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  1. D

    Solar Return 2025 - can it bring positive changes?

    Maybe someone will tell me their answer about more specific areas like love and career. I have feelings for someone living abroad, but it’s just a friendship now, and I was wondering if there are any indications of a change in this area in my Solar return chart.
  2. D

    Saturn transiting composite Venus

    Hi, I’m seeking insights into the possible impacts of a transiting Saturn conjunct composite Venus. Have you experienced it or know some real-life examples?
  3. D

    Solar Return 2025 - can it bring positive changes?

    Hi all, I’m wondering if this year can bring some positive changes. I’d be glad to learn how to interpret the chart.
  4. D

    Will he invite me for the Bew Year’s Eve

    No, there’s no invitation, only news about the obstacles caused by moving out and other difficulties. And even if there was one, I wouldn't be able to accept it. I’ve caught a terrible cold and will be spending the New Year’s Eve recovering at home.
  5. D

    Will he invite me for the Bew Year’s Eve

    To give an update that might refer somehow to the chart, he had to move out from his flat just before Christmas.
  6. D

    Will he invite me for the Bew Year’s Eve

    Thank you for the explanations. That’s good to know. I meant only this one particular event in my question. However, some time ago I read a thread saying you can always see more things in the horary chart, the future development of the situation and so on. It also said negative answers relate to...
  7. D

    Will he invite me for the Bew Year’s Eve

    Ah, sorry, I meant that the Moon already separated from Jupiter, and the only applying Moon’s aspect is with Sun, but I’m also not sure what it can be. That’s probably just my wrong interpretation, cause I was wondering what kind of obstacle Saturn is here. Could it be a mother? And for me...
  8. D

    Will he invite me for the Bew Year’s Eve

    Thank you for the answer, Ilene. I’m wondering though if you meant the Moon making a square to the Sun, cause that’s the only applying aspect I could find. I’m also wondering if the square means a delay or no meeting at all, and I’m curious what Saturn can symbolizes here. Maybe it shows the...
  9. D

    Will he invite me for the Bew Year’s Eve

    Hi. I was wondering if someone I met last month might make a step forward and invite me to, f. ex., spend the New Year’s Eve together. We live in different countries and met only briefly. There wasn’t anything romantic between us, but we spend several days hanging out together and talking, and I...
  10. D

    Do you think it can be something?

    Our first meeting chart might look like this (+- one hour earlier or later).
  11. D

    Do you think it can be something?

    It was the 20th of November this year, after 11 p.m., or it could be the 21st around midnight/1 a.m. We met through a friend of his. I met his friend while in a line to watch a movie at a film festival. After the film, we went to eat and grab some drinks, and he appeared there. That’s how we met.
  12. D

    Do you think it can be something?

    Oh, there’s one thing I noticed in progressions. My progressed Vertex is now exactly on my Moon in the 7th house, but that’s the only thing I noticed that could point to an important meeting.
  13. D

    Do you think it can be something?

    Thank you Thank you very much for your answer. Yes, the Moon conjunct Venus in my 7th house, I think it works, as I saw him as someone that actually could be good for me, and very different from my usual choices. Also his Juno near my Descendant. The Moon and Sun relationship as you said...
  14. D

    Do you think it can be something?

    Oh, I’m sorry, I excluded that part. Here it is all together.
  15. D

    Do you think it can be something?

    We just met, but the impact was very strong. Something I didn’t look for, but it just happend and I met someone who become close to my heart. It’s a friendly relationship. We met briefly, just a couple of days. I’m wondering if that friendship can survive or even could develop into something...
  16. D

    Is he stalking me?

    Thank you. In this situation, I feel I am the victim (Pisces?) and I'm not looking for reconciliation unless he's willing to apologize. He's passive, and I believe even if he wanted to change the situation he wouldn't be able to because he doesn't like confrontation. And I don't accept...
  17. D

    Is he stalking me?

    Thank you for your input. It wasn't this way. I asked a question with the exact intention given in the topic. I haven't asked if we'll get back together and only asked if he's stalking me after noticing some particular things on my social media. I gave more information to confirm IleneK's...
  18. D

    Is he stalking me?

    Hi, thank you! You are right. I do have feelings for him. To give you more background, we were involved for a short time. He moved to someone else, who is, apparently, the right one. Despite that, I have a feeling he still wants to know everything about me and is checking on me online very...
  19. D

    Is he stalking me?

    Thank you for your input. However, now I'm a bit confused since as far as I know, we don't take Pluto, and Uranus into account in horary astrology. I see him as Moon, Sun, and Mercury, and I am Saturn and Jupiter. I focused on my 12th house (secrets, hidden enemies, etc.), and the applying...
  20. D

    Is he stalking me?

    I looked at him, the Moon, and saw he was in my 12th house. I'm Saturn and he's in Capricorn. I also noticed the applying aspect between the Moon and Jupiter. That was my thinking, but I'm a novice.