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  1. T

    Whole Sign Aspects

    Hi, AJ I understand all that, just having a little problems to put everything correctly in sentences :rolleyes: Something like that. Planets are still in square but it's kind of "softer" square because planets are sharing signs of the same triplicity. I haven't read all translated texts, so...
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    Whole Sign Aspects

    I need degrees in those out of sign relations especially. If planets are in square by degrees but in trine by whole signs there is concordance between them. And vice versa. Sorry, I would like to elaborate more, but english is not my native language so composing sentences which include technical...
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    Whole Sign Aspects

    This is Dykes' comment from Hephaistio.
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    Whole Sign Aspects

    The closer the better. We need degrees to determine whether aspect is getting stronger or weaker. That's in general. In your first example, I would consider the Sun-Mercury relation as conjunction by degree which is getting rapidly weaker. They are too close together, as Sun is already at the...
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    Whole Sign Aspects

    The truth is out there :D Signs matters most in my opinion. Aspects nature is changing according to planets sign positions. Although number of degrees between planets in aspect can tell us how intensive that aspect is, signs nature determines whether aspect is concordant or not.
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    Puzzling interpretation - Johannes Angelus and Firmicus

    Hi, Petosiris! Thank you for your answers. Just wondering if sign genders are a little bit overestimating according to this?
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    Puzzling interpretation - Johannes Angelus and Firmicus

    Hi! For some time one particular interpretation from Johanes' Astrological Optics bothers me a lot. Similar can be found in Mathesis. Jupiter is a male planet, Leo is a male sign. If Sun is in opposition to Leo ascendant and Jupiter in it, it will be in Aq which is also a male sign. So what's...
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    Chart precision

    Well, some are also aware that copying and recopying is not the only reason for errors :)
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    Chart precision

    Thank you all for your replies! :) @JupiterAsc I disagree. Yes, there were chart errors made by scribes, but not all of them. For example, try to reconstruct in modern software some horoscopes given by Luca Gaurico in Geophonensis Tractatus Astrologicus and you'll find too many wrong positions...
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    Chart precision

    That chart is GOOD chart. But positions mentioned by Dorotheus (MA Le; VE Vi; JU and MO Li; SA, SU and ME Sc) are NOT correct. You can't get those positions Dorotheus mentioning in modern software.
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    Chart precision

    @JupiterASC Well, MOST LIKELY isn't good enough ;) Charts I looked were calculated in Tropical zodiac. @mdinaz Dorotheus doesn't provide dates, just positions Like this example: MA Le; VE Vi; JU and MO Li; SA, SU and ME Sc. And here is reconstructed chart It doesn't surprise me, actually...
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    Chart precision

    No, calendar is not a problem. Nevertheless, look at Saturn :)
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    Chart precision

    Mdinaz, tnx for answering :) Well, I'm still very confused. Example from Dorotheus (new translation from Ben Dykes): SA 12° Sagittarius, Mercury 22° Libra, Sun 22° Libra (no mention if Mercury is cazimi or combust) etc. Proper positions are: SA 1° Sagittarius, Mercury 13° Libra, Sun 7° Libra...
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    Chart precision

    Hi! I have some rather philosophical question. Astrologers always insist on precise birth time and often say that even one minute of difference can change something in the chart. But when we read old texts, we can find everything but accurate charts: if ascending sign is correct planet...
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    Delineating Parents In A Natal Chart

    Thank you very much tsmall :) No, I didn't specify. I just mentioned hellenistic astrology because of significators. In medieval delineations concerning parents, there are more significators to investigate: natural significators and Lots and their lords, also Lords of the 4th and 10th or in some...
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    Delineating Parents In A Natal Chart

    This is a passage from Rhetorius (Astrological Compendium, trans. James Holden, ch. 97, pg. 145-146) Rhetorius didn't mention Lord of 4th or 10th house. Other hellenistic sources says the same, more or less.
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    Delineating Parents In A Natal Chart

    Well, for example, I want to examine how native and his parents get along. If Lord of the Ascendant is Sun, then father couldn't be represented by the same planet. In hellenistic astrology, Lord of the 4th house represented BOTH parents. 10th house didn't bear any parental significations. So...
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    Delineating Parents In A Natal Chart

    I asked purely theoretically although my rising sign is Leo :) I presume, if Sun is already taken for being lord of the ascendant in day chart, it could not represent father as well. Or it can? Similarly, if rising sign in woman's nativity (in a day chart) is Taurus so Venus being lady of the...
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    Greetings everyone

    Thanks Blaze, I'm Cancer-sun bro :) Moon is also in Cancer
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    Delineating Parents In A Natal Chart

    So, we have natural (universal) significators of parents - Sun by day and Saturn by night for father, and Venus by day and Moon by night for mother. Beyond that, we should consider Lot of father and Lot of mother etc. But, what happens if one of the planets is lord of the ascending sign as...