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  1. K

    Natal chart help with houses

    Wow that's interesting and sounds very accurate. The Placidus house system sounds very accurate compared to the Equal. Those dates are very accurate with regards to my health issues. As they are chronic, with no cure, i know health won't be completely normal for me so it's no surprise my natal...
  2. K

    Natal chart help with houses

    Thanks for your reply. I'm not completely sure if i've used the website correctly but this is what i got (see attached).
  3. K

    Natal chart help with houses

    So i'm confused and curious. Some natal charts say Aquarius is in my ninth house and i know pluto will be transiting there over the next 20 years. But other natal charts sat Aquarius is in my eighth house, and a transit of pluto through the eighth house doesn't fill me with joy. One natal...
  4. K

    Confused about houses

    Thank you. I made a post about a month ago asking for any guidance on my natal chart but only got one reply which didn't really help that much.
  5. K

    Confused about houses

    I would really appreciate any help. One natal chart i got said my natal moon is in aquarius in the eighth house. But another natal chart from says aquarius is in my ninth house. It says Capricorn is in my 8th house... My natal...
  6. K

    Pluto Transits

    Just been through pluto in 6th house. I can't find adequate words for hiw difficult it's been and still is. It's going to be in my 8th house where my moon is in aquarius for the next 20 years and i'm dreading it. I don't know how many times i've heard astrologers say life shouldn't be constant...
  7. K

    Hardest Pluto transits.

    I've just had pluto in my 6th house since 2 and i won't sugar coat it, it's been ridiculously hard. Constant - and i mean constant - health issues that i am still very much struggling with. Since i have health anxiety which began the year before pluto entered my 6th, it has been very, very...
  8. K

    Any insights into the coming year based on my chart would be very much appreciated

    Thank you for taking the time to look at my chart and reply.
  9. K

    The March of Destiny

    So apparently March 2023 (otherwise known as the March of Destiny, will bring transformational change. What do you anticipate for this and the coming year? I found one particular article which gives me hope:
  10. K

    Any insights into the coming year based on my chart would be very much appreciated

    I've been having such a difficult time of my life since 2008, when pluto moved into capricorn. It's moving into Aquarius next month and i'm desperately hoping this may be the start of a turnaround in my life. Many of my horoscopes have talked about change and transformation but they all speak of...
  11. K

    When will it ever end?

    Can anyone help with my chart interpretation? I have been going through a very very difficult time since 2015,with no let up, and am wondering when it will ever end. I know i am going through a saturn return but this hellhole has felt relentless for years and i need my life back. Is there any...
  12. K

    When will it ever end?

    Hi all, i'm still a beginner when it comes to interpreting my chart and would be very grateful if anyone could help. Since 2015 i have been going through a ridiculously tough time that just hasn't let up at all. I know other geminis have also been struggling since the same time but would love...