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  1. H

    Could I be Indigo

    Michael Shulman has a good book on the Moon's Nodes, called Karmic Astrology, Volume 1: The Moon's Nodes and Astrology. However, I find Stephen Arroyo's classic, Astrology, Karma, and Transformation: The Inner Dimension of the Birth Chart far more comprehensive, though the booka didn't mention...
  2. H

    Could I be Indigo

    Oh, one more. I just looked at your chart. Your Mean North Node is in close conjunct with your Pluto in Scorpio, in the 9th House. (I usually use True North Node, but whatever, this works too). These questions you are asking about yourself, about spirituality, about the cosmos will be...
  3. H

    Could I be Indigo

    I've heard of starseeds. I've also met people who have incarnated from other dimensions. One of them is quite old, I think past his 60s. Actually, pretty much all of us have incarnated from elsewhere. The cycles of incarnations have been going on for a very long time (think, millions of...
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    Could I be Indigo

    According the original book published to put this together, The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived, Lee Carroll and Jan Tober, they interviewed the woman who first brought this to light. Her name is Nancy Ann Tappe. Tappe wrote a book called Understanding Your Life Through Color, and she...
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    Voyager 1 Reaches Bizarre Region of Space, Upsets Known Models

    I didn't know which subforum to put this, and this looks like one as good as any. I think it has relevance to astrology, when considering the transcendental influences or consciousness emanating from the rest of the galaxy. Voyager 1 is a probe sent out a while ago and it has reached a region...
  6. H

    Invention - When did we Stop?

    Or cleaning up and sealing the Fukushima reactors. I've been hearing that it has not been completely sealed, and people have been irradiated in the region.
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    Summer Solstice Mundane Influence - Sun Ingresses Tropical Cancer Today

    This is interesting. Did you just come up with it, or did you see it in a vision, or? In a working some friends and I did during the nuclear missile threat earlier in the spring, we saw part of this (scared little boy). The imagery also applied to the US. The mother figure made sense though it...
  8. H

    Global meltdown

    More Pluto in Capricorn: Nothing that's really surprising for those who have been tracking this for decades -- but that it made it onto something as mainstream as the NY Times is part of the process of pulling out the hidden things that no longer serves, looking at it in the eye, and letting...
  9. H

    Global meltdown

    I had a visionary experience relating to my Saturn square Neptune (along with a Mercury trine) in my birth charts. In that experience, I did not feel any tension at all. And waking up, I realized, there can't be tension when things involve the transcendental planets. Thinking on it some more...
  10. H

    Invention - When did we Stop?

    Re: Invention - When did we Stop? Uranus Cycles I understand your point and I disagree. I'm not talking about "signs of progress". Each of those things I listed are world-changing; it's just not obvious.
  11. H

    Invention - When did we Stop?

    Re: Invention - When did we Stop? Uranus Cycles They are not dull, you just can't see them. Here are some interesting ones: - Deep Belief Networks, about 2008. Their full potential has not yet blossomed, and to understand it's impact, you have to have enough understanding of how DBN works...
  12. H

    Global meltdown

    Re: Warning Come to think of it, isn't this a micro-level manifestation of Pluto in Capricorn? :-) Here's another article along the same vein.
  13. H

    Global meltdown

    Glad to hear it :-) I had not thought too much about what Neptune in Pisces means. By first house of Pisces, do you mean that Neptune is transiting through the sign it rules? Stephen Arroyo has some interesting information that makes sense to me (as in, I tried feeling it with my mind to...
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    Global meltdown

    We're moving towards decentralization, playing out the promise of first manifested in the intermodal containerization, and later in the form of personal computers and the internet. In other words, we're taking a step beyond democracy. Democracies and representational republics are limited to...
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    Global meltdown

    About a month ago, I had a vision on what Neptune square Saturn felt like. It made perfect sense, yet it did not feel like there was tension. Any tension that might be experience is what we bring to the table. The same is true of Pluto Square Uranus. They are both emanating transcendental...
  16. H

    North Node in Pisces and second house, South Node in Virgo

    Those don't really give much useful insights, but maybe that's what someone needs right now.
  17. H

    North Node in Pisces and second house, South Node in Virgo

    I don't know where you got your information from. I suggest Martin Schulman's Karmic Astrology Volume 1: The Moon's Nodes an Reincarnation. I've had the fortune of glimpsing fragments (not full memories) of my past life experiences. When I read the descriptions for where my North and South...
  18. H

    Calculating South Node Aspects

    Some updated information (May 2013) South Node is always in exact opposition to the North Node. See: will compute the South Node. There, it is called the "Descending Node". You can find it in the "Extended Chart Selection", in the section of...
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    Writing a new astrology software

    I am writing a new astrology software. I intend to open-source it (so it is free and you can remix it). I need some help with the math. Where can I find resources on modeling planetary orbits? Or the math to compute a natal chart by hand? For those interested, this is my motivation. Halloran's...
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    Boston Marathon Bombing

    There's a counter to this. As someone earlier on the thread said, we should be focusing on peace, not the fear. Let's go one step further. There are many, many prayer groups around the world. Like manifesting good fortune in your life (in conjunction with celestial emanations, of course)...