job too but that's a hard and time...
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    Will there be a reconciliation at personal front ?

    Okay, well, thank you for the response and correcting my significators.
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    Will there be a reconciliation at personal front ?

    I recently had a breakup with a guy from the office. Occasionally we have to talk for work purposes but besides that, no communication at personal front. He asked me to divert my attention towards something/someone else - take a break and he showed interest in being friends only. This...
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    Will I get approved for visa queue if I file self-petition?

    Hey @IleneK You are right, I should do what my mind says. I have waited almost 2 years now, dependent on my employer to file the application for me but they proved to be slow, not being transparent on when they would proceed with the next step. I care for my future in the USA. I should take an...
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    Will I get approved for visa queue if I file self-petition?

    Hey @TwightTwinklinCanopy The current employer started visa petition in January of 2023 but they did not make any progress on it since last 1 year. The last update on my immigration file was on 23rd Sept 2023. They are not transparent on their timeline on when they are going to make progress to...
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    Will I get approved for visa queue if I file self-petition?

    Hmmm, means horary or any other chart can't provide an insight on my situation ?
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    Will I get approved for visa queue if I file self-petition?

    I reached out to a few immigration lawyers if they are interested to represent my case. Some of them denied as they don't think I can get approved under new administration. I am struggling to understand if I should pursue a lawyer or maybe try just by myself. Every lawyer who showed interest...
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    Will I get approved for visa queue if I file self-petition?

    Hi, My current employer is very very slow and has delayed the process since a year to file for my immigration application. My ultimate goal is to switch jobs which I can't do unless I am in the immigration visa queue. My co-worker did a self petition as he is also in the same boat but his...
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    I am desperate to move on

    If there's a way to know through chart when I will be able to get rid of the person completely. My tendency is that unless I completely disappear from their life, It's hard to fully let go.